5'8 Ladies, I have two question for ya!

I meant to say two questions, with an S at the end, oops!

Hey everyone,
My weight has been in the high 200's for as long as I can remember. My current weight loss goal is 175 but some say that this is still to big for my height of 5'8. What do yall think? Also, if you are 5'8 and weigh 175, what size jeans do you wear? Any size below an 18 wide would make me a very happy girl!

Thanks in advance:}


  • Ambi1s
    Ambi1s Posts: 1
    I too am 5'8, and always weighed no more than 235lbs, but wear a size 13-14 in jeans. I too wish to be 175 because I think that is a good weigtloss goal for me to start with. In my opinion it just all depends on your personal preference. If you feel that you look great at 175 then try to keep it steady. If not aim to lose more.
  • colson72687
    Hey, I just started this a couple months ago and have seen great results. I'm just at 5'8" and started this process at 195lbs. I'm now down to about 173 and my goal is about 155-160. I was at a size 14 in pants, but now am about a size 10-12. It is possible to get lower than your goal but its hard to say if that's too big or too small for you. Every person is different and we all carry our weight differently. Also, some people have an easier time keeping weight off than others, so what is a good weight for you to maintain may not be the same for someone else. Like the person said above me, it's what your personal preference is and how you feel at that weight. Keep up the good work and just remember that it may not always be the number on the scale or what other people THINK you should weight in order to look good (which I'm sure you are beautiful no matter what), it's how you feel and where you wanna be. Good luck with the weight loss...friend me if you ever need any support or motivation! :)
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 5'8 and when I started my weight loss (this time) I was 173 in a 14-12 pant size depenting upon the cut. I am now 17 lbs lighter and in a 12-10 with the 12's being almost too big and the 10's are getting loose.

    About 10 years ago I tipped the scales at 205 and wore a TIGHT 14. I have the pics to prove it, just don't know how to upload yet but I will figure it out one day and run a thread. I went on a fitness journey at that time to and got down to 135, fitting into an 8-6. Took me about a year and a half to do it and 8 to gain back the 40 lbs :-(

    This time I hope not to gain back the weight!!
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I think you should keep your goal at 175 and reassess when you get there. That said, I am 5'8" and started at 162. That was my heaviest weight ever and so I don't feel like myself at that weight, but it's all relative.
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5"7' and 3/4 (172cm exactly). I currectly weight 168lb (and loving it) and don't want to go below 155lb. hHave goal in mind to have something to aim to but keep it flexiable as you will know what you like and what is best for you when you reach it. Beacuse of how I carry my weight I have two reactions from people at the moment either don't lose anymore or You looked good before but you look really good now. I don't take either on board because it my opinion of myself that counts. Sometime I think the number on the scale isn't so important, a clothes size or certain amount of inches around the hips, waist etc can be more useful.