Has anyone gone from eating less calories to more calories?



  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    bump for later

    I did. Details later.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    I went from eating 1200 calories to eating 3114 calories. Down 8lbs so far.

    Also check our group out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3817-eat-more-to-weigh-less

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Started at 1800, now around 3000 ish
  • setlak
    setlak Posts: 3 Member
    How can I find out more about the Eat More Weigh Less group and how to calculate the BMR? I think this is my problem. I am having trouble losing 10 pounds. I work out about 3-4 times and week, consume about 1200 cal a day and eat healthy but I am not losing weight.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    How can I find out more about the Eat More Weigh Less group and how to calculate the BMR? I think this is my problem. I am having trouble losing 10 pounds. I work out about 3-4 times and week, consume about 1200 cal a day and eat healthy but I am not losing weight.

    You can join the group here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3817-eat-more-to-weigh-less

    All the info you need should be in there but in case it's not... this is what I am doing (everyone is different but it's working for me!):

    * Calculate your TDEE (http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html)
    * What I did was set my activity levels at the lowest (so little or no exercise)
    * Take 15% or 20% off your TDEE (depends on how fast you want to lose weight)
    * Set this as your calorie count for the day
    * Make sure you log any exercise during each day
    * Eat back at least 50% of those exercise calories 'earned'

    So, for me (5' 8'' and 183lbs), my TDEE is 1900 calories, my target calories (TDEE minus 20%) is just over 1540 calories and if I do any exercise (for example today I earned 200 calories) I eat around 50% of those calories on top.

    This gives steady, achievable weight loss and ensures your body has the fuel it needs to exercise.

    Hope this makes sense!
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I had 1240 is what it wanted and I was at a bit of a stall I took my calories up to 1680 and now lossing again.
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Has anyone gone from eating less calories to more calories and still lost weight? Im eating 1200 currently but i'm not losing(im actually gaining :( ) Its been suggested I eat more (~1500) but im scared i'll gain weight. I workout 4-6x a week, burning between 400-550 calories. What have u guys experienced?

    I started at 1,200 and lost the first month and lost a little less the month after that and a little less the month after that (see a trend?) I upped my calories to 1,560 and the weight started coming off faster again :happy: I was terrified to try it, but I gave it a shot and it worked! I don't eat back as much of my exercise calories, but it has definitely helped me!
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Yes. I went from 1200 to 1400; still plateaued and went up to 1600-1700 and lost the last 3-4 lbs I needed in a few weeks. Now maintaining around 2000.

    Good for you!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    If I only eat about 1200, working out 3-4 times a week, I get nowhere. Need to eat those workout calories back, at least.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Bump...very interested!
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    YES!!! I was at 1200 and was wondering why the pounds weren't coming off. I workout a ton and wasn't eating back my exercise calories which was a big mistake. My nets were way too low. I decided to base my calorie intake off of my BMR and TDEE and that has made a huge difference.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm a believer. I was maintaining 140lbs at 1200 calories a day (net). Upping to at least 1600 and I'm finally starting to see progress.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Just upped mine because I'm stuck at my last 10 and figure what have I got to lose but pounds just started it this week tho. I was at 1200 and couldn't lose more.
  • tamaraland
    tamaraland Posts: 10
    It made me nervous to add more calories, but it seems to me if you're not getting enough you risk putting your body in starvation mode and it will hold on to as much of the calories as it can store. I'm giving myself 200 more calories a day for good measure and doing much better with dropping, with my ocassional plateaus every 10 pounds or so regardless of what I eat
  • Xmashigh
    Xmashigh Posts: 1 Member
    I have i couldn't crack a 1000 calories a day, but now i consistently eat around 1400-1500. My trainer also changed my ratio of carbs/protein/fat once i changed to that diet i dropped 3lbs overnight (w/o using the bathroom between the time). Do it :wink:
  • atoffan
    atoffan Posts: 13 Member
    I just did this about 2 weeks ago. I had just reduced calories because I had lost another 10 pounds and the site suggested it. I got down to 1560 cal/day for 1.5 pound loss per week. After I did that I stopped losing for about 4 weeks. I decided to change the goal to lose 1 pound per week and increased calories to 1770. Since then I have lost 2 more pounds in 2 weeks and am back on track. I think avoiding reducing calories below your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is a good strategy.
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    I did as well. I went from 1200 to 1440 to 1560. The only time I didn't lose was when I was at 1200. It's counter-intuitive. I was scared to do it, but for me anyway it seems that if I want to work out, my body burns fat better when it has a bit more fuel.