Im finally ready...

I have said for years that i wanted to lose weight and i was tired of being as big as i am. The last time i weighed myself i was about 265 but that has been a while since i dont even own a scale, i avoid them with everything i have and i dont want to do this anymore. My sister signed up here and told me about it and so i decided to try it out. I signed up was motivated then nothing...this time is diferent i have set a few small goals along with my one big goal. I guess what im looking for here is some motivation for the hard times. I like reading success stories because seeing other people that have been in the same battle as me is a real motivater.

I read this somewhere and it has stuck with me lately Today is yesterdays tomorrow!!!!


    SOCALGIRLY38 Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck... slow and steady wins the race and everyday is a new day... no use wasting time on what could have been.
  • diana4583
    diana4583 Posts: 20
    I agree its so hard though but i know this time i will do ok since my first goal was to cut back soda to 1 can a day and the first day i had 1 can and yesterday i had if i keep this up im off to a good start.
  • fitnhealthy21
    You can do this, and we are here for you every step of the way. Good luck with your journey toward a healthy happy life! =)
  • 23SVM88
    23SVM88 Posts: 47
    You can do it!!!! It takes a time & patience!! Feel free to add me!