Not new to this site at all, but have a new situation.

I'm pregnant!

Everything changes from this point forward with how I go about eating a exercising.
But that doesn't mean I WANT to eat everything in the entire HOUSE and then some!

Would love friends. I need all the support I can get.

I need motivation to get off my exhausted *kitten* and do just a WEE bit of exercise, or just eat a WEE bit less. Hell, it's not like I'm carrying a watermelon yet. I want to stay in control and NOT gain a TON of weight. 25-30 lbs is healthy.


  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Congrats on the little one on the way!!! Eating right will be extremely important now. Good luck with the lifesyle updates. We all appreciate your husband serving our country.

    Feel free to add me for continued support along the way!
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    All I can say is CONGRATULATIONS!

    And be safe... I can say that, too... Actually, I lied. I can say a lot of things...
  • abbieissofatlike
    good luck!!:DD and an idea for getting more exercise in would be walking, just do like 3 half hour walks a day and BAM! you have and hour and a half of exercise already!:D
  • CuteWittleWifey
    I love walking.
    We live on a nice 3 mile loop.
    Walk for today, CHECK!
    Gonna brave the gym a little bit too.
    Its just hard because I get so HUNGRY!
    And I eat HUGE dinners!
  • kkwebster
    kkwebster Posts: 40 Member
    When I was pregnant, one thing I liked to remind myself of was that I was feeding a kid. So I always thought "What would I want my kid to eat?" Would I rather have my kid eat a brownie or an apple.

    It helped a lot.

    My situation was different though, I went into the pregnancy overweight, but stuck to my stuff and only gained 5 pounds.

    Another thing I reminded myself when I was hungry was that the baby needs more vitamins... so if I was hungry I would eat more fruits and veggies.

    Congratulations! Pregnancy is fun!
  • YankeesLvr52
    YankeesLvr52 Posts: 64 Member
    Congrats on the the future addition!!!!! Feel free to add me! I will be glad to provide any support I can! And tell your husband HOOAH!!!! From one Army guy to another! :)