ladies over 40



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Posts like these remind me why I walked away from an unhealthy relationship 8 years sorry you hear that kind of crap. Because, it is CRAP. And you know it Kary! There's a huge difference between him saying "why even try" and discouraging you, and people being concerned that you might injure yourself, which is a real issue when you are our age. When I started running 15 or so months ago, my mom was concerned about my age because she thought I would hurt myself--but she got over it very quickly as she watched me lose 40 lbs and gain a healthy lifestyle and new passion for running...the few people in my life who were of the "why try" mentality have been kicked to the curb...
  • mamnboston
    mamnboston Posts: 81
    Sounds like your hubby wants you the way you are for fear if you become too fit, too sexy and too smart, other men will take notice and fly the coop...what is this, the dark ages?
  • orr_stacie
    orr_stacie Posts: 48 Member
    Im doing it so that I can be around for my hubby and little boys for years and years to come. I'm sorry your husband isn't being more supportive of you. Add me as a friend and I would be more than happy to support you!
  • mnharrell
    mnharrell Posts: 3 Member
    On this morning's news was a 76 year old lady who skydives regularly . She said that the key to having fun in your later years is to exercise. When you exercise, you can do anything you want to do! You don't have to be limited by your fears of getting hurt or your inability to perform. So, get up and go exercise, then do something you have always wanted to do!! (That is the reward part!) Example: I am going to go sailing in July! I hope to learn something about handling the boat in the open ocean.
    So...pick a target and go for it!

    Nan (Will be 54 this month!)
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    I’m 42 and I do it because I want to be strong and fit enough to do all the things I’ve never done before that I can finally afford and have time to do…. Kayaking, hiking, sailing, rock climbing!
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    My hubby wasn't so suppoertive either so I just kept it to myself, started walking in the evening and doing exercise videos when he wasn't around. He's sure noticed it now, now that I threw out all my frumpy old clothes and bought two sizes smaller (yes, they fit), my point is, screw him, he'll come around once you start respecting yourself.
  • ttbauer
    ttbauer Posts: 1
    I'm 47 and I am fortunate enough to have a free gym at work which I try to utilize at least 3 times a week (20 min cardio and about 20 minutes of weights). I've never been "fit" or "athletic" but when the gym closed last Fall, I felt like I needed to keep moving so I started walking, then running 1/2 mile during the walk, then a mile, and so on. Well, I was able to complete a 5K race on Thanksgiving morning. My time was not spectacular but I never got below a jog. What a great way to start the biggest pig-out day of the year! Last month, I completed a 10K! Did I mention that I am 47 and NOT ATHLETIC! You need to do what makes you feel as good on the inside as it does on the outside. While we may not have the bikini bodies of our youth, we aren't in the grave yet either. YOU GO, GIRL!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 826 Member
    I'm 51 and have knee surgery yesterday. Believe me, I cannot wait to get to the gym!! I didn't start working out on a regular basis until I was in my late 30's.

    If your husband needs another reason (besides the excellent ones the others gave you) , you can tell him about my neighbors. He is turning 96 and she will be 90 this year. Until about 5 years ago, he rode a bike quite often. His wife does Jazzercise three times a week, mows the lawn, and shovels snow when one is watching.:wink: She can do all those things because she stays active. And she moves quickly, like someone half her age. I asked her once if she had always been athletic and she said, no, she didn't start working out until her 40's!
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    I am 47, I want to be in better shape so that when I need to keep up with my children and grand children I can. I go to the ymca and there are regulars there in their 70's who are in great shape, | hope to be one of those people when I am that age, I want to be able to enjoy retirement when I get there not be stuck on the sidelines watching everyone else have fun. I also do not want to have to deal with health issues such as diabetes and heart disease that run in my family. The health benefits of exercise are one of the best reasons in my opinion to get out and do something like join a gym.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm doing it for me!! I was so tired of how felt and how I looked. But you have to want to do this for yourself! You will not be successful doing it for anyone else! You are worth it!!
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    i told my dear husband that i wanted to join a gym.. he told me i'm not 20 anymore.. why even try..

    so my question for those of you over 40.. why are you doing it.. why are you trying to eat well and look great.. seems my dear unsuportive husband cant figure it out.. i would like give him some answers.

    "Because I want to." (nuff said.) ;)
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    To get healthy--these extra pounds are finally causing some health concerns.

  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I and my husband both workout and are staying healthy now so when we retire, we hopefully (God willing) will have a high quality of life and travel and not be bed redden or in a wheel chair. It not all about looks! Although, I do plan on rocking a bikini next August when we celebrate our 30 year anniversary in Hawaii! I 'll be 49! Hubby 52!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    Because I am alive... and I want to live until I die.
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    I will be 43 in August. Turning 40 was a huge deal for me and decided to kick it's *kitten*.
    I started running the summer I turned 40.
    I now run at least 18km a week and have lost 14 pounds. I'm currently the weight I was when I got married.

    And I"m rocking 40.
    I do it for this reason: "You don't look forty!"

    LOVE IT!
  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    Happy wife, happy life.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Lol....that's okay. You stick with the gym, you'll show him. You will be thin, & healthy and....probably out live him
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    47 years young here and I'm doing it for me, to feel good about myself and how I look when I look in the mirror.
    I'm also doing it so one day I can be the hot and fit Grandma or hell even Great Grandma!
    and one more history of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
    No thanks...I like being prescription free and active!
  • FriendsR4EverTreasures
    Because "I" can and it's for "me" and age has "no limits" honestly..........Kick him to the curve IMO
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    My hubby wasn't so suppoertive either so I just kept it to myself, started walking in the evening and doing exercise videos when he wasn't around. He's sure noticed it now, now that I threw out all my frumpy old clothes and bought two sizes smaller (yes, they fit), my point is, screw him, he'll come around once you start respecting yourself.
