Banks....I know you'll give me the right answer!

Hey! So I'm sitting here, plugging in my foods, exercises, etc., and it occurred to me that maybe I should be happy with where I am in my weight & not always fighting for a lower number. I know what it's like to weigh almost 300 pounds, and up until a couple of months ago, I knew what it was like to weigh in the 130's. I've now quit smoking for 2 months (with no aids) and I feel that I have a handle on my weight....I'm up, but I'm not growing. At 5'9", 147 pounds, I believe my BMI was about 22. My question to you Banks (hopefully you'll read this) and to anyone else with an answer, Is there any benefits to me getting to the lowest possible weight point in my weight range, or should I chill out and relax?


  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    Hey! So I'm sitting here, plugging in my foods, exercises, etc., and it occurred to me that maybe I should be happy with where I am in my weight & not always fighting for a lower number. I know what it's like to weigh almost 300 pounds, and up until a couple of months ago, I knew what it was like to weigh in the 130's. I've now quit smoking for 2 months (with no aids) and I feel that I have a handle on my weight....I'm up, but I'm not growing. At 5'9", 147 pounds, I believe my BMI was about 22. My question to you Banks (hopefully you'll read this) and to anyone else with an answer, Is there any benefits to me getting to the lowest possible weight point in my weight range, or should I chill out and relax?
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    If you feel good (and judging by your pics you look great!), I wouldn't sweat going any lower than you have too. If you are within healthy range, you are far ahead of a great deal of people, so sit back, relax and be proud of yourself for being healthy!!! :happy:

    Oh, and sincere gratz on quitting your smoking habit!!! WOOHOO!!!
  • nannascot
    nannascot Posts: 48 Member
    :smile: Well done you, no you shouldn't be worrying. You are right at the point I am aiming for - 147 pounds and the same height; I have seven more pounds to lose and the last seven are always the hardest but at least I feel fitter. Just been out walking for two hours and covered six miles in the beautiful Scottish Highlands - how lucky we are. Enjoy your healthy weight and congrats on the no smoking challenge, you'll win that one too. :happy:
  • jekaufman
    A couple of weeks ago my gym started a biggest loser type contest. Last night in our meeting, the trainer said you should first judge your success on how you feel, then on how your clothes fit and last on the number on the scale. I've lost 7 lbs, not even close to the most lost so far in the contest but when I started I couldn't run a mile. Night before last I ran 2 miles without stopping. I'm now going to use the number on the scale as just a bonus and not a determining factor in my success.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    :smile: Just been out walking for two hours and covered six miles in the beautiful Scottish Highlands - how lucky we are.

    *JEALOUS!!!* :frown:
  • 5KNohno
    5KNohno Posts: 503
    :smile: Just been out walking for two hours and covered six miles in the beautiful Scottish Highlands - how lucky we are.

    *JEALOUS!!!* :frown:
    Scotland is one of the prettiest places I've ever visited. I loved :heart: the Highlands, but its still hard to beat the Blue Ridge Mountains. No place like home.:heart::heart:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I know that when the day comes that I can get down to my goal weight of 149 ( I'm 5'8" and 176 now.) I will be so excited, but yet I might still think the same thoughts that you're having... losing a little more to get back to that lower weight I once was, unfortunately weight will always be an obssesion for me. Yet I know that in reality it is all about how you feel; having a trim, fit body, having more energy and better health, not all about the number on the scale.
    How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you pleased with the size clothes you are wearing? You do look very nice in your pics! 147 looks good on you! Would getting under 140 really be healthy for your height?
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    :smile: Just been out walking for two hours and covered six miles in the beautiful Scottish Highlands - how lucky we are.

    *JEALOUS!!!* :frown:
    Scotland is one of the prettiest places I've ever visited. I loved :heart: the Highlands, but its still hard to beat the Blue Ridge Mountains. No place like home.:heart::heart:

    Gotta agree there. I love the Scottish Highlands though, one of the reasons why I love my area so much, it's like Scotland away from Scotland. :bigsmile:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I know that when the day comes that I can get down to my goal weight of 149 ( I'm 5'8" and 176 now.) I will be so excited, but yet I might still think the same thoughts that you're having... losing a little more to get back to that lower weight I once was, unfortunately weight will always be an obssesion for me. Yet I know that in reality it is all about how you feel; having a trim, fit body, having more energy and better health, not all about the number on the scale.
    How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you pleased with the size clothes you are wearing? You do look very nice in your pics! 147 looks good on you! Would getting under 140 really be healthy for your height?

    I have to admit that I am guilty of this also. I am at my original goal weight, but it's been so easy to lose since I joined MFP that I am going to another 10 pounds. More to tone up than anything, but honestly, I feel great, and I don't scare children anymore when I take my shirt off. (well...not most of them anyway). So I could probably stop here and be happy. :happy:
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    You look great now and you're weight is in the middle of the healthy range so if you feel ok there's no need to loose any more.
    If you want to be in good shape (maybe even loose some inches) just exercise more.
  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    Wow, I left the house for a little bit and was DELIGHTED to get so many insights! Does anyone know if it is actually better for my BMI to be at the lowest number (which I believe is like 18?) rather than the 22? I mean, are there more health benefits? I'm not opposed to a little more work if there is a real value-added to achieving a lower number~I am an avid gym goer and certainly know what I SHOULD be eating :wink: As for how I feel about my appearance, I'm pretty pleased with myself when I see my reflection in the mirror (even with nothing on :blushing: ) and am EXTREMELY happy with the non-:smokin: (had about a 1 1/2-2 pack a-day habit) . Gosh, I'm 40 and maybe I'm just looking for permission to stop obsessing!
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Wow, I left the house for a little bit and was DELIGHTED to get so many insights! Does anyone know if it is actually better for my BMI to be at the lowest number (which I believe is like 18?) rather than the 22? I mean, are there more health benefits? I'm not opposed to a little more work if there is a real value-added to achieving a lower number~I am an avid gym goer and certainly know what I SHOULD be eating :wink: As for how I feel about my appearance, I'm pretty pleased with myself when I see my reflection in the mirror (even with nothing on :blushing: ) and am EXTREMELY happy with the non-:smokin: (had about a 1 1/2-2 pack a-day habit) . Gosh, I'm 40 and maybe I'm just looking for permission to stop obsessing!

    Permission granted. You have done great. :happy:
  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    THANK YOU! You know, I really do actually feel better!!!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Well, first, I appreciate you're respect, I really do. Thank you!

    I'll give you what I think, and that is, an 18 BMI isn't necessarilly a great thing to be.
    that is the very bottom of the healthy range, bordering on unhealthly in the low range.
    so do I think you should be shooting for it? Not sure, that's really a personal choice.
    It also depends on you're body. Some frames can handle a bmi of 18, other's can't.

    I commend you on quitting smoking! I think that's AWESOME, and a difficult thing to do!

    I'll tell you my take on it, it works for some, and not so much for others but here it is.

    Nobody, not even your trainer or doctor knows exactly where your weight should be until
    you are there. Some people's bodies like their weight a little higher, others can handle a little
    lower, every person is different. If you are at a weight you feel good at, and you feel like you
    can maintain, then I say stay there, either that or do what I'm doing right now. I'm staying at
    about 100 calories lower then maintenance right now, I still want to get rid of a few stubborn points
    but my BMI is about 24 (just under that). This means that any significant weight loss will take months, but it will be an easy time, I won't have to battle my body as hard, or worry about my food so much because I have plenty of energy and if I go under by 100 today, that's fine, cuz I have a nice, 300 calorie buffer, tomorrow I may go over by 100, no biggie, that just means I'm at maintenance calories for the day. Big deal! It took me 6 months to get here, I'm not going to worry about another 3 or 4 months cuz I am healthy, feeling great, and strong!

    One other thing you might want to do is find a place that does professional Body fat % tests, they have them around usually at clinics. They cost a bit, but you only need to do it once or twice. For women, anywhere from 11% to 25% is fine, for me, I'm at 16% as of last month (probably at 15% right now), and I'm shooting for 12 or 10% if I can. But I'm not going to worry about when I get there, cuz I'm in it for the long hall.

    I don't know if I answered your question or not, but I guess this is a very personal question that only you can answer, all I can do is offer advice.

    Best of luck, however you decide! :drinker:

  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Amen! :happy:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    My two cents on this issue. . .

    the best weight for you is one that you can maintain. If you're constantly losing/gaining five pounds to stay at a weight that's too low for you, that's more unhealthy than weighing what puts you at the top end of a healthy BMI.

    BMI also doesn't take into account body fat %, so I second the recommendation to get that tested...
    a much better goal is a body fat %, rather than a semi-meaningless magic number on the scale.

  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    Banks, I just KNEW you'd come through! Well (and I do have a trainer) , with the skin fold test, I have a fat percentage of 19%, my Tanita scale, depending on the time of day, says between I know I'm OK. Weight issues (and perpetual diets) have been a part of my life since I was 9 and I think I'm just coming to terms with the fact that, as long as I truly am in a healthy place (even more so without smoking), I need to show myself just a little more love than I am (now that I've said this, watch my new weight fall off of my bones :laugh: ). I REALLY appreciate this site....I REALLY appreciate your personal imput (thus my direct question)~it would have been wonderful to have had this resource 14 years ago when losing the original 150 lbs! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!! Kelli:flowerforyou: