Im learning to love my body

I have struggled with my weight FOREVER. I have cried and screamed and tore myself down over and over again. I have wished and wished I could be skinny, and envied other women's bodies. Not anymore. I am done with the get thin quick fad diets. SO DONE!!!! I I am on a journey to eventually lose 100 pounds. I know, from experience, that it is going to take me a while. As it should though. It has taken me 19 years to weigh 252 pounds, and I am not going to weigh 152 pounds in a month, or five months, maybe not even in a year. I am not setting myself up to fail anymore. Yeah, there are going to be a lot of days over the next year or two that I give in, and indulge myself WAY more than is healthy. Should I flog myself the next day? NO!! I should tell myself, I can and will do better tomorrow. No more games, or waiting. I am doing this! All support is appreciated!


  • KittyCDoll
    KittyCDoll Posts: 5
    I have been struggling with my weight gain and curvy body since I was 14. My mom's side of the family is super skinny and can eat whatever they want, while my dad's side is on the overweight-obese scale. Ever since I can remember my mom has been calling me fat and telling me how she wasn't my weight when she was my age. Every time I try to eat healthy she says something to discourage me. So despite her negative inputs I'm trying to be healthy and reach my goal weight of 145 by the end of the year. I'm 5'2 1/2 and currently weight 164. I'm trying to exercise five days out of the week and get into the rhythm of it.
  • kassikaysmith
    Twenty pounds will come off easy if you stick to your plan girl! Don't let anyone discourage you, especially yourself. And when your mother tells you those things, simply explain to her that you are not her, you are you. With your own unique metabolism and body structure. I hope that you are successful! I am rooting for you!
  • mrsrood
    mrsrood Posts: 13 Member
    Have you looked at fat2fitradio? I am doing what they suggest about eating like th thinner person you want to be. I have struggled with weight and self esteem issues. While I have about 20 pounds to lose, I actually feel the best about my body I have in a long time! I still have days I think I look horrible in everything, but it does not happen that often. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some support.
  • KittyCDoll
    Thank you :D you're kind words mean a lot to me.
  • sparklesnsht
    KittyCDoll, I've had the same problems as you. Ever since I can remember i've been overweight. My older sister and I have never gotten along, and since I was little she'd call me fat or ugly or a freak, and those words would just tear me down and i would give up hope. But after being off-and-on with diets ever since age 13, i'm finally gonna stick to this one. I know there's a lot of people on here who are supportive and will help us through this!
  • kassikaysmith
    mrsrood I haven't looked at that, but it really makes sense. I really love calorie counting because I don't feel like I am on a diet. I eat what I want, I just have to monitor how MUCH. It makes me sick how much food I used to consume because I thought I needed that much of it to be satisfied. It's all about portion control, it really is. As for thinking like a skinny person, I know way too many crazy skinny people who eat whatever they want without caring about portion size and still are thin (my fiance is included in this category). So I can't really eat like the skinny people I know. But my body is not their body. I need to focus on my goal to be healthy, not skinny. By june next year I am hoping to be 150, which is a healthy weight for my height. Feel free to add me for support!
  • Chelle_Davis
    Chelle_Davis Posts: 241
    I have struggled with my weight FOREVER. I have cried and screamed and tore myself down over and over again. I have wished and wished I could be skinny, and envied other women's bodies. Not anymore. I am done with the get thin quick fad diets. SO DONE!!!! I I am on a journey to eventually lose 100 pounds. I know, from experience, that it is going to take me a while. As it should though. It has taken me 19 years to weigh 252 pounds, and I am not going to weigh 152 pounds in a month, or five months, maybe not even in a year. I am not setting myself up to fail anymore. Yeah, there are going to be a lot of days over the next year or two that I give in, and indulge myself WAY more than is healthy. Should I flog myself the next day? NO!! I should tell myself, I can and will do better tomorrow. No more games, or waiting. I am doing this! All support is appreciated!

    I am so glad you wrote this post. Not only because it's so healthy for you, but it was inspirational to me. We SHOULD love ourselves and celebrate each step we take towards ultimate health. Yay on you!!!
  • KittyCDoll
    Yea, I'm just portion controlling. My parents hate buying health food, so they stopped sending me to buy groceries. However, my dad will get me my oatmeal, my yogurt, turkey, wheat bread, and low fat milk. It's when we don't have groceries is when I eat a lot of fast food but I do go to the gym and try killing myself doing cardio.