Young people who have always been overweight?

Hello! I'm 21, and it's actually getting into nursing school that kind of kick started me wanting to lose weight. When I hit 300 lbs, I decided enough was enough and started a regiment of low carb + exercise, and as a result... I'm 70 lbs down so far! :) With a year of college left until I'm a registered nurse, my goal is to reach my goal by the time I graduate, which I think is feasible the way I'm going.

November 2011: 306lbs
As of my last weigh-in today: 236

Anyway, I feel like a lot of people on here gained weight for whatever reason, but I've never had the experience of being skinny. I went from a chubby kid to a fat teenager. I'm hopin' I finally get to experience that feeling soon!

Anyone else young and/or been overweight since childhood need support buddies? I'd love some. Sometimes it's hard to resist binge eating an entire cheesecake. lol


  • Honey_2012
    Honey_2012 Posts: 12
    CONGRATULATIONS on your weigh loss so far !! 70lbs is a fantastic effort and if you continue to show that level of determination and perserverence - you will be at your goal weight in no time - well done!
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life as well. I would love to be friends! :-)
  • mj083111
    mj083111 Posts: 1
    Congratulations on your weight loss. It is amazing. When I was born I only weighed one pound twelve ounces. But as I grew up I caught up. Now at 18, I am at 215 lbs. All of my family is over weight and has diabetes and I want to prove to them and myself that I can over come this and show that it can stop at me. Do you have any big pointers?
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. It is amazing. When I was born I only weighed one pound twelve ounces. But as I grew up I caught up. Now at 18, I am at 215 lbs. All of my family is over weight and has diabetes and I want to prove to them and myself that I can over come this and show that it can stop at me. Do you have any big pointers?

    Pick something doable and stick with it. If you go on a crazy crash diet and exercise routine that kills you, you're going to keep up with it for a week and quit it. My doctor jokingly suggested, "it's either got to be low carb or vegetarian for you. Whatchya gonna do? Give up bread or chicken?"

    She was only half-joking. I picked low carb. And I lost my first 50 lbs doing that. Then I started working in carbs again, and I've continued to lose weight. I also started exercising a little bit. I did Hip Hop abs to start off with, and it's fun and easy..

    I also actually enter stuff into the food diary before I eat it, that way if something has too many calories in it, it puts me off from actually eating it. Haha.
  • Lush87
    Lush87 Posts: 6
    please add me i need friends!
  • Maiducali
    Maiducali Posts: 35
    You have done a great job. Don't worry I was always the "fat" girl and now at 20 I realize that I need to be healthier. I want to look 20 and feel it as long as possible. If you need support I'm here!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Been overweight my whole life from genetics. Well, genetics gets a little bit of the blame but not all of it! Hoping to turn things around. Add me if you want :)

    btw, good job so far!!!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    10.9lbs coming into this world
    age 7 - 135lbs
    age 12 -210lbs
    age 20- 423lbs
    age 27- about 200 :)

    want to lose about 20 more lbs
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    10.9lbs coming into this world
    age 7 - 135lbs
    age 12 -210lbs
    age 20- 423lbs
    age 27- about 200 :)

    want to lose about 20 more lbs

    That's pretty amazing. Did that weight loss happen gradually after you hit the top, or did you lose it suddenly/via medical help, etc.?
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I lost it slow and steady. I took baby steps to a successful diet plan.
  • Kikers123
    Kikers123 Posts: 101 Member
    Congrats on your loss! I've also been overweight. I'd love to be friends! :)
  • Congrats on the awesome weight loss ive always been chubby and even though i played sports almost year round i was always the big stocky chubby girl. im always hear to lend an ear if anyone needs to talk or needs some support:)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am a little older than most of you, but I can relate. I was a chubby kid by about age 6 or so. I hit puberty at around 4th grade, and was wearing the juniors clothes then (or even misses clothes because my mom thought the juniors stuff was too revealing!)

    By middle school, I was giving my mom my hand me down bras, and I wore I think about an 11/12. In high school I wore a 13/14 or so. In college 14-16s. In my 20s 16-18s. In my 30s 18s. My highest weight was 250. I didn't step on a scale very often, I think in high school I was 185. In college around there but by graduation I was about 200. At some point in my early 20s I was around 220 and stuck around there for most of my 20s and 30s. The rise to 250 came in a 4-6 week period where I slept 6 hours a night or less every night. So get your sleep people! Lack of sleep caused me to drink more coffee and eat more sweets, but I didn't eat more calories. Not 15 pounds worth for sure (I think I increased my calorie intake by about 200 calories a day, so enough for 2-4 pounds, not the 15 I gained).

    I made a pact with myself to be in my best shape ever by the time I hit 35. My b-day was yesterday, so I have a year to go. But in reality, I want to be at goal by the end of the year. I am about halfway there. (And hoping that my guestimate on weight/sizes is the right number for me to hit my goal).

    I was never motivated in my teens and 20s to really lose weight, I made a ton of half-hearted attempts and stayed on the wagon for 3-7 days. There was a short period in college where I lost 20 pounds and wore a size 12, but I wasn't trying at all. I think it was the combo of stress, walking, and crappy cafeteria food. It came back slowly over the last year of school.

    It is definitely easier to lose in your 20s so good job for starting early! I also found it was like I went through a second puberty in my mid 20s. My shape changed more, even though my weight was pretty consistent. Feel free to add me for support. :)
  • Ive never been thin....this has been a lifelong struggle, and your post gives me renewed faith and hope that I can do this. You look amazing, and its great that you have done such a great job! Please feel free to add me!
  • I've been the same as you. I'm only 15 but I've decided to change now while I'm still young. I'll add you! :)
  • Anola13
    Anola13 Posts: 36 Member
    I've always been overweight, too. I'm excited to finally get a grasp on things. So happy for all of you to be starting/continuing the journey as well. Would love to have some friends to share motivation! Please feel free to add me :)
  • hi ive been overweight all my life, around the 190 mark, but i just decided to get my act togetha and lose the weight, atm im at 136.8, target weight is 125.
    and congrats on ur journy so far, and i hope u finish and get ur desired look =)
  • baaronfields
    baaronfields Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all! I've always been chubbier than most my age, no matter what that age may be. I've done various dieting things before, as well as running cross country in high school. WW was instrumental in getting me to my goal weight my senior year of high school but then the freshman 40 hit. Now at 22, I've topped out at 221 pounds. I've decided that I want to be healthy. Not necessarily skinny, but about 175, and healthy. I'm currently on week 3 of the couch to 5k program. I'd love more friends to swap stories and motivation with. I don't get a lot of support in the "real world."
  • YourDemise
    YourDemise Posts: 22
    I've also been overweight since I was a young child, this year is the first time I've been under 300lbs in about 4 years .. anyone feel free to add me.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    add me! was like super skinny when i was 6 then at 8 i was getting chubbier and chubbier. then all out FAT. so yea. never really knew what it was like to be skinny. hope to find out soon. :)