New here :)

Hey everyone, I just joined and thought I'd say hello.

I weigh 152 which is healthy for a 5'10" girl, but I am doing this for self-confidence. I'm trying to lose a little over 20 pounds, and my goal is to lose about a pound a week! I have a history of kind of extreme calorie restriction, so after giving my body/mind a break and gaining the weight back, I'm learning how to count calories without being overly restrictive. Anyone else in the same boat? :smile:


  • ntlctrl2012
    Welcome, I'm new to this calorie counting thing so far its going okay I'm trying to also lose 20lbs..if I can be of any support please feel free to add me as a friend
  • Mary831331
    Mary831331 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello, I am also new to this, and I heard it really helps. I am a WW member, and I actually met my goal about 2 years ago, but since then, I've gained almost all my weight back (I quit tracking, walking, etc.). I've been back to WW in the past year, but for some reason, I just cannot stick to the program, and it's no longer helping me. I definitely need some motivation. We also started a Biggest Loser contest at work, so hopefully that will also help motivate me. I am 5'7" and I weigh 170 lbs. I want to lose 30 lbs. We are going to the beach in 5 weeks, and I want to lose at least 10 lbs. before we go, so I really need some motivation and support.
  • losingthehealthyway
    Thanks, both of you! I'm glad to be in good company with this haha.

    ntlctrl, it's great that you're starting out! I'm not an expert at all, but I am very into number-crunching so if you need a calorie counting buddy I'm there. I'm glad we have similar goals, too. Maybe we'll progress together!

    I totally get you there Mary. For me, thinking about it in terms of "OMG I need to lose 20 pounds!!" or "OMG I need to fit into my bikini!" just makes me panic more and more prone to bad eating habits. One thing I'm trying to do is just focus on the day, rather than the end result. "I am going to stick to X amount of calories today and go for a walk" always feels more positive and productive to me than actually worrying about how I look. Everyone's different, but maybe focusing on the moment will help you? Losing 2 pounds a week is a challenge (duh, you knew that), but you are totally capable. Even if you don't hit your goal right away, it's going to be awesome just because you'll be healthier and more energetic. :)
  • vikkey
    vikkey Posts: 13 Member
    Hello I'm new to this too. I weigh 170 and with my hight that makes me obess. I need to lose 45lbs to be healthly. I have a history of trying a diet and then giving in or trying to workout and then giving up. But this time I have joined a workout bootcamp and I am counting my calories. I'm not going to fail this time. So if you or anyone else would like to add me, feel free we can all support each other.