Need Friends-95lbs to lose

Hi everyone my name is Sydney and I have done this program once before and lost some weight but had some problems branching out and finding friends on here because I was afraid but this time I am in all in. I know I can't do this all by myself and that having a support system on here will help me so so much!! So anyone looking for a friend to help them and vise versa should add me:)


  • sakwari
    sakwari Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Sydney, welcome back. You shouldn't be afraid, we are all here trying to accomplish the same thing. Lose weight and get healthy. Lets push and motivate each other as we push for our goals. I'll definitely add you.
  • Meltaweigh60
    Hi Sydney. I am brand new to this site and could sure use a friend to help motivate me!