Any suggestions? A month in and NOTHING is happening.



  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Add sodium to your diary list. You may find you are very high in sodium due to eating out a lot. That will hurt your weight loss. Good luck to you!
  • laurakdp
    laurakdp Posts: 15 Member
    Can y'all define "clean"? The taco bell and chick fil a this week weren't my finest hour, but if you look back further we've been doing a lot of grilled chicken and veggies, pita chips and avocado as a snack- aren't those things good?

    Also, MFP keeps telling me that I'm going over on protein, but y'all are saying there's not enough?

    And in this thread alone, I've had one person say eat your exercise calories and one person say don't! :) I thought you SHOULD?

    Sorry for all the questions- I've used MFP successfully before but I don't guess I did it "right"!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    For starters it looks like most days you don't eat most or any of your exercise calories back. You need to be eating most of these....some days you might not be hungry enough for some but on average you should be eating back at least 80%. I also see a lot of fast food on there. That's not to say I never eat fast food, but try to limit it to just once a week or less. I think in one week period you have fast food at least one meal almost every day. I think the combination of not eating enough, and what you do eat is primarily junk (too much saturated fat and sodium) is throwing your body out of whack.

    I wouldn't say I eat "clean" when compared to some people, but I think you need a bigger variety of lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. I know this doesn't account for all of your dinners, but some days you only had chips and avacado for dinner which is not a very fulfilling, balanced meal.
  • laurakdp
    laurakdp Posts: 15 Member
    Why do your daily goals change every day?

    When I started back on here it was still set to my old goal weight and starting weight. I changed them then I got frustrated after a couple weeks and thought "Maybe I need to lose less/more per week" and messed around with it but but it is now back to my original goal.
    You really should think about alternative ways to cooking so it fits your schedule. Stop eating out for a few months. This will be the hardest obstacle for you because it's so convenient but that seems to be your biggest downfall. Also, may I suggest changing your settings and track sugar and sodium as well. You could be retaining water from the high sodium. You will surprised at how much sugar and salt you are eating. Add more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet and drink your water.

    I'm sorry if I sound mean but you asked. You can do this but you have to be determined to change your lifestyle. I still occasionally eat out but no where near the amounts I used to. Every other friday I have a planned cheat meal so I can have my favorite chinese. It's still hard every single day for me to make the right choices but I'm making changes for the better slowly but surely.
    You don't sound mean! haha I NEED to hear these things!

    I will add sugar and sodium to the tracker... I'm scared to see what it has been! haha
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    I agree with many other posters that it's most likely the amount of fast food you're eating. I don't mean to offend you but I don't think it's a huge shock that it's difficult to lose weight when you're having taco bell or chik fil a almost 7 days a week.

    Just something to keep in mind...even though restaurants post nutritional information for their menu items they are often times severely underestimated. According to an NYU survey that i've read about its often between 400 and 700 calories more than reported. That could add up to a pound a week if eaten every day.
  • jenny2909
    jenny2909 Posts: 6
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Why do your daily goals change every day?

    Because when you excercise it adds those calories to your total goal and you're supposed to eat them back. So without exercise her daily goal might be 1200 calories, but if she works out and burns 200 calories it would be 1400, on another day if she burns 350 her daily goal for that day would be 1550.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    just my 2 cents:

    eating out isn't all bad, i eat out almost every day. sure, it's mostly salads and wraps, but it's still eating out.

    cooking at home isn't going to solve this if you don't cook right at home either :)

    eat less bread(and other carbs), more lean protien and keep an eye on your fat intake.
  • laurakdp
    laurakdp Posts: 15 Member

    I will add sugar and sodium to the tracker... I'm scared to see what it has been! haha

    ACK!!!!! Taco Bell is the DEVIL!

    I was convincing myself I could have some desserts because I was exercising but YIKES the sugar is out of control on those Dianna's Bananas! Our local CSA starts this week so we will have fresh fruits and veggies every week delivered to our hours- I will make sure to eat fruit instead of those frozen treats!
  • chickiebabe2
    Here is what I see. Your calories aren't too bad, but you are very heavy in carbs, very low in protein and you eat out WAY too much. You need to eat cleaner. When you eat out, including subway, they are loaded with sodium. If you add that to your tracker, you are probably consuming 4000mg + which is why your body is holding on. If you can, start making food yourself.

    Totally agree with this and some other posts, you really need to stop eating out. I would suggest more salads - i make a brown rice salad with veges added in then grilled chicken or steak. I don't know bout you but i feel really guilty when i eat take out food, i find i can taste the fat and it is not nice. Look for healthier versions of meals you like, there are plenty of sites on internet to help.

    Don't give up if you fix up your food diary and keep exercising you should see results :)
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    Can y'all define "clean"? The taco bell and chick fil a this week weren't my finest hour, but if you look back further we've been doing a lot of grilled chicken and veggies, pita chips and avocado as a snack- aren't those things good?

    Also, MFP keeps telling me that I'm going over on protein, but y'all are saying there's not enough?

    And in this thread alone, I've had one person say eat your exercise calories and one person say don't! :) I thought you SHOULD?

    Sorry for all the questions- I've used MFP successfully before but I don't guess I did it "right"!

    Lean meat/fish, fresh veggies, complex carbs (sweet potato, multi-grain, brown rice), black beans. Stay away from processed food. Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I've actively tracking for about a month now and exercising about 5 our of 7 days each week (zumba and running for the most part). I wear a heart rate monitor so I'm pretty sure my calories burned are accurate and I measure EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth.

    In the past month I have actually GAINED 3 lbs- I went from 202 to 205- and am now fluctuating between those two weights! This is so weird to me because every other time I've decided to lose some weight, it just comes right off (slowly, but still it comes off!)!

    Any suggestions regarding my eating or exercise? Thanks!

    I have noticed, just in the past week, that your sugar intake is always over. Not sure if that is all the time but, maybe something to take into account. I personally have an issue so, I always ask people if that is an issue for them. Sometimes the extra sugar intake causes a problem with losing weight. I.M.O. try cutting out/back the extra sugar & "bad" carbs. Again, just my opinion. GOOD LUCK!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Can y'all define "clean"? The taco bell and chick fil a this week weren't my finest hour, but if you look back further we've been doing a lot of grilled chicken and veggies, pita chips and avocado as a snack- aren't those things good?

    Also, MFP keeps telling me that I'm going over on protein, but y'all are saying there's not enough?

    And in this thread alone, I've had one person say eat your exercise calories and one person say don't! :) I thought you SHOULD?

    Sorry for all the questions- I've used MFP successfully before but I don't guess I did it "right"!

    Clean eating is non-processed foods. Basically if it comes in a box or package it is not clean (ie crackers, cookies). So someone who eats clean eats lean meats, fruits, veggies, etc. I aim for smarter choices and healtheir foods, but I don't think I could ever eat 100% clean (or 70% for that matter).

    Yes you should eat your exercise calories back. That is HUGELY debated here but it is the way MFP is set up. People can do what they choose to do, but I don't understand how they can argue that you shouldn't eat them back when clearly the program sets it up for you to eat them back. Eating back E calories does NOT make you gain weight and it does NOT make you maintaine your current weight (a very common misconception I've seen spread through the boards).
  • laurakdp
    laurakdp Posts: 15 Member
    I don't think it's a huge shock that it's difficult to lose weight when you're having taco bell or chik fil a almost 7 days a week.
    Like I said, I thought two 150 calorie tacos with salsa instead of cheese would be a decent 300 calorie lunch- I was obviously wrong.

    I'm mainly surprised that I'm not losing any weight because two months I was eating worse and basically sedentary. I figured doing a little better on eating and exercising a lot would at least make SOMETHING happen.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i like to track my fiber because it gives me a better view of overall "cleanliness" of the food. fiber helps clean the body on the inside (i think of it like an internal brush)

    like others, I agree that eating out is probably more your issue than anything else. if you're having trouble not eating out, try making 1 day a week a no-out day and then increase that by one day every couple of weeks until you're only eating out a couple times a month.

  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    a good rice "replacement" is quinoa, too. I like spicy food, so I cook it with minced garlic and peppers.
  • chickiebabe2
    Can y'all define "clean"? The taco bell and chick fil a this week weren't my finest hour, but if you look back further we've been doing a lot of grilled chicken and veggies, pita chips and avocado as a snack- aren't those things good?

    Also, MFP keeps telling me that I'm going over on protein, but y'all are saying there's not enough?

    And in this thread alone, I've had one person say eat your exercise calories and one person say don't! :) I thought you SHOULD?

    Sorry for all the questions- I've used MFP successfully before but I don't guess I did it "right"!

    Clean eating is non-processed foods. Basically if it comes in a box or package it is not clean (ie crackers, cookies). So someone who eats clean eats lean meats, fruits, veggies, etc. I aim for smarter choices and healtheir foods, but I don't think I could ever eat 100% clean (or 70% for that matter).

    Yes you should eat your exercise calories back. That is HUGELY debated here but it is the way MFP is set up. People can do what they choose to do, but I don't understand how they can argue that you shouldn't eat them back when clearly the program sets it up for you to eat them back. Eating back E calories does NOT make you gain weight and it does NOT make you maintaine your current weight (a very common misconception I've seen spread through the boards).

    I have never really eaten back my exercise calories and have managed to lose 50 pounds since January, i'm on my feet all day and also exercise every day and there is no way im gonna eat over 1500 extra calories because i have burnt them off. I think it is personally up to the individual what they do bout exercise calories. I don't and it has worked, others do and it works too. We are all different so body reacts differently
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Can y'all define "clean"? The taco bell and chick fil a this week weren't my finest hour, but if you look back further we've been doing a lot of grilled chicken and veggies, pita chips and avocado as a snack- aren't those things good?

    Also, MFP keeps telling me that I'm going over on protein, but y'all are saying there's not enough?

    And in this thread alone, I've had one person say eat your exercise calories and one person say don't! :) I thought you SHOULD?

    Sorry for all the questions- I've used MFP successfully before but I don't guess I did it "right"!

    Other than the "should/should not eat back exercise calories," the advice in this thread has been pretty good. And yes, you should eat back your exercise calories. However, you must be honest with the level of activity and duration, and you should consider your weight in calculating your exercise, since that will impact the number of calories burned. Usually good advice is to be conservative when calculating calories burned and liberal when estimating calories consumed.

    As for clean eating, track all of the nutrients, including sodium. Eating out and/or eating highly processed foods will up your sodium intake, which can cause water retention. When you prepare foods at home, it needs to be things that you purchased raw or whole, and prepared without the addition of a lot of processed ingredients. It's hard to lose weight if you include pizza, rich pastas, cheeses, and similar foods in your normal diet. Think raw, natural, fresh, and you won't go far wrong.

    Several of us have open diaries, and allow others to see what we eat. Feel free to read others diaries for ideas.

  • Curvy_princess
    Curvy_princess Posts: 135 Member
    bump for later
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    How much are you eating? It may be too much OR it COULD be too less. Sodium intake? Have you taken measurements? Are your clothes fitting better?

    Could TOM be around the corner?
    I'm eating 1500 calories a day, not a lot of sodium (cook from home a lot AND have cut out all soft drinks including diet coke). My clothes are fitting about the same. I don't really have a TOM (Mirena).

    Again, what the others have said... you may be eating the right amount of calories but the WRONG foods!