Weekends and Vacation

I'm feeling a little stressed and getting discouraged. I'm struggling with trying to stick to eating healthy on the weekends. I do good all week long, we are on the go so much on the weekends it's hard to stick to anything and squeeze in some exercise. Any suggestions or tips?

Also, we are going on vacation next week. Which means walking is probably the only exercise I will be getting. Not sure about food, but I do know we will be eating out a lot... Every meal. Any suggestions or tips during vacation time?


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Commit to doing it.

    I went on vacation during my first part of my weight loss and I just brought my exercise clothes with me and made healthy choices at restaurants.....egg white omlettes or oatmeal for breakfast, chicken salads most other meals, and I packed snack bars for myself too.

    But really it's mental. If you aren't committed to doing it, you won't. Weekends and vacations aren't as hard as people make them out to be, it's usually just an excuse for bad habits. If you want to break your habits and really lose weight for good, part of that journey is learning to deal with weekends and vacations and events.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    The only thing that helps me is pre-packing healthy snacks. That way when I feel the need to slpurge I have this wee little bag of fruit that reminds just how little I am allowed to eat.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Commit to doing it.

    I went on vacation during my first part of my weight loss and I just brought my exercise clothes with me and made healthy choices at restaurants.....egg white omlettes or oatmeal for breakfast, chicken salads most other meals, and I packed snack bars for myself too.

    But really it's mental. If you aren't committed to doing it, you won't. Weekends and vacations aren't as hard as people make them out to be, it's usually just an excuse for bad habits. If you want to break your habits and really lose weight for good, part of that journey is learning to deal with weekends and vacations and events.

    I agree with this completely. If you can't get a handle on weekends now, which are 2 out of 7 days of the week, this won't stick for life. Throw in a cheat meal here and there but remain in control. For me, the biggest issue was portion control. Eat what you like, just don't eat loads of it. Bar food is my down fall, so if my table orders a pile of nachos, I have a few, not a pound. If wings are ordered I have 2, not 12, etc.

    I went on vacation 1.5 months after starting MFP to a country where I had zero internet access (no MFP!) and came home 1 pound heavier- not too bad! I was determined to eat reasonable sized portions and choose better menu options when I dined out. I also made sure I kept active.

    Really it all comes down to willpower. You need to want to do this.
  • sr4ca
    sr4ca Posts: 43
    Commit to doing it.

    I went on vacation during my first part of my weight loss and I just brought my exercise clothes with me and made healthy choices at restaurants.....egg white omlettes or oatmeal for breakfast, chicken salads most other meals, and I packed snack bars for myself too.

    But really it's mental. If you aren't committed to doing it, you won't. Weekends and vacations aren't as hard as people make them out to be, it's usually just an excuse for bad habits. If you want to break your habits and really lose weight for good, part of that journey is learning to deal with weekends and vacations and events.

    Yes this !!!!! You have to turn the corner, mentally.
  • nancy4165
    nancy4165 Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone for your input. We leave for vacation next week, will be traveling by train and in a hotel for 4 days. I want to bring some snacks with me for train ride, hotel and when we are on the go.... Anyone have any suggestions/ideas for quick snacks that travel well?
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    walk as much as possible; set aside time each day to specifically walk for exercise

    when i go on vacation, i generally take clif bars / granola bars / low fat wheat thins for snacks.

    do your best to not give into food peer pressure often. you can usually find something healthy at restaurants. if the portions are huge (and they usually are) get a to go box or toss the excess.
  • nancy4165
    nancy4165 Posts: 4
    Since we are taking at the train.. Other than the cab ride to the hotel, walking is our means for seeing the sites. So that's good, not worried so much about that. I'm still learning the healthy choices at restaurants... Sometimes what I think is good turns not to be. I realize it's a lifestyle change and I have to break old habits. I'm more concerned with getting good healthy snacks that won't sabotage the rest of the day. I have low blood sugar, need to eat more frequent. Which has actually been under control lot better since changing my diet. :)