HGC Ultra



  • jrcoakley83
    you lost 65 pounds with diet and exercise. and you are actually asking about a BS quick fix? stick to what really works. You are already on the right track.

    Thanks, just wondering if there is anyone who has used this product. That's all I was looking for. I don't trust it, but that's doesn't mean that it hasn't worked for someone. Just wanting to see what ppl results were on HCG if they have used it. I know I couldn't just eat 500 calories a day, I would faint LOL.
  • jrcoakley83
    Thanks, I'm trying definitely to get in the best shape possible.

    Definitely don't do it then.

    You're doing amazingly well already by your ticker. Just keep at it. Work hard, eat well but not too much, and enjoy yourself!

    Thank you for the support, it's well appreciated here. :)

    The great thing about taking your time is that a year from now you'll be at your goal weight and most of the friends who did the quick fix will be right back where they started or worse. So, while they may be running circles around your losses now, it's very difficult to maintain for them.

    Plus, you'll be able to outrun them come zombie apocolypse because they lost all their muscle.... :smile:

    I agree with your statement there. It's a quick fix for a reason.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Plus, you'll be able to outrun them come zombie apocolypse because they lost all their muscle.... :smile:

    See now, you get what it's REALLY all about! Looking better? Feeling better? Being healthy? Those are nice and I appreciate them, but what it comes down to is outrunning the zombies! :laugh:
  • carly_pear
    carly_pear Posts: 65 Member
    Several people I work with have done many cycles of this and almost all of them have great success but gain it back.....QUICKLY. Not only do you need to spend $100 month on the drops but you eat roughly 800 calories a day....no thank you. Looks like you are doing an amazing job on your own, keep it up!
  • jrcoakley83
    Several people I work with have done many cycles of this and almost all of them have great success but gain it back.....QUICKLY. Not only do you need to spend $100 month on the drops but you eat roughly 800 calories a day....no thank you. Looks like you are doing an amazing job on your own, keep it up!

    Thank you very much, that's what I have been hearing as well with this product. The normal way is the best way, which is why I don't believe in quick fixes but you know how friends want to throw different ideas at you. Just looking to see if anyone has really used this product.
  • Dclayton70
    I dropped about 25 lbs and hit stick point ... i used hgc without changing my workout or diet plan that much and dropped down to 215 (30 lbs lost) in 6 weeks .... some days i didnt eat a bunch mainly because i wasnt hungry .... ive maintained this weight for about 6 months so far without a problem, but i didnt go back to my 3k cal/day diet .... i use this site to monitor my cals and exercise stay around 1500 a day net... i usually exercise about 800 cals a day so 2300 cals
  • jettyib1
    jettyib1 Posts: 46 Member
    I did it for about 2 mo. lost 27 lbs, but also lost some of my kidney function., Drinking so much water washed oiut the salt from my kidneys. It is not good for you. It is better to lose more slowly and learn how to eat correctly. Keeping it off is very hard when you lose quickly. My urologist says NO....stay away from all that stuff.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    If it says ultra in the name it must be good!
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i have a friend who tried the HCG i'm not sure if it's an ultra one, but regardless, he able to drop body weight very fast. it's evident that it works. i was tempted to try it out too but decided hold off...
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    do you know what hcg is? and where it comes from?
  • gatecityradio
    She'll gain it all back when she quits taking the shots, because it's not a lifestyle change. It's just a quick temporary fix. I have co-workers who have taken it and they've gained all of their weight back already and I'm still steady losing because I'm sticking to a diet.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    You MFP are the best. When I first read the post I kinda perked up...rapid weight loss!!! But all the adivce was great: exercise, eat healthy and don't go for rapid weight loss. Us turtles will win in the end.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Ok, so I do HCG, I've lost 25lbs (originally 35 but I gained it back due to my own faults with emotional eating) The diet is NOT for everyone, and if you are doing good with your method that is GREAT, keep at it! Many of us have started with HCG because nothing else was working, and yes the media has made it a 'quick fix' when in fact it is not. There are benefits to the HCG protocol and there are also problems that can happen if you 'cheat' on the diet. Yes 500 calories is VERY hard, and the foods are limited, and sometimes I think to myself 'wtf...I want a damned burger!' but then I realize...no self control is how I got here in the first place. I am going onto my 3rd round of HCG through a doctor. $100 for 40 days of HCG injections, and 3 weeks of maintenance before I decide if I want to do another round or do something else. There are people who have had success, just like any other regiment out there. The feedback you find on the internet is all biased against the diet, why I dont know exactly, because it works for those who are taking it as a life changing protocol. I can say that I've changed many of the foods I eat, and have completely lost my urge for some of the old foods I used to eat, now maybe that's just because 'it takes 3 weeks to break a habit' but really the diet is not all terrible. If you are looking for science behind the diet read the book Weight-loss Apocalypse by Robin Woodall, it goes through emotional eating and the science of the protocol. As for those trying to say I'm promoting the diet no...I'm informing someone with a different opinion on the diet in question. It has worked for me, and it has worked for many others, but if what you are doing is working for you stick with it and best of luck to your journey!
  • Martin1946
    Martin1946 Posts: 22
    Don't go there

    Do it naturally

    The weight your friend has lost is unhealthy dieting, losing that much weight in that short a time won't last
  • hencat
    hencat Posts: 2
    I lost on hCG as well. I was on the prescription hCG, not the homeopathic (like what is sold at GNC and elsewhere). I had to get a doctor's prescription and was monitored by the doctor also. I was quite successful, lost 65 lbs. and have maintained it. I went on hCG because I needed a jump start to weight loss and nothing else was working.

    I am now working with a nutritionist (who recommended this site to me to track foods and exercise) but I must say it is like starting all over again :)

    My weight loss now is excruciatingly (sp) slow...but I am learning so much...and I am very motivated and she is proud of me and my progress, especially in the exercise department. It's very slow...but steady.

    You have already lost weight doing what you are doing...you do not need to switch to hCG. Just keep going, you will get there!
    Good luck to both of us and everyone out there losing and moving one step at a time...yay us!
  • Zaetalicious
    Zaetalicious Posts: 13 Member
    I have a friend who is about to start her 3rd (or 4th..?? who knows) round of HCG. You do lose weight quickly but each time she stops taking the HCG, she gains it all back and then some. She's now at her heaviest weight yet because each time she gets progressively heavier.. lol.

    I agree with everyone else, stick to what you're doing. It's working :)