Any tweaks/suggestions?

Hey guys,

I haven't started any topics before so I'm a bit nervous to put this out there! I just made my diary public and was just wondering if anyone could see anything blatantly wrong with it, or had any suggestions for me? I'm pretty thin but in January vowed to try to make healthy eating and fitness a consistent part of my life. I do want to get into the best shape of my life but since I'm not planning on "quitting" a healthy lifestyle, I'm not trying to rush anything. I figure if I'm doing everything right, results should come with the commitment.

At the same time, I still want to have reinforcement that I'm on the right track but results are so slow and I'm worried I'm just stalling. Since January I've mostly just been doing cardio a few times a week but when the college semester ended I started running more and I play tennis almost every day. For the past two weeks or so I've incorporated HIIT. Instead of just running 30 min straight, I jog for 5 minutes to warm up, do 12/13 minutes of 30 second sprints followed by 30 second recovery jog intervals, and then end with a 12/13 min mid intensity jog. I also started weight training 3 to 4 times a week for 15-25 minutes (hoping to increase the time and intensity of this once I get into the routine, I've only been doing this for maybe two weeks).

My goal is to lower my body fat. I definitely think that I've lost weight since January based on how my clothes are fitting. I feel great and fresh and healthy and can see some oblique action :) Despite this, I don't feel like my measurements have budged in the last few months. I know that losing the final stubborn fat is supposed to be really time consuming and difficult, so I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right so that I can eventually get there!

In terms of my diary, I'm pretty accurate in terms of logging my intake , I think, but exercise is tricky because I always think that the MFP estimates are too high.

Thanks so much in advance, guys :):)


  • nastenka26
    Forgot to note: I don't log my water intake or beverages but I drink plenty of water every day (at least 8 glasses), no more than one cup of black coffee (no cream or sugar), and green tea galore. Thanks!!
  • nastenka26
    Nobody? :(:(:( Should I lock my diary again? It's just been sadly hanging out all day...