Be the best YOU can be - and dont sweat the small stuff

I posted this on my wall for my friends. (not sure if they care LOL)

But thought the general info might be helpful to many new users, if not just ignore it and move on. :)

For those who do not know me, I usually strive for a hard workout 5 days a week, pushing and challenging myself daily. 4 days a week I add in a second 60 min cardio session. I usually have 400 to 800 cal burn a day. Not a lot for many others, but I am a short stature women, 5'2", 47 years old, lower body weight, fairly fit. (now)

So for me its hard to get a "high" calorie burn, compared to others, like my larger sized husband, or younger friends with different metabolisms, or different fitness levels. Though high calorie burn is not my main goal - rather "improvement" in each "session" is. That can be different things at different times, and calories burnt are really a small small piece of a large picture.

No excuses, just saying for clarity.

I am not unique, nor am I hardcore. Many on here push harder then me, are faster, stronger, more dedicated, more fit, - and their results show.

Others are on the other end of the spectrum - but trying equally as hard, at their fitness and health level - and they also deserve a pat on the back :)

Just noting, I am in a different class, then a casual exerciser, or beginner. So keep that in perspective when seeing below.

Weight loss is not my main goal, rather "fat" loss is (different then "weight loss" - which can also be muscle loss - not good), fitness improvements, body fat percentage changes, lean muscle changes, and so forth

My Husband and friends that do P90X also, call me a "machine" because of my workout intensity, double workouts, weight levels used etc. Makes them feel like wimps if they whine. Not bragging - just stating for the info below.

This is what I need, for MY personal goals. Which include many things unique to me, including improving my personal overall conditioning, and fitness, and creating challenges for "me" that need athletic and fitness improvements to reach. I have also done P90x a number of time, so I am at an advanced level. NOT a beginner, so different fitness level then many others. And my health and genetic history is unique to me, creating its own "issues" I deal with.

What I am saying, for those who have asked - you DO NOT need to feel bad if you can't, don't want to, are "unable to" - at this time- do what "I" do. This is for me, for my needs, for MY goals. Not everyone has, or desires the same goals I have. Nothing wrong with that. Do not beat yourself up.

Please - TODAY - do the best YOU can do - wherever YOU are, to meet YOUR goals. Its great to use others to challenge and motivate yourself , but also be realistic, and don't compare yourself to others, to make yourself feel bad - compare yourself to YOU.

Where did YOU start? What have YOU accomplished so far? What are YOUR goals - and what steps can YOU do today to reach YOUR goals. What is the next step to get you closer to your fitness goals? DO that today, keep striving where you are, and pushing yourself to your next step.

And on a side note, in two weeks - I have a much much needed recovery week. I plan to chill for one week - no scheduled workouts at all. (other than life stuff I do) - and I will likely NOT count calories, or stress over food intake that week. I will not feel bad one bit. :) I need a break mentally and physically, and I need it to stay healthy, but also come back stronger. Part of a healthy lifestyle, is knowing when to push, but also when to back off, and take a scheduled break.

Then after that week - its P90x2 again. Hitting it hard. :)


  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    well said Tanga...I was just about to respond on your wall, and then it was gone! I hope you have an awesome weekend too!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    yeah - kind of felt silly, like an "attention ho", having it in both places. So removed it from my wall. LOL
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    you rock!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Not sure I "rock" - but I like to think I have my own unique charms - LOL

  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I soo agree with you. I am not nearly as fit as you but we have the same goal. To be as fit as I can be. I would rather stay at this weight and have lost 6 inches off my waist then lose 20 lbs and be flabby. I want to say I can do x amount of push ups, lift x amount of weight. So what if the scale goes up a lb? Can I do something better than today than yesterday? Then goal!

    This was an excellent post Thank you
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    For the past 3 monthes, I have been trying to do my best by doing intensive cardio, WT, eating the right amout and not stepping on the scale...and guess what? I gained even more...And I compared my picture taken this morning with a year ago, I looked ...much bigger! how cannot I sweat? :(
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    albayin, not sure if you were asking for help, or just commenting.

    But if you wanted some assistance, no one can see your diary to see what you eating, how much, or what you are doing exercise wise and calorie burn. So kind of hard to offer tips.

    sounds like you do need to do some fine tuning, which happens to all of us.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    albayin, not sure if you were asking for help, or just commenting.

    But if you wanted some assistance, no one can see your diary to see what you eating, how much, or what you are doing exercise wise and calorie burn. So kind of hard to offer tips.

    sounds like you do need to do some fine tuning, which happens to all of us.

    I was just commenting but thank you for the concern. I think I already know the answers (I got it from different people but all smart ones) but I am not sure if I am ready for it. ;) Good luck to you.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    gotcha, okay :)