DEPRESSION - Fighting Through It

Hi all, I'm Amy and I'm a 26 year old stay at home mother. I've battled depression ever since I can remember and sometimes even day to day life can be a struggle for me. I am on medication, and it helps, but I still have my up's and down's. I have found, however that a regular exercise routine really does help with my mood and my over-all attitude.

BUT...there are still days where, after my workout is done and the endorphin's fade away, I "crash" and I can't seem to figure out a way to fight through it. For those of you who have struggled with depression, you know it can drain you of every last bit of energy in an instant. On those days I would be perfectly happy curling up in my bed and staying there for the remainder of the day....but I can't do that, and my sleepiness causes my attitude to be less than pleasant which makes me very irritable - - this does not work for a stay at home mother with 2 hyper children.

I'm looking for advise, or just a kind word of support from those of you who know or understand what I'm going through.


  • natalie2355
    natalie2355 Posts: 93 Member
    *hug* i go through the same thing... and it usually lasts days to the point where i can't make it back to the gym for awhile. i just kinda sit in the corner and cry. i wish i could help you out more, but hopefully it's helpful to know there are more of us out there!!!
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I understand how you feel...I struggle most days too. If I knew what to do, I'd have fixed myself! You're not alone...
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Create a happiness project.

    I am bipolar so I have slumps where I am wicked depressed and usually do as you mentioned, which is stay in bed. I came across the book a couple of weeks ago but haven't started yet myself... hmmmm... that might actually make a great group on MFP... I think I will start it.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I too have debilitating depression. There is no way to beat the crash of endorphins. I found that spending time out doors in the sun for a bit helps.
  • monica4354
    monica4354 Posts: 22
    I have to leave the house. Some days we just pack up and go to Target or the park. I find things get worse the more days we just hang out around the house.

    Depression lies and it sucks:

    She writes some great things about her battles.
  • Bobskiframps
    Bobskiframps Posts: 39 Member
    i go through this aswell, althoug on my bad days i can't even exercise, i lack motivation anyway but its 10 times worse on bad days, i have found that since doing regular exercise and eating a healthier diet my bad days have become less regular. Where as beefore i would suffer with them 2-3 times a week i now have the 1 maybe every 2 weeks. I seem to feel a bit better about myself and it helps. I think mine it linked to the way i feel about myself. Having someone to talk to helps aswell. Even if iits about something to take you mind off everything.

    Best of luck x
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I also deal with depression. Yes, the regular exercise and eating healthy helps. Do you have time to have a longer cool down from your exercise so that it eases down. Sometimes I just go outside and do deep breathing.A brief walk often helps, too. I call it going down the rabbit hole. I can feel myself going. Sometimes eating a piece of semisweet dark chocolate takes the edge off briefly. I don't go for days anymore but if you do maybe you need a change in meds. I have been on 4 different kinds. The last is the best for me. MFP has enough of us depressionites to come to for help or just conversation. Just keep telling yourself this too will pass. Maybe not as fast as you want it to but it will. Hang tight.