Young people who have always been overweight?



  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I've been overweight since I was 13, though from 16-18 I had an ED and was very thin, but still saw myself as fat. Once I recovered, I was so scared to limit what I put in my mouth, that I gained everything back and then working at a second shift job led to me drinking tons of soda and eating junk while sitting on my butt for 9 hours a day. I then put on another 25 lbs doing that so now here I am, 23 years old, and trying to lose the weight before my husband ends up stationed on some base near a beach and I get stuck inside from embarrassment.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    Hello! I'm 21, and it's actually getting into nursing school that kind of kick started me wanting to lose weight. When I hit 300 lbs, I decided enough was enough and started a regiment of low carb + exercise, and as a result... I'm 70 lbs down so far! :) With a year of college left until I'm a registered nurse, my goal is to reach my goal by the time I graduate, which I think is feasible the way I'm going.

    November 2011: 306lbs
    As of my last weigh-in today: 236

    Anyway, I feel like a lot of people on here gained weight for whatever reason, but I've never had the experience of being skinny. I went from a chubby kid to a fat teenager. I'm hopin' I finally get to experience that feeling soon!

    Anyone else young and/or been overweight since childhood need support buddies? I'd love some. Sometimes it's hard to resist binge eating an entire cheesecake. lol
    Congrats :)
    I have always been fat. My lowest weight as an adult was 190 and I went up to 257. I'm down to 233.6 since March.
  • angelicarubi
    angelicarubi Posts: 148 Member
    I have been over weight as far back as I can remember. You are doing an awesome job and I would love to have friends that actually support me none of the people I have on here as friends talk to me I comment and compliment them and i only get a good job every once in a blue moon
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    <---- never been skinny......... YET! I'm not young though, I'm an old hag. lol
  • SerinaK
    SerinaK Posts: 87
    Congrats on 70 pounds. That is fantastic. I've been chubby most of my life. If you need any kind of motivation, please feel free to add me :) You're doing amazing and I wish you the best!

    <3 Serina
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I've been overweight my entire life. Add me if you wish. Just a warning, sometimes my posts are depressing. So you may not wanna add me if that will upset you.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I had a brief glimpse of the skinny life towards the end of High School. Congratulation on losing so much! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Hey, that's me! At my highest weight I was close to 290. I started this at around 268 and right now I'm 202.5, and the smallest I have ever been in my adult life. So far I've been able to say that at pretty much every weigh in. So, if you (or anyone) is looking for some more buddies I'm always looking for more!
  • iwork4pepsi
    Great job on losing that first 70lbs! Keep up the great work, you will meet your goal before you know it!
  • danielleharvey2009
    danielleharvey2009 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't remember being skinny ever. I hit 120 when I was about 11 and lied that I was still that weight for a few years when I clearly was not. I was the fat one out of my family though, my younger sister has never been bigger than a size 4, and my cousins are all stick thin, so I always felt like the fat one out of us all. They never made fun of me, but they didn't have to, I beat it into myself.
    It got so bad that I would wear sweaters and pants in the summer heat just to hide myself, no matter the temperature. By about grade 11 I was comfortable enough to wear t-shirts that didn't drape over me like a blanket, and now that I'm 21, and at my biggest, 190 (which is obese for someone 5'2"), I've decided it's time to find out what thin feels like. I have 80 pounds to lose, and so far I've lost 3, which is a big deal since nothing ever worked for me. I've also been active, and am a blue-with-black-stripe in karate, which helps alot. Also, I have wonderful support from my boyfriend, who doesn't let a day go by without telling me that I'm beautiful. My cousins and sister also support me in my quest.
    As you'll notice, my DP isn't me. Maybe one day I'll work up the courage to put a picture of myself for everyone to see.
  • mandy_lynn
    mandy_lynn Posts: 165 Member
    I weigh less now than I did in high school. I now look back and realize that a lot of it was emotional eating and I am still fighting that war, although I'm winning more battles now!
  • Stargirlsmiles88
    Stargirlsmiles88 Posts: 52 Member
    I've always been chunky, and I decided about the same time as you ( reaching 300) to make a change. I am 24. My goal is to eventually be able to wear a bikini...since I've never been able to. I'm graduating college this upcoming school year and then will be starting doctorate school for audiology. Feel free to add me if you'd like! :) Great job on your success so far!
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I was overweight or obese from the time I was 6 until last fall. I'm 22 now.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i havent always been obese but ive never been happy to have new friends. the more the merrier :)
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    I am right there with you OP. I have always been chubby and getting into college changed that for me. I don't want to be the fat nurse telling people they need to loose weight. So now I am working on loosing weight before I start in the fall :) I will be happy to be friends!
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I was "skinny"/healthy once...until I hit age five. Unfortunately, I'm an emotional eater. And unfortunately, my parents weren't the best example food-wise growing up. Food was a reward, a comfort, something that brought family, friends, and holidays together. That's great--except, I didn't have any way of comprehending portion control. So, here I am now, a couple BMI percents away from a "normal" weight and I couldn't be more excited to make the transformation into a healthy, happy, energetic body. I still have about 20-30 to lose, but cheers to every body here, and feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    That would be me as well, steadily gained weight since I was 10 (doctor's appointments were always very depressing) and had a couple of 10kg in one week phases, until I almost reached 90kg, then MFP happened :) Turned out that my thyroid is a lazy bugger, been on medication for a couple of years now, but the weight is still there, BUT I've not gained anything over the past year, which is pretty much a first in my life :) Now on a journey to find by cheekbones ;)
  • ginamaria724
    ginamaria724 Posts: 133
    I've never been considered obese, but I have been overweight my whole life. Just this year I'm taking weight loss seriously and its such a slow and prolonged process for only 20 pounds :( I think it's because my body isn't use to having a lower body fat percentage than what it's been its whole life.. but anyways, new friends on this site are always welcome :) Feel free to add me!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Me too, I was chubby then fat after a traumatic experience, and here I am at 38, never having known what it's like to be slim, and hating my body. Congrats on your loss so far and here's to making a difference to your future. :)
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    I have always been overweight too... My highest weight was in high school at 233 lbs... I didn't own a scale, stepped on my cousins and cried when I saw the number... Somehow I lost 15 lbs over the next year. I'm an LPN, and weighed about 215 lbs when I started school. I managed to get down to 190 lbs by changing my diet throughout my year long course, and slowly put it back on again within a year. Last August my sister-in-law and I started working together to get HEALTHY! Eating well and exercising/working out on a regular basis. I weigh 171 lbs at the moment, and my goal is 155 lbs.

    I still think of myself as the "fat girl" as I have aaaallllways been big, even as a kid. It's a hard thing to wrap your mind around. When I was younger, I always wished to be skinny like the popular girls in high school, but now I'm striving to be muscular and athletic. I can run, which I could never do before, and I actually enjoy working out, which I NEVER thought I would. Good luck to you, feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :flowerforyou: