Encouraging Words

I am looking for people that have struggled and made it thru the first 2 wks. I have around 80lbs to lose and I am still struggling. I am going on my second week and can not get past of putting my food down and say enough is enough.


  • Hi,

    You can do this. It takes baby steps and consistency. I drink lots of water also. What sort of exercise do you do?
  • I haven't officially made it thru two weeks yet. but last month i was just trying to eat right, small meals etc. and lost 5 lbs. Turns out the banana bread at my coffee place has 490 cals!!!! i didn't know, (didn't ask either) :smile: but just started here on 5/30.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    You can do it, If you just keep focused on Why you are doing it, Its baby steps, a bit at a time,
    and not only the scales that matter its about lots of little achievements like fitting into your clothes better and being more comfortable in daily activities for example,
    so if you keep on keeping on you will see results,
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want .I log in every day and I support my MFP friends , and look forward to getting support back in return,
    The fact that you are on here shows you really want to do this ♥
  • I definitely understand. I've just finished week three and I'm regularly shocked by calorie counts (I live in Korea and they really don't believe in "fat free" or "light" products). BUT if this is something you really want then you just do it. Joining on here, having friends that know what you're doing. Having those friends that encourage you but also that one or two friends that don't let you quit and tell it to you straight. And the nice part of MFP is that you can still eat what you like...just do it in moderation, sometimes one taste is more than enough!!!

    Do it for yourself. Because you deserve to be healthy. You deserve to reach your goals. You deserve to be what you want to be.
  • gendoll
    gendoll Posts: 67 Member
    I just finished reading your post and wanted to say it took me weeks of logging, not logging and then quitting to finally get it right. In the end it it all came down to finding a happy medium for me. I knew i could never live on what my husband called "rabbit food" because I love food. Pizza is a huge weakness in my house and I'm never going to give it up. You can still eat what you like. Sometimes you can find ways to make it healthier and sometimes you can't so you just "budget" for it. I'm still learning new things every day and I hope I never stop learning. Take it one day at a time and you'll get there. Also another trick that works for me is that I log everything before I eat/drink it. That way I still have time to stop and think about it and decide if I really want it or if something healthier would be better. Good luck.
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    I've made it through 2 weeks at a time for 458 days now! You can do this. Eat less, move more! Get support!!! Surround yourself with people who WANT to see you get healthy and lose weight. Start with little changes. Make up your mind that this WILL be your way of life. You'll be surprised at how big an impact those small changes will have.
  • Vivaciousfemale
    Vivaciousfemale Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Toni,
    I understand the food struggle.. if you have not already heard of a practice called "Mindful Eating" There are many cd's/ books available on the subject but the one i got is called "The Mindful Appetite" by Susan Albers. I encourage you with all my heart to research some info on it. It has helped me SO much with very basic practical steps on how to think about food, see it in a different way and actually take bites and eat with more awareness, it's an awesome teaching. I am learning more and more about this overweight and obese thing that i have struggled with all my life, and i am finding it is about the person as a Whole. I have made it my goal to approach my goals this time around from every angle possible. I hope this helps you as it is an amazing help to me. Just remember, be caring to yourself, be patient with the process and don't hesitate to talk about how you are feeling. Message me anytime if you'd like. :smile:
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 100 Member
    I've been logging in every day now for 100 days! (it just told me that today, haha) I signed up for MFP in March of 2011 & I tried for like a month, barely. It was so hard to just get to used to logging everything you ate-- at least for me. I gave up. then I was mad at myself for too long. I started eating better in Novemeber/December of 2011 after seeing some hideous photos of myself. in January 2012, I started this back up again & I haven't quit!!! Yes, some days, some weeks are harder than others, but you just push through. I'm not perfect. I'm real. I eat a lot of what I want but I just make sure it fits into my goals. I do make sure I get enough vitamins, etc. but that's really it. I try to exercise, but sometimes I don't do it as much as I should.
    you can do it!! just keep doing your best. the beginning is always the hardest. just gather up friends who will encourage you & help you learn & grow! :) add me, if you'd like.
    I do my best to encourage all my friends, every day. I'm addicted to this website now. if I eat something, & I don't log it, I feel guilty! haha :):):) I never thought I'd be the type of person who would ever be skinny. I thought I was doomed to be the same weight forever. but when I actually dedicated myself to it... I made it. I'm proud to say that I am the skinniest I've ever been since I have been 5'8"... its kinda crazy! :):):):)
    you can do it if you just realize its not going to happen overnight & just remember that every choice you make is making an impact on your body! losing weight is 80% diet & 20% exercise!!! (& 100% attitude, haha)
  • Thank you to all!! I will keep trying :smile:
  • Hello, I just signed up, but have been dieting for 5 months with exercise. I have went from 145 pounds to 121 pounds. I can say to keep your head up and keep working towards your goals regardless of other people. Stay positive :) & remember, anythings possible!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I started out with as much weight to lose as you.
    My best tip is to make yourself gigantic piles of yummy vegetables and eat those FIRST before eating anything else more high calorie. Things like broccoli, rapini, spinach, asparagus, etc.

    Fill up on those before starting on the rice or meat.

    Also, I eat squash (steamed in the microwave) instead of a starch.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    by the way, after a year of this, I have developed kind of a "set point" with food. I seem to naturally stop at 1200-1500 calories a day. Took a while but eventually you can train your body like that.
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    Also another trick that works for me is that I log everything before I eat/drink it. That way I still have time to stop and think about it and decide if I really want it or if something healthier would be better.

    This is what I do as well. It really helps to see the numbers on the page before I make dinner.

    You can do this. You don't have to give up everything you love - just get yourself in the habit of eating less of it. SueGremlin's suggestion of loading up on vegetables first really helps. I also do things like instead of having a cup of pasta, I'll mix 1/2 cup pasta with 1/2 cup steamed spinach. The same for rice - I like to mix it with chopped steamed spinach, and add some pico de gallo to it. It helps me eat a lot less rice, yet still feel very satisfied.

    One other trick is to drink a big glass of water before you eat anything, to help you feel full faster.
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    Welcome to the family! :flowerforyou:

    You can make it and we can help! We're all in this together! Feel free to add me if you'd like...
    CATHYGAYM Posts: 31 Member
    I like what Mandy has said : " losing weight is 80% diet & 20% exercise!!! (& 100% attitude, haha) " , it's so true!

    I think it also is helpful to set shorter goals, like looking at things a week at a time and / or 2lbs at a time to loose for example. Then this whole journey isn't so overwhelming.

    Also being mindful of what we are eating and loving our bodies and our selves enough to feed and nourish and take care of ourselves as we should.
  • Tampala22
    Tampala22 Posts: 1
    Hi!!!! Today is my first day with fitness pal. However, I have been working out since March 12, 2012. After years of on again off again dieting and trying to lose weight I finally realized that I had to lose mental weight first...everyone is different. Most importantly I had to make sure I joined a health facility that was for me...and I did. I love it! I think if you join a health facility that is your style you will enjoy going there and working out. Also...when you are eating realize what's happening to the inside of your body and how miserable you may feel after you've eaten too much..... Most importantly JUST DO IT!!!! There is no secret...oh yes it is...the secret is inside of you! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Baby steps = long term results!!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The hardest part is developing the habit. I promise you, it gets easier... The first couple of weeks is when most people give up but NOT YOU! It isn't impossible. It's hard and sometimes it sucks but it always gets better. Make great choices that will make you wake up in the morning and go, "wow I'm really glad I did that!"

    I would say losing weight is even more like 90% diet and 10% exercise... There are people who do it with no exercise at all but I don't recommend it. Exercise allows you to eat more, it makes your body feel good, and when you get into a groove and find an exercise you enjoy, it becomes a part of your life and not a struggle every single day.

    You can do it and you will!!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Please read the first two posts on my blog, maybe they will help a little.
