Spinning my wheels

weoclo Posts: 4 Member
Hi. I am Connie. I will be 50 in Sept :sad: and have decided it's time to get in shape. I have tried this before and had some success. It seems like 45 lb is my limit. Once I lose that much, I always manage to derail my eating plan. Of course it all comes back... plus a little extra.

Most days I am a slug. Desk job, work a minimum of 10 hours a day, and have zero motivation to do anything after. I started walking in the mornings before work, but this week I am on call, so can't be more than 5 minutes away from the computer...really kills the walking plans. Excuses, I know.

Somehow, this morning, the "brilliant" idea came to me to start a serious training plan... And run a 5k next year! (actually at this point, I am questioning my sanity). My daughter (who is of course built like me) has agreed to play along... The plan is to walk every morning (usually a couple miles along our country road) and tae bo a couple nights a week. I also have a Wii so I will probably use that too. The only eating plan that I have had success with is South Beach, so... (ugh), Phase 1, here I come.

My biggest "problems" are 1- I hate to drink water (it actually upsets my stomach), 2- I am a self-professed chocoholic and carb addict, 3- I am not a fan of most veggies and 4- I am lazy and have no self-esteem. Added to the fact that I am getting older and my favorite hobbies are knitting and spinning (yarn, not bikes!) it is a recipe made for weight gain.

I have found that I do better losing weight when I have folks to lean on, so if you're still reading, I could use a pal... or 20.


  • spider1968
    spider1968 Posts: 20
    1. water: GROSS ( I have to add lemons to get it down)
    2. I can't have chocolate in house or I will eat it.
    3 Do NOT eat any vegetables ( baby carrots which really are not carrots are the only thing I can handle)
    4 really dislike excercise,

    Its like we are twins!! :wink:

    on daily , sending request !
  • Mary831331
    Mary831331 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Connie. A friend of mine at work told me about MFP, and I thought I would give it a try. I am a lifetime Weight Watchers member (met my goal about 2 years ago), but since then, I've gained all my weight back. I've lost about 10 lbs., but I still need to lose about 30 more. We've gone through 2 rounds of the biggest loser contest at work, and I actually lost 14 lbs. the first round, but then didn't take round #2 too seriously, so I've gained about 4 lbs. back. On Monday, we are starting round #3, so I really want to be serious about it this time. My co-worker who told me about this site, swears by this site. She's lost 44 lbs. so far, and she's been eating great and exercising alot. I've done good the last 4 days, but I have to stick to it. Weight Watchers is not motivating me too much lately, but I'm hoping the friends on this site that I've met recently will help support and motivate me. We are going to Florida in July, so I definitely want to lose 10 lbs. by then, and then another 20 lbs or so after that. Best of luck to you. We are here to motivate and support each other. I forgot to mention to you that I love baking on the side, and I do not want to give it up, so I am trying to find a way to stay baking, but not to eat too much of it. Little portions are ok, but I have to limit myself because sweets are my passion, but I know that's how I've gained my weight back. I absolutely LOVE chocolate. Yes, I will confess. I am a chocoholic, but look where it's gotten me. LOL, oh well.