Be able to do 100 push ups and 100 set ups in 90 days

Hi every body!
I challenge myself to be able to do 100 push ups and 100 set ups in 90 days
(I will also add 2 to 3 days of exercice 20-30 minute per week)

Today is my 3th day and I was able to do 12 push ups and 19 set ups, I'm really not in shape

I find more easy to achieve my goals when I have accountability partners to share our ups and down and
motivated eachother up.

So don't hesitate to add me as your friend and share with me your personnal challenge
so we can uplift eachother to success :)



  • XxSarahKatexX
    XxSarahKatexX Posts: 120
    I'll try it :) If by "set up" you mean "sit-up" ( to-may-toe to-ma-to? Or not xD IDK im kinda a newbie here.) I can already do 50ish at a time, but I might be cheating hahaa. but not 100 *o*..push ups im hopeless for. So if i can do 100 by Aug 26th that would be amazing haha. Excited >w< Any tips?

    I think I may add 150 dips to that 100 push ups and crack it up to 200 sit ups, and 200 squats. like the website linked down there v But thats just me :D the little noobie setting a goal way to high for myself haha
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    That's a great challenge. All the best!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    Checkout this site. Pretty good and pushups, situps and squats are 3 highly affective workouts that I feel are very underrated so good luck on the ride :)
  • XxSarahKatexX
    XxSarahKatexX Posts: 120

    Checkout this site. Pretty good and pushups, situps and squats are 3 highly affective workouts that I feel are very underrated so good luck on the ride :)

    yikes. just did the "initial test" i'm most def. rank 1 haaa. x-X
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    Checkout this site. Pretty good and pushups, situps and squats are 3 highly affective workouts that I feel are very underrated so good luck on the ride :)

    yikes. just did the "initial test" i'm most def. rank 1 haaa. x-X

    You can do it! Theres a reason that rank exists :)

    Gotta start somewhere right? Few days ago I did 240 pushups within 24 hours (multiple breaks in middle) so I can tell you that you can definitely do it! And I'm in a very poor shape :)
  • JanieVi
    JanieVi Posts: 6
    thanks your boosting my motivation ;)
  • JanieVi
    JanieVi Posts: 6
    thanks for the site, I will check that out more closely :)
  • JanieVi
    JanieVi Posts: 6
    I'll try it :) If by "set up" you mean "sit-up" ( to-may-toe to-ma-to? Or not xD IDK im kinda a newbie here.) I can already do 50ish at a time, but I might be cheating hahaa. but not 100 *o*..push ups im hopeless for. So if i can do 100 by Aug 26th that would be amazing haha. Excited >w< Any tips?

    I think I may add 150 dips to that 100 push ups and crack it up to 200 sit ups, and 200 squats. like the website linked down there v But thats just me :D the little noobie setting a goal way to high for myself haha

    yeah sarah sorry I do mean sit ups ;) I,m first language french so I often do those kind of misspelling, and I will consider squats.. but maybe for a futur chalenge :)
  • JanieVi
    JanieVi Posts: 6
    I'll try it :) If by "set up" you mean "sit-up" ( to-may-toe to-ma-to? Or not xD IDK im kinda a newbie here.) I can already do 50ish at a time, but I might be cheating hahaa. but not 100 *o*..push ups im hopeless for. So if i can do 100 by Aug 26th that would be amazing haha. Excited >w< Any tips?

    I think I may add 150 dips to that 100 push ups and crack it up to 200 sit ups, and 200 squats. like the website linked down there v But thats just me :D the little noobie setting a goal way to high for myself haha

    yeah sarah sorry I do mean sit ups ;) I,m first language french so I often do those kind of misspelling, and I will consider squats.. but maybe for a futur chalenge :)

    by the way , what are dips???