Best Fitness exercise for loosing Body % fat

Can any of you help me with an idea of what i should do to get maximun results in loosing body fat.. i curently weigh 57-58kg which is 127.6 lbs.. I am 155cm tall or short ( lol) and have 33% body fat, I eat really good except for today and last few days where i havent been eating much due to my winsodm tooth decided to pop into my chops and say hello. so anything liquid is all im going for atm, lots of protein shakes to keep up calorie intake yogurt, soup.. ect but the tooth thing aside,
Any of you able to give me some advice of what to do pretending my tooth is all good ?

before Breakfast i have a Blackmore hair skin and nails vitamin,Meizitang Soft gel and then i mix boracca and oxy elete powder and water and chug it back... then have breakfast and amoungst other snacks during the day, im very active at work but im finding it very hard to stay motivated :(

Thankyou all for your feedback :)


  • JasAbyG
    JasAbyG Posts: 39 Member
    Hey, I'm not sure about results but, I enjoy it alot.
    I use the FitnessBlender videos on youtube.
    They update diff. vids often so, it doesn't get boring,