Young people who have always been overweight?



  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    I've always been the big girl of the class as long as I can remember. I think the only time I could have been considered at the skinny end of the spectrum was when I was born a month premature! I'm 27 now, and finally it clicked that 250-some pounds just wasn't okay anymore. I missed buying juniors' sizes because I could only fit into Lane Bryant and the women's departments, so I'd really like to explore the misses' clothing for a change! I'm just starting my weight loss journey, and all this support is the key to finally dropping the pounds.

    Please add me if you'd like to! I'm generally upbeat and positive, and success stories and motivational pictures/blogs have become my new favourite pasttime. I plan on being my own success story someday soon(ish), and would love to cheer on others!
  • HealthyNFit4Life
    HealthyNFit4Life Posts: 185 Member
    I have always been!!
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    Congrats on your big weight loss, you have done a great job keep it up
  • i've ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS been heavier. And honestly I'm 24 pounds down, and I'm a little scared to continue because I've never been a thin person. Since I was a kid I would eat when I was bored, emotional, or because it was there and I knew by the time I was hungry my brothers would eat it lol I mean, it shouldn't really change who I am, but why wouldn't it?

    Anyway, I get where you're coming from, one truffle shuffle to another, good luck!
  • thaze90
    thaze90 Posts: 68 Member
    I've been overweight since middle school, and finally making a change. Anyone feel free to add me to friends.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I'm 20 and entering my 3rd year of college. Feel free to add! I can totally relate to the cheesecake thing...ha
  • livim2009
    livim2009 Posts: 1
    Ive Always been a little over weight except when i was a kid like 5 or 6 or so but then i started getting chubby and it never went away, there was a few times i would lose some then it would come back. But I never really eat that bad. I love Fruits and Veggies. so i dont really intake that much of junk food. But im Still overweight. Im 21 and eill be 22 june 26th. And i think its time the weight needs to go. Im tired of it and want to be more healthy.
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 93 Member
    I was fine until I turned 10 and then everything started going downhill from there. Looking back, I wasn't really overweight in high school. I just wasn't toothpick thin. So I wasn't considered pretty. I was tall and I had curves. I wore a size 10 in high school but that was never good enough.
    Now, I wish I could go back to that. :cry:
    Someday I will get there... It'll just take some time and a whole lot of effort but it'll be so worth it. :happy:

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  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats on your loss - fantastic! Keep up the good work! I was big all my life and when in my late 40's, I decided enough was enough and lost 153 pounds. What a trip, experiencing life on the 'other side of the coin'. It is a totally new lifestyle to me and I love it! Although it was actually kind of scary for me half way through because I didn't know how to handle social situations and I almost quit losing. All of the sudden I wasn't invisible anymore - people I didn't know would make eye contact, approach me and I really didn't do well in social situations (probably still don't but I'm learning).

    Please feel free to add me - we can support each other.
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    i've ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS been heavier. And honestly I'm 24 pounds down, and I'm a little scared to continue because I've never been a thin person. Since I was a kid I would eat when I was bored, emotional, or because it was there and I knew by the time I was hungry my brothers would eat it lol I mean, it shouldn't really change who I am, but why wouldn't it?

    Anyway, I get where you're coming from, one truffle shuffle to another, good luck!

    Yup, I felt the same way - almost quit. Then I got angry and pushed through the fear. Congrats on your loss and keep going.
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    I was always chubby as a kid but I gained my weight when I was 14 when a friend commited suicide and then I gained more when I was dating my ex fiance. I hit 290 and now I am down to 218.
  • kba0708
    kba0708 Posts: 17
    I've always been overweight as well. Nutrition didn't matter much in my house when I was growing up; we ate whatever was there and easy. If we had veggies, it was corn or green beans! (which don't really count since one is a grain and one is a legume...) So now, at almost 23, I am taking my life in my own hands. I want to be more active so I can keep up and run around with my 2 year old as he gets older. I also graduate from college in a year and would like to be at my goal by then. I deserve to feel what a healthy body is like! I have no desire to be overly skinny...goal weight is 155.

    I'm re-starting couch to 5k. I quit at week 3 last time but am determined to get through it now! And I'm also taking a paleo approach to my diet. Excited about it!! It's really fun trying new things and I allow myself to eat all the veggies that I want. Taking on a spaghetti squash tonight!
  • stellapiano
    stellapiano Posts: 45 Member
    I've been overweight for as far back as I can remember. So I know the feeling. Congratulations on your weight loss so far! I hope I can do as good. :) Feel free to add me if you're looking for an "always been big buddy"!
  • I was spoiled growing up and always got what I wanted including food so obviously I didnt know any better and always ate terrible. I got up to about 315lbs when I was 17-18 and decided I had to take charge of my own eating, now 252 still have awhile to go but I feel heathier than ever I know im just getting started :)
  • I've always been big for my age, due initially to genetics, then life threw some sh... rubbish at me around age 6 to 12, from there i was perfectly able to take over and gain the rest myself.

    I weighed 12 stone at 12, 15 by 15 and ive gained a stone a year until now at 25 years old and 356lbs i weigh over 25 stones

    Ive got one advantage in that im incredibly broad and my skeletal structure is to quote my doctor "huge" i look like i weigh 18-20 stone (so sayeth everyone i know) and yet i weight (as of this morning) 48 lbs more than homer simpson... the reason is my shoulders are broad, 22 inches.. which incase you werent aware, is massive

    but i still need to lose around 120 lbs of fat.

    My son is starting (at 4) to need clothes bigger than his age because of his bone structure, but he will not get fat, if it kills me i wont let it happen to my kids like i let it happen to myself.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I was a fat kid.. that turned into a fat teenager that is just now losing! =) I have always been overweight and I've tried several times to lose it and this is the first time ever that it is working <3

    Just keep going with it! =) Add me if you want
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    I was an overweight child, and overweight teenager. Just turned 20 and decided that I no longer want to be overweight. Would love some friends who are in a similar position :)
  • helenakincaid
    helenakincaid Posts: 1 Member
    Great job! I feel the same way, I've never worn a bikini, and decided that this is the year im changing that! I just started a few days ago and am going to stick it through until i lose 20lbs, I've never before really worked to meet a fitness goal, but this time im proving it to myself that i can do it.

    congrats on your weight loss and on nursing school!!