IF you have a cheat day...

How many calories do you usually consume on your cheat day?

I usually hit around 3,300....


  • If it's on purpose and I just don't care about dieting, like 2200.
  • thatTOPSlady
    thatTOPSlady Posts: 199
    I hadn't had a cheat day in a LOOOOoooooooong time (and have lost 68 pounds) but Monday night (we are talking a 3 hour period here) I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted (2 pc pizza, 2 glasses chocolate milk, peanut butter and jelly sandwich) and I gained 3 pounds (which I hate) and STILL (here on Saturday) have 2 of them hanging on me.

    It was SOoooooooo not worth it.

    If I want something really bad for me (chocolate milk, for instance) I should just work it in to my calorie plan for the day.
  • persilcolours
    persilcolours Posts: 92 Member
    I was just curious about what number someone hits if he or she is free to eat anything on a designated rare day ( and is normally very regimented).
  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't purposely have a cheat day, but I usually end up not counting calories on Saturday. I don't really limit my calories, but I sort of try to be good. My downfall on the weekend is alcohol! Today I will probably consume 2500 calories before the day is done...
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I never seem to meet my maintenance calories on a permission day...I just eat what I want but I just don't eat as much...my brain has changed...LOL
    I think if i tried to get 3000 cals down i would be sick.(and that's coming from a former binge eater foodaholic)

  • alisha232
    alisha232 Posts: 43 Member
    It depends. usually I just eat and don't count, but it usually just consists of energy drinks or soda. Since I started eating healthier, I don't really have too many food cravings. Sometimes I get pizza or eat a candy bar.
  • My daily calorie intake is around 1200, but my BMR is 1500. I eat 300+ calories...So I score at 1500 calories!