Whey Protein Powder

Does anyone use any of those whey protein powder drinks? if so how do you use them? meal replacement, before or after you workout... any suggestions and opinions would be helpful. I am thinking about using them for like breakfast..


  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I use them two ways.
    1. As a meal replacement where I mix one scoop with a half cup of frozen fruit and Milk.

    2. As a work out recovery drink, 1 scoop with 1 cup of milk.

  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    I use them as a meal replacement occasionally if I'm in a hurry, not for breakfast though because I think it's important to have a quality meal first thing in the morning. I always have one immediately after workouts for recovery purposes. I mix mine with almond milk and I think they're really yummy. Sometimes I add peanut butter for a little extra protein and flavor. There are tons of things you can do with protein powder honestly. I'd make sure to a get a quality brand that doesn't have a lot of filler in it. I use Syntha-6 vanilla ice cream flavor. One scoop is 22g of protein. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    1 to 2 a day usually....

    If you do the search on whey protein or protein... you will probably get a good couple hundred threads with many having some really good info.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I use The Organic Whey protein powder in my breakfast smoothies... two scoops of that, half a banana, 1/4 c of blueberries, ~5 strawberries, and ~3/4 c vanilla almond milk and that's my breakfast!
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I have it in the morning as a meal replacement mixed with almond milk, before I work out. I may have something more for breakfast after I work out, but I have to eat a little something first or I can't get going.
  • jaxsue86
    jaxsue86 Posts: 2
    Thanks guys... i have done searches but it ususally ends up with just ads and promos to buy it. I havent done much on the computer side of this site, i normally just use my iphone..
  • aralls64
    aralls64 Posts: 13
    I use them as a meal replacement... Usually I mix 1 scoop with 8 oz of Fat Free Skim Milk. You can also mix it with 8 oz of Water. I try and do 2 aday.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Post workout drink - with crushed ice, a little water and a banana. Sometimes if I haven't eaten enough protein during the day though, I sprinkle a scoop on plain greek yoghurt to make a delicious chocolate protein pudding. :)
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I only use 1/2 up to 1 scoop mixed with water after an intense workout/jogging session. I use Gold Standard Natural 100% Whey (chocolate).
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I use as between meal snacks and post workout.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I do. I use optimum nutrition's double rich chocolate flavor. It's delish. I put a scoop in 8 oz of milk and it tastes like chocolate milk. Yummy. I usually drink that after I lift weights... I drink it on other days but only if I feel like I'm not getting enough protein. I try to get a little over 100 grams.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I usually have a shake with breakfast and then again after my workout.