Weight loss supp stack!?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    cool, yeah i jst throught the diry thing in coz i wasnt sure if u looked but yeah was struggling big time to eat 1200 calories!

    Can u recomend any excerses i can ?

    Thanks heaps for your input, i appreciate it, i feel like a dumb dumb but its pretty hard to get that motivation :(

    Do you have access to a gym?
  • littlemiss5foot1
    littlemiss5foot1 Posts: 75 Member
    when im home im fine ill go heaps to te gym no supps. but its at work, i work aplit ****s so dont get enough sleep n slug it out o my shifts and im wrecked... I work away on a minesite
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would recommend that you start lifting weights when you can get to a gym as you want to firm up rather than lose weight. But you really need to up your calorie levels to benefit most from this. I am not sure what your shifts are, but unless you are 'on' for more than a few days, I would really not worry too much about exercising during those days. Also, lack of sleep can really impeded weight loss - and a lot of weigh loss supplements contain things that keep you awake - so they does not seem like a good idea to take.