Cleaning = burning??



  • sdgirljen
    sdgirljen Posts: 1
    Haha, right there with you! I have a 3 1/2 year old and an almost 6 month old. The house is NEVER clean! I didn't even know there was a "cleaning" section. But, I sure love being able to enter "breastfeeding". I'm going to be sad when those extra calories don't come off.
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    I logged cleaning when I first started on days that I was working harder at work (Moving boxes around, etc) because it seemed like it would be comparable exercise calorie wise. I have since then just changed my activity level to reflect how much I'm moving at work. I figure it's all an approximation calorie wise anyway, so I do whatever is closest. I mean according to my exercise log I walk a dog almost every day, but last I checked I don't even have a dog! :smile:

    (edited for spelling)
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    I read about a study on this in the book "Switch". Basically, they educated one group of hotel maids on how much excercise/calories burned they had each day. The control group did not receive this information. The informed group lost more weight than the control group. This can be because they now saw themselves as 'exercisers', they put more zeal into their work, or adopted a healthier lifestyle based on this information. For whatever the reason, it worked. So go ahead and log your cleaning activities :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It doesn't bother me what other peoplelog - it has no impact on my body!
    The reality is that everything we do burns calories, and if that activity hasn't already been accounted for in their regular daily activity settings then it's quite valid to log it.
  • nell1972
    nell1972 Posts: 19
    Haha, by pure coincidence I had just logged some cleaning calories when I opened up the boards and saw this!

    I'm set as sedentary so I log as much "movement"that causes me to sweat and puts my HR up as I can. I don't log 5 or 10 minutes of something inconsequential, but for gardening and cleaning I try to remember to wear my HRM and log the cals.

    Last year I distinctly recall starting the HRM off in the morning, then walking the dog for an hour, weeding the garden and cutting the grass, then cleaning two fish tanks with a lot of physical effort - at the end of the day, after subtracting my BMR cals I'd burned nearly 1800 cals. I didn't log them all as it seemed excessive, but I did log half of them!

    I had a mad hour of cleaning prior to my mother paying a visit on Friday. I forgot to wear my HRM, but for 90 minutes vigorous cleaning the sweat was pouring off me. So I logged an hours worth for a conservative 270 cals.

    Hey, I'm fat so cleaning takes a lot of physical effort! But I also keep my diary private, to avoid unjust criticism....
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I never log cleaning because i use to clean my house still when i wasn't trying to lose weight, i just see it as a regular daily activity that i will always do whether I'm trying to lose weight or not, but that's just me personally, each to their own x

    I see a lot people posting "I used to do x activity when I was fat so I'm not g to count it now".
    To me, this isn't logical. Presumably you used to breath and digest and walk around - but you don't ignore those things when you calculate your cals (they are included in your BMR and base activity level), why would you ignore cleaning? If you have your activity level set to include household chores then you don't need to log them separately, but you aren't ignoring them.... It doesn't make sense!

    (this is not directed specifically at one person but everyone that posts this every time this topic comes up - which is about once a week).
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    It's not necessary to gang up on me or have attitude. I was just bringing up a point.... Of course certain exercises burn calories more efficiently than cleaning would. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But as someone mentioned, I do notice people who only log that and then complain that nothing is changing. Log cleaning, by all means! I understand your ideas.

    I'm a little surprised by the disrespect of some people, when this site is intended for support and discussion. I'm not here to argue with anyone, just to talk. Just relax and be kind.

    Can you say HYPOCRITE? I think it's disrespectful of you to start a topic about what other people are doing with the site, how supportive is that? And discussion implies that differing opinions are acceptable.
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    I dunno.... I managed to clean my house and work in my yard and remain fat.... Haha. Just a thought.

    Great logic. For years, the only regular exercise I got was housecleaning and yardwork. Yet, I've never weighed more than 120lbs. Clearly, this has *everything* to do with how great a workout this is and nothing to do with my metabolism or carefully monitored caloric intake. Tongue in cheek :P
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    i think it depends on what kind of cleaning it means. if its a two minute vac around your living room and a flash wipe around with a bit of polish then no. but if you scrub your floors, kitchen and bathroom, clear out clutter and change beds and really clean ever surface of your house then you should log. i don't think when you see people who are so overweight that they have the energy or usually the time to deep clean there houses thoroughly. i know I've not been as thorough and as energetic in my housework since i got ill, and I put on weight. i have less energy since being overweight. so i know when i can give my house a deep clean and set off a sweat for 6-8 hours at a time then my adding 2-3 hours cleaning to my log is both going to help me loose and motivate me and show me how far from being inactive i have come. it also shows why i might feel exhausted and not have enough energy left to go work out in a gym with. when i scrub my tiled and hard floors on my hands and knees my abs shoulders and back muscles burn after and i'm covered in sweat so i think its as good as any work out or exercise program. and some people are sick or have health issues on here. I've seen ladies go from barely being able to walk around there house and not even making it outside to doing a little housework, progressing onto hour long elliptical work outs. we shouldn't undervalue the work that us women often do and we've been told through society the work we do is of no value. housework has value and if done effectively can be used as a calorie consuming productive and edifying exercise
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I agree with everyone who said it's really not your business, and you shouldn't be judgmental about what people log as exercise.

    That said, I don't normally log mine. I have 4 young children and I like a very clean house, so obviously I clean a lot. I take that into account for my TDEE activity level, so I don't log it unless I feel like I've cleaned more than usual.
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    I read about a study on this in the book "Switch". Basically, they educated one group of hotel maids on how much excercise/calories burned they had each day. The control group did not receive this information. The informed group lost more weight than the control group. This can be because they now saw themselves as 'exercisers', they put more zeal into their work, or adopted a healthier lifestyle based on this information. For whatever the reason, it worked. So go ahead and log your cleaning activities :)

    agreed. :)
    I've encouraged others to log as i do and they got more active just from by thinking of it as an exercise, and your much more likely to get on with it quickly than taking all day to get the tasks done.
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    I used to feel the same way, and even now I don't log a general clean. However, once I went on a massive mission, did about 5 hours worth, didn't log it, didn't eat back the exercise calories: I have to preface this by saying at the time I wasn't eating nearly enough, but even so - I passed out in the evening. A bit extreme, yes, and I believe at the time I was eating at around 1200 and netting at 900 which is far too low for me, but my point is this: the only time I passed out on that amount of calories was that day.

    So my advice is listen to your body. I'm not sure MFP estimates the calories correctly, and I don't think me logging 30 minutes of cleaning would do much for me, however on the other hand, if I go on a bit of a mission and work my socks off for 30 mins, 90 mins, 190 mins and I need to eat, well, I need to eat.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    It's not necessary to gang up on me or have attitude. I was just bringing up a point.... Of course certain exercises burn calories more efficiently than cleaning would. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But as someone mentioned, I do notice people who only log that and then complain that nothing is changing. Log cleaning, by all means! I understand your ideas.

    I'm a little surprised by the disrespect of some people, when this site is intended for support and discussion. I'm not here to argue with anyone, just to talk. Just relax and be kind.

    You asked...Don't get mad because they disagree with you.

    Now I see the problem.....You're only 19, you think you know it all. lol
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    It irks me when people worry so much about what others do. When I had my profile set to sedentary, I logged cleaning as well as insanity works out. Calories burned are calories burned. Sedentary setting doesn't include those calories. In order to keep a moderate deficit, I tracked ALL activity. I've been very successful.

    Explain to me how our bodies would know the difference between burning 100 calories from cleaning the kitchen or 100 calories from jogging on the tredmill.

    Also, don't assume people who log things like cleaning use it as an "excuse to eat more". Some of us like keeping a moderate deficit so our metabolisms don't suck. I lost slowly with a small deficit and now I can maintain eating over 2000 calories a day. We're not a bunch of fatties looking for excuses to eat.

    Perfectly Said <3

    Exactly! I log cleaning when I'm moving furniture around and lifting stuff. But I log my other workouts also. I sit at a desk, so to me, it's calories not figured into my deficit. I don't count everything, but if my heart rate is up there, it counts
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    It irks me when people worry so much about what others do. When I had my profile set to sedentary, I logged cleaning as well as insanity works out. Calories burned are calories burned. Sedentary setting doesn't include those calories. In order to keep a moderate deficit, I tracked ALL activity. I've been very successful.

    Explain to me how our bodies would know the difference between burning 100 calories from cleaning the kitchen or 100 calories from jogging on the tredmill.

    Also, don't assume people who log things like cleaning use it as an "excuse to eat more". Some of us like keeping a moderate deficit so our metabolisms don't suck. I lost slowly with a small deficit and now I can maintain eating over 2000 calories a day. We're not a bunch of fatties looking for excuses to eat.

    this. i say let them be. its their life, their deal, not yours. stop worrying about others business. don't be so easily frustrated with ppl. "don't worry, be happy" just smile and move on.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    there has been so many of these already posted on here.... i logg cleaning as my workout because i wear a hrm and i go hard at it. i dont need to justify why i do to anyone, because obviously something is working for me haha. to each their own! who cares what other people track
  • LFiestan
    LFiestan Posts: 176 Member
    i count it as calories burned esp if i do lifting and climbing up stairs, hanging clothes, washing dishes and doing laundry (our washing machine is not like yours there in the US, sometimes we have to do things manually). I used to be lazy and hardly do any cleaning, even light ones and hardly ever cooked as well. Since i started this diet ive been doing more household chores, and cooking my own food. This has really been a lifestyle change for me, if it makes me sweat and move alot, i log it in.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I agree with you angelazurcher, and most of the time it's those same people that wonder why after x number of months of being on MFP they're not losing any weight? Hello!!! Just because you burned a few more calories than you would have doing nothing doesn't make it exercise, and if this is the only "exercise" your doing then that's probably why your not losing anything. One of my friends logs EVERYTHING outside of sitting on the couch and has only lost about 10 pounds in almost a year, but can't seem to figure out why, but when you suggest the idea that getting up and walking to the fridge is not exercise everyone jumps all over you for being insensitive or something. REALLY?!?!?!?! If you don't want to hear it then don't complain because you're not losing weight!!!!! Just my 2 cents!!!!!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    It irks me when people post "cleaning" as their only workout for the day. It just seems like the exercise that should be logged is that intended for the purpose of... exercise? Anyone agree?
    I dunno.... I managed to clean my house and work in my yard and remain fat.... Haha. Just a thought. Totally not ridiculing anyone or anything!!

    yes you are ridiculing,and posting that your not does not change that. How does someone logging cleaning affect your life in any way?
    Maybe we should all start logging calories from minding our own buisness??
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I can see where you're coming from with your thoughts. I do believe that it is possible to burn calories if you are doing vigorous cleaning like scrubbing the floor and baseboards, running up and down the stairs while doing laundry, etc. I will admit, I did log cleaning when I first began my journey because I wanted everything to count. But, after I got an HRM, I learned that my heart rate never stayed high enough for my cleaning to be considered a "burn". I will log if I mow our lawn though because that IS a workout pushing my lawnmower up a hill 15 times. :happy: