Up 4lbs overnight???????????



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Seriously????? I had a major sugar binge yesterday on skittles and M&M's but I've been very good at avoiding sugar and processed foods all last week so why the 4lb gain from ONE sugar binge????? I'm VERY discouraged right now! There's no way in hell I took in 14,000 extra calories in ONE day!!!!

    What gives and what can I do about it????? Thanks!
    It will go back down in a day. Weight fluctuates.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    wal mart has a scale for about $40 that measures what percentage of your weight is water (it also has bmi, calories you can eat to your goal and body fat)

    I doubt its the most accurate on the body fat but its interesting to see the water percentage changes.
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I noticed all the ups and downs within myself too...and finally got frustrated enough that I just stopped weighing myself every day. It really discouraged me. The same thing happened to me last week. Up 3 lbs over night and I hadn't done anything different. Within 2 days I had lost that 3 plus another. I've trained myself now over the past week to not check every day...that way when I do weigh in every week...i'll be happy with the 2 or 3 lb loss and not frustrated all week with the ups and downs to still be down 3 lbs on that weekly weigh in. It's too much added stress. Lol
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    wal mart has a scale for about $40 that measures what percentage of your weight is water (it also has bmi, calories you can eat to your goal and body fat)

    I doubt its the most accurate on the body fat but its interesting to see the water percentage changes.

    We have a discount store near me called Ocean State Job Lot. I was able to get the same kind of scale for $10! Its the Taylor brand and it seems to be pretty accurate.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    Try weighing every 2 weeks instead of daily/weekly. As long as you are in a calorie deficit over the long haul, you will be ok. If you are not already, take measurements to always use as a progress tool.

    Just curious, are you on a low carb diet and had a sugar splurge yesterday? If so, that is the reason for the weight gain. All water weight.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    Somebody clearly forcefed you 14,000 calories while you slept. Check under the bed.

    This made me LOL. Seriously though it's just water weight.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    agree with everyone...its not real. Eat well, get enough protein...watch your salt today,,,i didnt try to look at your diary, but you can track your sodium...i know thats a big factor for me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I think its demon possession!
    Or a small leper gnome took up residence in you!

    Drink a lot of water and eat slightly below TDEE and lift weights and this will pass!
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    This is the reason why they suggest weighing yourself once per week, at most, before you have anything to eat or drink, and in the same clothing each time. Weight fluctuates due to water gained usually from too much sodium the previous day, TOM, etc., but you already knew that, I'm sure. The scale can also weigh differently due to being moved to a different location, humidity changes, heat changes, and the one that used to happen to my mom all the time -- someone adjusting the weight dial on the scale.

    Don't worry!
  • It is seriously just water retention from your body taking in more sugar than normal. Your body is in "shock" since you removed the sugar-y foods/snacks and is storing the extra.

    Drink water and avoid sugar for the next couple of days and I promise you will see the true weight.
  • It's very difficult to have actual weight shifts of more than a pound (up or down) that aren't water related. The Skittles and M&Ms, of I recall correctly, are high in both sugar AND sodium. If you've been good and active lately, but binged later in the day when you have less time to work off those sugars, they head to the liver for short term storage before your body decides what to do with them - send back out to be used for current activity, or send to fat for future energy needs. The sodium in the candy (and sugar to a far lesser extent, add big solid particles to your blood stream and your blood stream tries to keep a particular ratio of "solid stuff" to water at all times. When we overdo the solid stuff the body hangs onto the water as well until the body can transfer the solids onto cells (store as fat, use as energy) or flush it out of the body (primarily in pee). When the stuff goes, the water goes too to maintain that ratio.

    I, too, get massive 3-5 pound upswings sometimes despite a calories count that says I should be losing/maintaining. In pretty much every instance I can track it to eating a ridiculously large bulk of my calories AFTER I'm done being active for the day, usually Mexican food - notoriously high carb and high sodium. Or a night out drinking with friends. If I look at my abdomen that next morning, I can usually see the upper left sticking out a bit more than the right. That's my liver saying, "Thanks for the bounty, man. Whatcha want me do with it?"

    The good news is that a couple days of being back in my regular routine sees those pounds fall back off. I see that you've already lost 60 pounds, so going back to what got (or has kept) you there should auto-correct your splurge. Good on ya for having one, it's only temporary, and keep up the great work!
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    It's because you're a Flyer's fan. If you were a Bruin's fan, it wouldn't have happened. :smile:
  • bubsyh
    bubsyh Posts: 57 Member
    Try measuring yourself by an item of clothing. I have 3 pairs of trousers that I am measuring myself by.
  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    I'm up 6 pounds in 2 days right now. I just log every weight and see if there is an overall trend. If you are using the scale a your primary every day motivator you will likely freak out several times a week.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! My shorts aren't tight at all today so it's definitely not fat. Also, the skin under my eyes is puffy!:grumble: :sad: so that just reinforces that it's water weight. A TON of water too! Stupid skittles and M&Ms! If I didn't have kids I wouldn't even have candy and chocolate in the house. It's too much of a temptation for me. :grumble:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    It's because you're a Flyer's fan. If you were a Bruin's fan, it wouldn't have happened. :smile:

    Ok, this made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    If you lost 4lbs overnight would you question it? Wouldn't you wait a day or 2 to make sure it wasn't a fluke? Its the same premise when you gain weight.

    Wait a couple days, eat right and drink a ton of water then weigh yourself again :)
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    Yep it is just water weight and your body reacting to all that sugar. Eat good today, get in your water, it may take a few days to work off, but it will come off. :)
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    It's because you're a Flyer's fan. If you were a Bruin's fan, it wouldn't have happened. :smile:

    Ok, this made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I was hoping you had a sense of humor. I'm going to have to play "971" on the numbers game tonight. My first name is Lisa as well. It has to be a sign. Don't sweat the 4 lbs. You've lost 60 lbs, so you definitely know what you're doing when it comes to weight loss. Congrats!
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    It's because you're a Flyer's fan. If you were a Bruin's fan, it wouldn't have happened. :smile:

    As a fellow Flyers fan I gotta say "Ooooh no you didn't!!!!" lol

    But on topic, I went up two pounds after yesterday being up another two and I have been eating well since a bad Memorial day/Tuesday after. I have an ankle issue so I have been taking aspirin and other pain meds to help the inflammation and I find that I see a weight gain from those if I take them for a long time. They seem to make me hold water for some reason. But the scale is by the mirror and I can see changes so I am not overly concerned. I took a break from the scale a few months ago for a whole month and it was really the best thing I have done. It really turns into a mental game!