Trying to give up Coke's!

I am absolutely and positively addicted to REAL Coca Cola's! Literally, I probably drink 1,000 calories a day! Sad, right? Has anyone else been "addicted" and if so, how did you stop? I try to drink a diet one, but it soo does not taste the same. If I could quit cold turkey, I would probably drop 10 lbs instantly...what's standing in my way?? Oh, I know, an ICE COLD COKE! HELP! :grumble:

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  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    I would say, don't buy any at the store, therefor your not tempted by it at home.
  • Mirelalaine
    chew gum!!!!!!!

    sounds silly, but it works
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I've had the hardest time giving up soda (I'm addicted to Mountain Dew). The best advice I can give is to slowly wean yourself off of it.... this is what I'm doing. Instead of 6-12 cans a day, I have been drinking 1-2 cans and replacing the rest with lots of water. I usually just need 1 can to help knock out the caffine withdrawel headaches.

    I've also tried cold turkey... which works but is HARD... and drinking a glass or two of tea or coffee to knock out the caffine withdrawel. I was successful with this method for about a month, and then after that I would crack.

    I wish you the best of luck! And even if you go down to 1 soda a day, I bet you'll still drop a good chunk of weight not just because of the calories, but the sugar as well. :flowerforyou:
  • shannahrenee
    have you tried coke zero? It tastes a little more like regular coke, but this is coming from someone who loves loves loves diet coke. Also, I acknowledge that diet coke although none of the calories is just as bad as regular, I might give it up some day :tongue:
  • trudance45
    trudance45 Posts: 45 Member
    I probably drank about 2 litres a day of coca cola since i was a wee girl, but then it wasnt so bad cause i used to dance probably 5 nights a week, the only thing i could do was quit cold turkey, i have it at the weekend as a treat but thats it durin the week i just drink, ice cold water, which hits the spot for me now, when im really thirsty. to be honest now i couldnt drink coke like i was, it just doesnt taste as good to me anymore.
  • sheaz85
    sheaz85 Posts: 56 Member
    My boyfriend is completely obsessed with coke. He drinks them all day long. What I did to help him out is I asked him what other kinds of drinks he likes. He told me he likes i replaced his coke with crystal light lemonade and now he only drinks 1 or 2 cans a day, which is a huge improvement. Try replacing it with something else that you like...but don't cut it out cold turkey because you'll crave it too much.

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  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I also have an addiction to soda, although mine is for Diet Coke. I have eliminated a lot of my soda intake by doing just what KPablo suggested - I don't buy any and keep it at home. It makes you think about how bad you really want it when you have to leave your house just for a (diet) coke. Hope this helps!
  • amandamae
    Thanks everyone!! Hopefully I can at least cut my intake in half for now, or maybe even to 1 or 2 a day. I'll let you know how I'm doing...and yes, I have left my house many, many times just to get a coke from a drive-thru...sad!!

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  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I had an addiction to FROZEN coke lol. Other than that I drink no soda. I drink water and skim milk. I LOVE water though. I did get a frozen coke today, but instead of getting the largest size possible I got the smallest. I figure one a week is ok for a treat. Just don't deprive yourself, with anything. Tell yourself once in a while things you like but shouldn't eat regularly are ok occasionally and in moderation. It will work! I promise!
  • erinbabson
    If you go cold turkey - you'll cave way too easily.

    best way? buy fountain coke and start with a full regular with a splash of diet. Next time, add two splashes of diet. just keep doing that slowly and eventually you'll end up with more of a taste for the diet.

    Or....find things to replace with - flavored waters, etc. I love the carbonated, flavored waters or diet sprite (doesn't taste as "diety" to me!)
  • winky_gurl
    I'm a Pepsi-fiend....I drank over 1000 calories a day. I gave it up cold turkey. I started drinking Crystal light peach tea. It's made with splenda instead of sugar and has low calories. I love the sweetness and it hits the spot. For me it was the sweetness that i craved. I eat no sweets except fruit so pepsi was my "sweet" . Now i have a new sweet, with no sugar and almost no calories!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I love Coke Zero but my absolute fav is Cherry Coke Zero :tongue:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ahh coke. I used to drink coke for breakfast lunch and dinner. nothing tasted good without coke - pizza, burgers, ice cream, cake, everything. When I realized how much calores and how much sugar it had, not to mention that it can make you become irregular cuz of the lack of water in ur body. just gave it up. Now when I really crave it, I drink some sprite. Just to calm the craving.
    Or you can develop a reward program. I hadn't drank coke in a whole month so last night I enjoyed one. ONE AND ONLY ONE. and now, going another month without it n looking forward to my next coke...maybe I'll save it for thnxgiving.
    I know monthly seems impossible so try a weekly thing. or limit it to one coke per day til gradually you can do without.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Drink water first and if you are still thirsty drink a coke. Wean yourself a little at a time. Good luck.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I was addicted to Mt Dew. Probably an extra 600 calories a day in my diet.

    Not keeping it in the house is the easy step. But there are convience stores and vending machines.
    I could go cold turkey for like three weeks, and then I would not just fall off the wagon, but be launched off the wagon. And I would be right back where I started.

    So, knowing the only plan that works is one that you'll actually stick with....I decided I would treat myself to one fully leaded Mt Dew a week. That has worked. When I started doing that I would get my normal fountain drink 44 oz Mt Dew, 640 calories. The last two weeks I've cut it down to the 16oz Mt Dew 320 calories. So, slowly but surely I'm getting away from it. Who knows, maybe one day I'll skip a week, but I'd be deluding myself, and others if I said I will quit drinking it all together.

    Hope that helps.
  • ae770
    ae770 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh my gosh I know exactly how you feel, I love coke but it is the only regular pop I drink. But one summer I worked as a lifeguard and on my way home I would stop by the gas station and get a 32 oz coke, and days I wasn't working a lot of times I would drink even more than that. I've found that not buying any at the store doesn't help me because I'll just go to the gas station or somewhere and end up getting it, and that just costs more money. So now what I do is I buy coke zero (cans, not 2 liters, it's easier to tell how much you're drinking). And I've noticed once they've been in the fridge so they're completely cold, they taste pretty similar to regular coke. And once you stop drinking so much regular coke, you also notice less of a difference. But if I go to restaurants where they have coke (usually they don't have coke zero, and when they do it doesn't taste too great) I just get regular coke AND water. And don't feel bad about it.
  • mforrette85
    I am right there with you! I just started giving up REAL coke a few days ago when I decided that I better practice what I preach! I am a fitness instructor but I absolutly love coke :embarassed: ! Especially fountain coke! I started drinking A LOT of water and only having 8oz. coke a day. Yesterday I didn't have any coke but I woke up at 4:30am with a screaming headache. I'm thinking I will only let myself have it on special occasions like only 1 day on the weekend and only 1 glass. Ice tea is a good option to to fend of the caffine withdrawls. Good luck to us both!!:happy:
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    Ok- I was addicted to deit pepsi. here's what I did. I only allowed myself tohave it as a treat when we went out to eat- which is like 2X during the week-usually lunch and on the weekends. I don't crave it any,ore. I enjoy having it but I have created the new habbit of drinking the water instead. AHHHHHH thinkof all the cals you will save! You go girl.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Here are some of the things that can be done with Coke:

    1. Clean a toilet -- let it sit overnight, and it will sparkle.
    2. Remove stains from vitreous china.
    3. Use Coke and a ball of aluminum foil for rust on chrome.
    4. Clean corrosion from car battery terminals.
    5. Use a Coke-soaked cloth to loosen a rusted bolt.
    6. Use a can of Coke in a load of greasy laundry.

    Now, just imagine what it's doing to your stomach lining. That would make me quit!
  • patrice27
    Good Luck! I used to drink about 2 liters of diet Coke a day. Now maybe a can of diet coke a week.
    No easy way to do it- cold turkey is hard, but if you don't buy it you have to go out and get it to cheat! My rule was I could only buy a 12 oz can at a time. You will need to wean yourself off the caffeine- I used tea instead- or the headaches will drive you nuts! Eventually it is worth it.