Looking for a buddy for support :)

Hi im 30, and have an 8.5 month baby girl. I put on 30kilos (66lbs) during pregnancy. I lost 1 stone at weight watchers over 6 weeks and have lost most of the remaining weight by walking allot and using myfitnesspal.

I have about 10lbs to go and then want to maintain my weight, I would like to hit my goal before I go back to work in September.

I would love a buddy or several buddies, just to keep motivated to fill in our food diaries and keep as close to allowed calories as possible.

I am vegan but don't mind if you are not lol

Look forward to hearing from you and feel free to add me ;)



  • herwitsend
    herwitsend Posts: 42 Member
    I have found great support here. I am 34 with 2 kids (5 and almost 3). I have a lot more to lose than you, but I am fast becoming a fitness freak.

    Not a vegan, but we raise our own chickens for eggs and meat and know all of our farmers personally. We try to stay as close to the source as possible for all of our animal products. ;)