Low carb diets

So I have 4 weeks to lose some weight before a family wedding.. and I'm basically prepared to try anything so I read up on low carb diets. I love chicken so not a problem there.. although I don't fish (hate it!).. so I'd just need to eat vegetables & chicken which should be alright hopefully.

But quick question roughly how many carbs a day are recommended ? Obviously you can't eat 0 carbs.. but there must be a minimum amount right?



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well, you've hit on the problem - there's no definition of "low carb"!

    For seriously low carb regimes like Atkins, I think its about 20g a day.

    For myself, I try to keep around 100g a day.
  • If you are only eating meat and vegetables then you should have no problem keeping under 30 grams per day.

    I stay around 30 including lots of dairy.
  • VanillaTwilight001
    VanillaTwilight001 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks :)

    I will also have one slice of toast in the morning but that's it.. only cause I don't like milk therefore don't like cereal haha. I tried oats but I honestly did not like them at all! So I'll just stick with a slice of toast :) Obviously that will add the carbs too but hopefully not by much.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Well, you've hit on the problem - there's no definition of "low carb"!

    For seriously low carb regimes like Atkins, I think its about 20g a day.

    For myself, I try to keep around 100g a day.

    This -- I also aim for 70 to 100grams a day of carbs and for 120grams of protein. I base my carb intake on the marks daily apple. Here is a link http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#axzz1wkmgeskm
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I have been sticking to 1200 calories and about 100 gram protein, 100 gram carbs and 50 gram fat. I have consistently lost around10 lbs a moth for the last 18 months ( it's coming off more slowly now that I am near my goal wt) I started on the South bEach for the first 2 weeks and that really got me going. Of course, this is me and everyone is different. I also exercise 2 hours a day to maintain this kind of loss. I know it is aggressive, but if you want to get it off quickly and safely I know the South Beach works for a short sustained loss. I now go to a nutrionist who changed the diet so that it was sustainable for me as I have a gluten allergy.
  • How are you with eggs (hard boiled, scrambled, poached, ...)? In the morning I would have egg whites (sometimes add a yoke if I need the fat - good fats btw) and fruit, or egg whites and 1/2 cup of oatmeal (I eat my oats uncooked, with just water... just like them that way). Nuts and fruit/veggies works too.

    1 slice of bread can be 50-70 grams of carbs, so you'll have to check the lables. Even a tortilla wrap can be 100 grams of carbs, and you wouldn't even suspect it! I agree with someone above: your veggies and fruits should be your staple carbs. Your body will process them far better than processed foods (like bread). Remember that iceberg lettuce doesn't count for much other than waisting your stomach space for something more nutricious, like romaine lettuce or green/red/yellow peppers or asparugus or rice or hummus or broccoli or combination thereof.

    Also, try not to eat ANY (or very little) carbs for your last meal of the day because you may not have enough time to burn it off before bed time unless you're one of those people who work out before going to bed.

    Other great protein sources are turkey, peanuts (watch the fat content, but still good fats), ham (watch the sodium content), beans, protein powder (for shakes... not those KELLOG's "Protein Shakes" because they're more carbs than protein)... I don't eat much fish either...

    You say you love chicken? Care to share some recipies? I need help in that category!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So I have 4 weeks to lose some weight before a family wedding.. and I'm basically prepared to try anything so I read up on low carb diets. I love chicken so not a problem there.. although I don't fish (hate it!).. so I'd just need to eat vegetables & chicken which should be alright hopefully.

    But quick question roughly how many carbs a day are recommended ? Obviously you can't eat 0 carbs.. but there must be a minimum amount right?


    Why'd you wait so long to get a start on losing some weight, I'm guessing you knew the date of the wedding well in advance
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,178 Member
    With T2, I am allowed 45 per meal but I cant lose weight doing that. But the lower the better with the diabetes. So I try to keep it no higher than 60 a day, though I do shoot for lower.
  • Jeanniesb
    Jeanniesb Posts: 14 Member
    Have you ever tried "Mighty Tasty cereal"? It's Gluten free and made by Red Mill. I eat that a lot of mornings! I put blue berries etc in it. .
    I sometimes cook it at night for about 10 mins then put it in the refrigerator without the berries and heat in the am so it's even faster.I Then put the fruit just before I eat it for flavor. If I have to run out in the early am it's fast food and health, but it only takes me 10mins on the stove with water! I love this! I've been having it off and on now for over 4 1/2 years and never get tiered of having it! It keeps me full til lunch so I don't need to snack. Fat 1.5gram, Sodium 5mg Carbohydrate31, fiber 4g, Protein 4g, Vit A and Iron! Whole Grain Brown Rice. I buy it @ Whole Foods store or Amazon.

    I only eat anything that will help my body and brain be healthier. I believe making sure to have a substantial breakfast is key to loosing weight and maintaining it along with my health.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks :)

    I will also have one slice of toast in the morning but that's it.. only cause I don't like milk therefore don't like cereal haha. I tried oats but I honestly did not like them at all! So I'll just stick with a slice of toast :) Obviously that will add the carbs too but hopefully not by much.

    i have 2 boiled eggs with butter n 1/2 slice wholegrain toast - when i was doing low-carb i just had the eggs n butter. or 2 slices of bacon and a fried egg on a sunday. breakfast of champions lol.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    Sorry, but the idea about eating low-carb is to avoid starchy, sugary foods that might create insulin spikes.
    Bread and low carb - those are 2 contradictory things.
    Bread has a very high glycemic index.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I've read anywhere from 50-120 depending on how you function in ketosis.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sorry, but the idea about eating low-carb is to avoid starchy, sugary foods that might create insulin spikes.
    Bread and low carb - those are 2 contradictory things.
    Bread has a very high glycemic index.

    Then eating protein on a low carb diet would also be contradictory if the supposed goal is to avoid evil insulin spikes
  • I'm not really a fan of low carb. I like more of a balanced diet with healthy portions. If you're too hungry, eat more veggies each meal. If you take out carbs, then all of the vitamins and minerals that are most prominent in carbs you will have to work to find elsewhere. Important ones that you may be missing on low carb are potassium and calcium, and being that so many people have developed this fear of any sodium intake, your electrolytes can get thrown all out of whack. Once that happens, good luck motivating yourself to workout. You'll have a tough enough time thinking straight because you would be chronically dehydrated.

    It works for some people, but without a nutritionalist's orders due to some medical condition, then I don't really see the point. In your case, eating lower glycemic index foods is important, however I don't see the "low carb fad" helping you long term.

    My 2 cents: Start busting your *kitten* in the gym/running/walking/whatever, eat healthier and in the right portions, and you'll lose 4 or 5 pounds. Enjoy that, and let that inspire you to keep living a healthier lifestyle, and you'll have a new glow about you at the wedding that will overshadow any physical changes you'll ever see.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    Fish, nuts, lots of veggies (such as spinach, tomatoes) have more potassium than you can imagine.
    Almond milk has more calcium than regular milk.

    I'm not missing anything by NOT eating bread or potatoes. I actually get more nutrients by eating low-carb food, because I eat nutrient-dense food.
  • VanillaTwilight001
    VanillaTwilight001 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for all the replies :)

    I think I will try sticking to about 50g of carbs a day or mabye less.

    I do love eggs, so that's another idea for breakfast. Someone said that one slice of bread has something like 50-70g of carbs.. Um no they don't :S. The bread I have has like 17g of carbs.

    And the reason why I left it so late was.. I started eating healthily back in April this year when I was off uni for the Easter and I started 30 day shred aswell. Lost about 6 pound in 2 weeks.. but then I went back to uni after the Easter break.. gave up on the 30 day shred and exams began. And from there everything just went downhill. I ate a lot of junk food during exam season but now that's me finished uni for the year and I want to get back on track again.

    Also I would avoid the bread in the morning if I could! I hate milk which is why I don't have cereal.. and I've tried oats and hated that aswell. I normally have 2 slices of toast in the morning.. but I thought I'd cut it down to 1 slice.. and have an egg with it aswell. And then just have salad/chicken etc for lunch & dinnner.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    I have been sticking to 1200 calories and about 100 gram protein, 100 gram carbs and 50 gram fat. I have consistently lost around10 lbs a moth for the last 18 months ( it's coming off more slowly now that I am near my goal wt) I started on the South bEach for the first 2 weeks and that really got me going. Of course, this is me and everyone is different. I also exercise 2 hours a day to maintain this kind of loss. I know it is aggressive, but if you want to get it off quickly and safely I know the South Beach works for a short sustained loss. I now go to a nutrionist who changed the diet so that it was sustainable for me as I have a gluten allergy.


    I haven't had nearly the results as posted above (great job!) however I try to stick around 90-110 g protein, and no more than 120 g carbs, 40 g fat. When I was eating very clean my carbs were closer to 60-80g per day.