New to MFP and need motivation/adice/help! Please :)

I'm planning on jumping right into the program tomorrow and would love any helpful advice! I would also love tips on staying motivated using MFP. I have tried several diets in the past with some success but I am now at the heaviest I have ever been and would like to lose 30lbs. Thanks for any help!


  • jonesyx6
    jonesyx6 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow too. I just signed up and I'm in the same boat, sounds like. I am hoping that the tracking for MFP will be easier than WW. That was hard only because it seemed like I had to deconstruct and type in every recipe because I don't eat a lot of prepared foods. If you need someone to help with accountability, let me know.

  • Jess0Marie
    Jess0Marie Posts: 3 Member
    I have tried WW in the past also and found the tracking a little harder too but I am missing all the recipes that WW had on their website but I love that this is free! lol. I lost internet until thursday night so I actually didn't start tracking until friday! Hope your week is going far my first three days are going ok but the weekend is always the hardest for me! Accountability is a big part for me...maybe we could report into eachother say every tuesday? So then we have at least one other person that knows exactly how we are doing? Let me know if you are interested? Thanks!
  • lussya
    lussya Posts: 19
    I'm also starting tomorrow :) I think that friends in the same situation are the best motivation
  • clearv
    clearv Posts: 1 Member
    I am also new to MFP and pretty freaked out. I have been trying many ways to lose weight and get healthy. I was talking to my hair cutter about joining WW and she highly suggested MFP. I am currently at the heaviest I've been and following a trip to Disney and seeing some pics I knew I needed to do something. I joined this morning in order to start tomorrow but decided to do it today so I didn't change my mind. So far this site is very easy to use. I had a strange dinner and put in the name and it pulled up the information. I like how it remembers things you eat since I don't stray from my norm too much. I would love all the support and motivation anyone has to offer. I would also do the same in return.
  • jollycathy
    jollycathy Posts: 15
    I am new also but I think motivation from fellow new mfp friends is great, feel free to add me!
  • Crumleygirl
    Crumleygirl Posts: 86 Member
    I hear the recipe thing on here is really good. It's under the food tab. I personally have never tried it. I love MFP and you are all welcome to friend me.
  • barians
    barians Posts: 16 Member
    Make sure and connect with people on here to help motivate and support you. We are all here for the same reason, to get healthier. You have already made a very important step by introducing yourself. Be dedicated to your calorie and exercise diary and best of luck. Feel free to add me if you like.