Tips to reduce sugar and dietary fibre!

Every day i seem to go over on sugar and dietary fibre! Does anyone have any tips on how to reduce these, especially sugar! I dont add it to any meals and don't think i eat things that are particularly sweet.


  • LMP1979
    LMP1979 Posts: 54 Member
    Maybe open up your diary so we can see what you are eating that is causing the overage?

    If you drink juice/soda etc that is the first thing to cut back on. Fiber is generally healthy and a good aid to weight loss when in balance, so I wouldn't worry about that too much.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Unless you're getting severely constipated you don't need to cut back on fiber.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The fiber recommendation should be treated as a minimum, not a max. Agree with mrsbigmack, don't cut back on fiber unless you have digestive issues (diarrhea in addition to constipation would be a concern).
  • AmmyP
    AmmyP Posts: 33 Member
    I can't see reducing fiber as it is helpful in losing. You need to take a look at where the sugar is coming from...natural sugars from fruits aren't what you have to worry's the food that has sugar as an additive that should be cut.
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    Hard to tell without seeing your diary, but as mentioned juices are a common source of sugars... so is MILK if you really like it (also a great source of Protein and other nutrients, but high in sugar). If you like cereals some can be very high... add Milk to that and voila.... Also many prepared foods can be high in sugar (and also Sodium depending on the products) .

    As mentioned: I wouldn't worry much about the fibre - but DO make sure you are getting enough Protein.
  • chloebarge
    chloebarge Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for all your replies, I have put my diary on public.
    I hadn't even thought about 'good' sugars from fruits. I usually have almost double the amount of sugar MFP recommends so is that OK if the sugars are natural? I also don't usually hit the vitamin, calcium and iron targets do you think it is worth getting any supplements?
    Sorry for the questions i'm trying to create a healthy diet for myself x
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Thanks for all your replies, I have put my diary on public.
    I hadn't even thought about 'good' sugars from fruits. I usually have almost double the amount of sugar MFP recommends so is that OK if the sugars are natural? I also don't usually hit the vitamin, calcium and iron targets do you think it is worth getting any supplements?
    Sorry for the questions i'm trying to create a healthy diet for myself x

    Looks like your sugar comes from whole fruits and occasional treats. I would ignore the whole fruits, and just keep the treats in check- it doesn't seem like you're overdoing it.

    I would add a generic women's multivitamin (one that has calcium and iron), and try to eat more veggies. I don't see many veggies in your diary.
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    SO... I took a *quick* look at it seems you like carbs... not a huge deal - I don't have a "carbs will kill you" approach. Seems you also like sweets. Again, not the end of the world as long as you have these things in moderation - and you do have milk often - also adding to the sugar count. But not a bad food item to have at all.... The thing I don't *think* I see enough of is protein.... yes, I see a few days with good protein intake, but you are often short. If I have a suggestion, it would be to try to move some of your calories to protein.

    Also, a decent vitamin supplement is generally a good idea for the vast majority of the population - so I'd say yes to that pretty quick - It is unlikely to do harm.

    One thing that you do need to recognize though - your body will lose weight based on calorie intake - The distribution of those calories across the different "Macros", while having some health implications, isn't as key as the total calorie intake - for weight loss anyway. There are often people that eat lots of "healthy" food (low GI, whole fibres, Healthy fats, good proteins, etc etc) and that is all good, but they can't miss the point of calorie intake.

    Best of Luck!!
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    going over fiber is fine....