Tips for loosing love handles and toning abs?

Anyone have any great exercises or anything they wanna share that will target my abs and most importantly my damn love handles? Even when I was alot thinner I still had small love handles. I tend to carry any fat I have there.

Also my goal is to loose 10 more lbs this month. Any advice or tips would be appreciated. I HAVE to make sure I fit into a bridesmaid dress and look somewhat decent. LOL;)


  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 632 Member
    Yes do weighted ab exercises, start a lifing program and also try to limit your weight loss to 1 lb. per week, No exercise will help you lose your love handles etc. but the kitchen will. I lost mine and I'm 42. The faster you lose your weight, the less tone you will be and you wont be happy with the way you look even after reaching your goal, It will be alot harder to regain the lean muscle that you lost by losing your weight fast than it was to lose the weight.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    First of all you cant spot reduce so targetting abs for fatloss is pretty much a waist. Only reason to target abs is to train your abs but that will train the muscle, not make you loose fat in the area.

    You need a calorie deficit. 10 lbs equals a deficit of about 7000 cals a week, 1000 cals a day. Depending on what you set on, you know how much you need to work out to make it work.
  • aralis36
    aralis36 Posts: 20
    Whats a good weighted ab exercise to start out with? Remember here I am a beginner. LOL and thanks for all the info. Appreciate it.
  • aralis36
    aralis36 Posts: 20
    For my targeted weight loss goal I count my calories and am on 1200 calories a day right now. I recently lost 10 lbs by mostly just changing diet. I am now getting even more strict with my diet..counting calories...etc and am adding regular work outs and dumbells/strengthening moves..Insanity in small does.. etc.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Hm, its a matter of how big of a deficit you want. Its very much a matter of personal opinion, do some research and make up your own mind. Also read up on if you want to eat your excersise calories back or not.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I would focus on losing weight ovverall and would do bodyweight exercises such as bicycles, planks and the Captain's Chair at the gym. If you are genetically predisposed to carry weight there, you may not be able to get rid of them completely.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    If you're a beginner doing this, then you should start out with workouts that use your own body weight to help you exercise. This typically means back ye olde floor routines with crunches, sit-ups, bicycle crunches etc. that will work your abdominals. But also include some basic core strengthening work like planks that will help build your core. Overall though, as another poster mentioned, you cannot spot reduce fat. All this will do is help give you a stronger core, but that's something that will help you in every aspect of your health and fitness so it's something to work at. Moreover abs are made in the kitchen and are 95% based on your diet. So if dieting has been your key to weight lost thus far, then continuing that will eventually slim down your tummy (but only along with the rest of you).

    One other thing I feel I should mention is that for women the body often wants to store some fat in that area. Losing love handles entirely and getting really defined abs might be something that you aren't genetically predisposed for (or would require such a rigorous and restrictive diet that it's not really a good lifestyle choice). This doesn't mean you still can't get a nicely defined waist and lose just about all of that extra flub, but if you're like me (and you sound like you are) then that small bit of cushion might always stick around. This also doesn't mean you've failed your goal, but might be a reality. In the end, though, you'll still look and feel great!
  • aralis36
    aralis36 Posts: 20
    Thanks for all the advice guys! Today I started doing situps with a 7lb dumbbell at chest/neck level..I hold that up while doing situps. I am gonna add this to my daily regimen.