cheat days ?



  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I have a cheat day once per week and it so far it hasn't hurt my maintenance or progress. Everyone has their own way of sticking with a program -- experiment and figure out what works for you.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I don't call it a cheat day. I just designate a single day in a given week where I eat food I want in any quantity. It ain't cheatin' if it's on purpose.

    I've eaten up to 5000 calories in a single day and lost weight the following week.
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    The only cheat is to yourself. If I overdo things in a day and havent had a particularly physical week, I will run for an hr to counteract it. We have to ask ourselves why we are on a site like this if we are looking for ways out.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I dont have cheat days anymore. If it fits into my calories and macros Ill eat it. I dont have to worry about "cheating" as long as I dont go over my TDEE Maintenance target.

    THIS! You are making it sound like you are struggling or dieting which means "Death by food" Dont have cheat days just pay attention a little bit eat what you want and watch your portions. This needs to be a lifestyle change and something you have come to love then to hate every bite of food you put in your mouth because you would rather have something else. Take a step back relax a deep breath and just love life. Dont stress yourself out over this whole thing which will only make you retain weight also. Cheers!
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I cheat probably twice a month and I am still losing. I deserve to cheat after all those cals I burn.
  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    In one cheat day you can totally undo a week of good eating. IMO they are a bad thing. I allow myself treats every day and account for it. For example, I love me some chocolate so I have a dark chocolate square every day. So I guess I never feel the need for a cheat day. That being said, every now and then I will eat out and of course end up with a high calorie meal, but I do my best to account for it during the day and maybe into the next one. And I still try and make the best possible choice while at the restaurant.

    It would have to be one heck of a cheat day to undo a whole week of healthy eating. If I'm losing a pound a week, that's 3500 calories (either burned or not put in) so I'd have to eat those PLUS whatever my calories would be at maintenance (2,000 something maybe?) to have it wipe out my whole week. That is an insane amount of food! I don't think the typical "bad" eating day even comes close.

    (edited to add quote)

    A nice trip to a Mexican restaurant, some chips and salsa, a few margaritas, and a plate jammed packed with food, including a ton of cheese. Done. All in one meal. It is a lot of food, and most people will feel like crap and feel like they ate too much and moan and groan on the couch for the rest of the night. Yet it happens all the time. Plus if you were planning for a cheat day you probably went into that meal with a few extra calories already consumed compared to normal, cause it is a cheat day right?
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I never set out to give myself a "cheat" day, but sometimes I give myself a break from stressing over what I eat. I'll have pizza with my kids, or popcorn at the movies. I love twizzlers, and sometimes, I think it's ok to have a piece of cake or a cookie. I know what I did to get FAT, and I know what I need to do to undo the mess I made of my body. I'm not a purist, I'm not on a specific diet, and if I want to indulge in something occasionally, I will. I ate 4 cookies last night. They were great and I savored every bite. Will I do it again today? No. I'm going hiking this afternoon to burn them off! Call them "cheats" if you want, but I'm still losing weight, and I'm losing even more in inches.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    In one cheat day you can totally undo a week of good eating. IMO they are a bad thing. I allow myself treats every day and account for it. For example, I love me some chocolate so I have a dark chocolate square every day. So I guess I never feel the need for a cheat day. That being said, every now and then I will eat out and of course end up with a high calorie meal, but I do my best to account for it during the day and maybe into the next one. And I still try and make the best possible choice while at the restaurant.

    That would have to be a hell of a cheat day to eat 3500 to 7000 calories ABOVE your TDEE. I don't think treating yourself once in awhile will hurt you, but I think as you move along on your journey, you will find other good foods that will sate you just as well.
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    I've been consistently losing weight, but have had a bad couple of days although I wasn't all that much over calorie wise. Yesterday I had a bowl of chili from Steak & Shake and after found out it was over 800 calories. I still didn't eat over 1400 calories yesterday, but got on the scale this morning 2lbs heavier. That scares me. How is that possible?
  • somedaysoon84
    i do the same. a cheat meal here and there. i still try to make the "best" choices i can.... but these days a jr cheeseburger frmo wendy's is just as delishious and filling as the double i used to eat! AND i get a salad.... and steal a few fries from my boyfriend. i try never to feel guilty about it. if i didn't cheat once in a while, it would feel too much like punishment. i eat the hang outta the sugar free fudgcicles at 40 calories a pop i can get my faux choclate fix, and never feel guilty about it. i do eat naughty things if i'm left with calories to eat after dinner. marshmellows..... and i find that the smaller the better. i can eat more for the same cals, and feel like i've had more!!
  • GetFitNowKrystal
    GetFitNowKrystal Posts: 71 Member
    I feel guilty when I have a "cheat" day. Today was one of those days :(
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    I absolutely love chocolate, so I wouldn't survive without having a bit here and there. I found a solution to my problem. The skinny cow fudge bars, are so yummy. I don't feel guilty eating a 100 calorie bar. It satisfies my craving without making me feel guilty. :-) I think there are ways around it. I can live without the rest. I'm really enjoying discovering new foods to like.
  • casiescorey
    I've been told, due to my recent guilt in cheating, that having a cheat day is good. That it confuses your metabolism, sordove like muscle confusion when you mix-up your work-outs. I think it's neccessary to cheat because we would go crazy if we didn't. I have so many healthy fresh and clean foods in my house. Fresh veggies, fruit, meats...1 ingredient foods...if I ate only these types of foods eventually I would cheat anyway. Sometimes my cheating isn't too bad, and I think it's best to cheat with foods that aren't terrible for you (I won't mention the Dark Chocolate Raspberry cake from the bakery I had Friday). Today I wanted to cheat so I had a bowl of oatmeal with raisens, dates, and walnuts. Tho it doesn't seem like a cheat, the fact is I just wanted something sweet, so I made that work. I have a tub of recess peanut butter cup ice cream in my freezer that I REALLY wanted, but the oatmeal was the better option for if you have to cheat, do it once a week, but the other days choose a healthy option to replace your craving to cheat. Want something sweet? Have oatmeal, yogurt, apple with peanut butter, grapefruit.... Want something crunchy and salty, have a piece of whole wheat toast with real butter. Mmmmm. :):smile:
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    wow I was actually thinking abt posting this exact same topic...for me personally I'd like to see some results first b4 I cross that line...especially if ur starting out. Nothing like getting a motivating feeling seeing that whatever you are doing is also we all know everybody makeup is different so to test the dreaded weekly check in (knowing you cheated 1 day...i.e.a sun) may have negative feeling if ur not satisfied with ur results...imo
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Personally, I feel very sick when I eat large quantities of carbs, sugars, fats, etc. so I don't think a cheat meal/cheat day would work for me because I'd feel terrible physically even if I didn't feel guilty. Instead, I try to work the things I want into my diet, either through portion control or healthy alternatives; for example, my weakness has always been ice cream - I bought some miniature ice cream cones that I simply can't cram more than 1/4 cup of frozen yogurt into no matter how hard I try. It's enough to satisfy my craving, and it sets me back maybe 75 calories. Sometimes I don't even feel like I'm dieting at all!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I have things on a daily basis that some people might consider "cheating". They fit in my calorie goals though, and I'm also eating plenty of healthy foods.
  • missattitude57
    I found that once I started eating a bit healthier, the cheater foods I used to love (chips and dip!!) made me fell super gross when I ate them again. Sometimes I'll cheat a little on a snack but that's about it. I find that I can fit just about everything into my daily limits :) The only exception to this is nights at the drive-in when hubby and I load up on various snacks from the bulk food store and go to town. I am trying to make better choices here too though or at least limit my intake of the various treats.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Nope, for me a cheat day always turns into a cheat week....I completely lose thus I don't do it! Plus I really want to make this a permanent lifestyle change and cheat days just don't fall into that.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Sometimes there will be a " splurge " ... and then there will be an extra " burn ". It's ok to enjoy your foods ... but in the end, just be certain your burning more than your consuming.

    And just fyi ... I never " cheat " ... cause that would mean I was defeating my own best efforts. I won't cheat myself out of a healthy life style ... I just work a little harder to enjoy a little more every now and then !

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    No...If I really want something special. I have to earn it...have enough calories for it....and be willing to stay on track for 2 days after I have it. I don't want to fall back into my old habits, amd gain weight back. It is to easy to put on....and so hard to get off!!