Over 40 needs help!

Today is my first day on my way to a life.. I am over 40 and I am not happy with my body. I had no trouble keeping my weight under control until I reached 35 and then I started slowly gaining a few pounds here and there I went from 115 to 177 over the past 15 years. The straw that broke the camel’s back per say was after I had surgery I put on 10 lb in a month and gaining more. I totally refuse buy any new cloths until I get rid of some of the weight I have put on. I know I can do this I love eating healthy and I just have to push myself to become active again. I look foward to getting to know new people and work together to support a healther life for all of us. See you in my post.


  • It's a slow process but I believe whole heartedly that it can be done I'm new at this too but so far its been fun and showing results!!!

    u can add me!
  • lbergdvm
    lbergdvm Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me too. I am also over 40, need to lose about 50 lbs, and also refuse to buy any more size 14 or 16 clothes!!!! I have been on this site for a week, so far so good, and enjoying the message boards. There are many people on here who have lost a lot of weight, so I'm hoping to be one of those success stories one day - I wish you the best in your endeavors to get healthy. Stick with it!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    yes, you can do it! Feel free to add me if you'd like friends for motivation and accountability. 8)
  • krystankoehn
    krystankoehn Posts: 2 Member
    I am just starting exercising and dieting too. I've had two kids in the last 3 years and I'm very motivated to get rid of this weight. I just don't know what to eat and what exercises are the best to do. If anyone can help please do!!
  • SteakGirl
    SteakGirl Posts: 9
    I'm over 40 as well and brand new to this site. I'm motivated by what I'm finding so far. You can add me! I'll be glad to help in any way I can. I "only" need to lose 12 pounds, but it is a major challenge for me. I'm looking for supportive, positive people to help encourage me along the way as well. Best wishes to yo!
  • philco41
    philco41 Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me. The biggest ally you have is MFP. If you are concientious about logging ALL your food and exercise, it really helps you see where you need to put more emphasis.You said you like to eat healthy, that's half the battle. I've eaten pretty healthy for a long time, but my problem was too much healthy. That's whole grain, I can eat that. Nuts are good for me, etc. It's also easy to cheat in little ways if you let yourself. MFP can let you see where that happens. And the database is great. It may take a bit getting used to, how to find things, but almost everything you can think of is there. Your off to a good start. Good luck!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Please add me, too. I'm 53 and found my formerly active lifestyle wane as I got older and had less energy. It's so easy to gain weight! I'm working on a slow and steady loss and lifestyle change. I think it will stick better for me that way.
  • I'm over 40 too. I have been overweight since middle school. I lost 60 + pounds over the course of a year. I went to the doctor: diabetic 1500 cal diet 35-50 carbs daily diet. I walk no less than 3 miles at a brisk pace...using shape music from itunes. (all types of surfaces to keep down the leg pain and shin splints)I am currently working on whittling my middle: I am fixing to start tomorrow with rowing a canoe daily in my 17 acre pond. Let's just hope I can get to the other side.I live too far from a gym so I have to be creative.I also am add/hd so my medication decreases my appetite...which is not a bad thing. I wish I had found out about this 25 years ago. Best of luck!
    Don't forget the fiber and count your carbs. Don't sweat the small stuff. If you over eat...walk it off.It's doable.
  • maews
    maews Posts: 39
    i'm 60 and not so happy with my body either lately,so please do add me :smile: :wink: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • _Marci_
    _Marci_ Posts: 5
    I am going to be 40 the end of this month. I have had issues with weight most of my life. I lost 87lbs in the late 90's and have gained it all back plus some. I really need to loose about 120 pounds, but I will be happy if I can get 80 lbs off this poor body of mine. I use a Fitbit also which helps me stay motivated. Since I started using MFP, I think it is more motivating to do both. I will send you a friend request because I feel the more support you can have the bette! I did notice that it comes off much slower than it did when I was younger, but I am not in a rush because I did not gain it all back overnight! Good Luck, you can do it!
  • Michelled1919
    Michelled1919 Posts: 39 Member
    Over 40 and struggling as well, with about 75lb to lose! Feel free to add me!
  • HauteHauteMami
    HauteHauteMami Posts: 128 Member
    Over 40 and a new mom... Feel free to add me...
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    I understand competely! At a certain age, I suddenly gained 30 lbs!!! :sad: :mad: :huh: :embarassed: :frown: I'm now trying to loose it! Good luck to the both of us!
  • I am 46 and weighed 216 I started to exercise and lost 16 pounds.My son who works in toronto at good life fitness is a personal trainer, he told me about this site and said it was one of the best out there. I joined One week ago May 30th. With his help and the right exercises this week alone I have lost 6lbs. I would like to get down to 140.I do have to say if anyone is determined to loose weight go to a fitness centre and ask for a personal trainer to do a profile on you and talk to you about what you need to do. P.S. the profile and talk is FREE(they can tell actually how much body fat you have)
  • StephWayne2012
    StephWayne2012 Posts: 2 Member
    We have close to the same goals! Been here a while, be everyone that joined with me locally has "pooped out". I am worried that I will also if I'm not held accountable. I am over 40 (46) and just decided I'd had enough with diets...now I excercise and eat better. Not always so good, but way better than I had. If you want to add me, please do. WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    I'll be turning 40 in a few days, and definitely noticed a huge change in how my body was reacting to different things. Age plays a part in putting on weight, hormones suddenly going in a different direction, slowing metabolism. It takes more time and effort to lose the weight and regain a high fitness level, but it can be done!!! Don't give up, just keep trying, and it will happen. Good luck to you, there is alot of great advice on this site and great support.
  • I feel your pain, I am 47, and going into Menopause. Quick smoking 1.5 years ago so the double edge sword has had me gaining from 130-160. Just started this, and posting my foods on here has shown how I need to change the calories. Motivation is what we both need. (Also now in a desk job, didn't help). Trying to focus on going back to Zumba 2x a week and get on the eliptical!
  • ginnyz1
    ginnyz1 Posts: 49
    Me, too. Over 40 and have noticed that it gets harder and harder to keep it off. I've been using MFP for just over two weeks and it's been helpful. I've got a few friends so far - all positive people with encouraging things to say. Feel free to add me as a friend. Strength in numbers!
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Feel free to add me. The biggest ally you have is MFP. If you are concientious about logging ALL your food and exercise, it really helps you see where you need to put more emphasis.You said you like to eat healthy, that's half the battle. I've eaten pretty healthy for a long time, but my problem was too much healthy. That's whole grain, I can eat that. Nuts are good for me, etc. It's also easy to cheat in little ways if you let yourself. MFP can let you see where that happens. And the database is great. It may take a bit getting used to, how to find things, but almost everything you can think of is there. Your off to a good start. Good luck!
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    I am over 60 and have been here a while and have had some moderate success. but I can always use some encouragement and give some back to you! :wink: