Body Measurements?

Can any of you share a success with me and let me know how your measurements have decreased since you've started losing weight? I'm having a struggle with the scale right now so I decided to pull out the ribbons I measured myself with in November last year to see if I could give myself some motivation to keep going. Problem is I have no idea if the difference I measured (18.3 in) is good or bad for 8 months of getting my butt kicked around a gym and learning how to cook v going to the drive thru every night .... maybe just the fact that I didn't need more ribbon is a success in itself? Just wondering if others use this as a motivational tool? I know not to compare myself to others, that's NOT a good idea, but I'd love to see if others do this as well and how you've done to try to get a gauge if I'm on the right track or not.


  • jehembee
    jehembee Posts: 114
    Is the 18.3 from all your measurements or only one specific measure?
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I feel taking measurements is always superior to the scale. I take measurements of neck, waist and hips once a month. Many times I've seen those measurements drop and the scale stay the same.
  • MisMissey
    MisMissey Posts: 10
    18.3 was total difference for 5 different areas; hips, waist, neck, upper arm, calf.

    I'm glad to see that it's possible for these numbers to change while that rotten scale stays the same!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Unfortunately, I did not take my measurements at my highest weight of 142.

    However, here's some definite progress over 5 mos and 6 lbs:

    FIRST MEASUREMENTS 6/3/11 - 134.4 lbs.:

    NECK: 12.75
    FULL BUST: 37.0
    UNDER BUST: 29.0
    WAIST: 29.0
    UPPER HIPS (BONES): 33.0
    THIGH (10" ABOVE KNEE): 21.0

    5 MOS. (11/2/11) - 128.4 lbs. (-6.0):

    NECK: 12.5 (- .25)
    FULL BUST: 34.75 (- 2.25)
    UNDER BUST: 27.75 (- 1.25)
    WAIST: 27.25 (-1.75)
    UPPER HIPS (BONES): 31.75 (-1.25)
    LOWER HIPS (BOOITE): 35.0 (-1.5)
    THIGH (10" ABOVE KNEE): 19.75 (-1.25)

    I need to take some new measurements, bc I started lifting heavy almost 3 mos. ago. I know that my bootie is back up to 36 and thighs are back up to 20-ish; but this is good body recomposition!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Personally, I don't own a scale or a measuring tape. The numbers always feel insignificant, and I get impatient. I measure myself by the amazed look on people's faces when they hadn't seen me in three months. I measure myself by the dress I have owned for years but never been able to fit into anywhere near as well as I do now. I measure myself by the way I feel in the morning when I get out of bed. The numbers have never been anywhere near as satisfying as the proud, ecstatic sense of accomplishment I feel in those moments.