No Scale Challenge (open group)



  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    Oops!! I didn't even think to do my hips!!!! :/ Oh well.. they're huge and I'm blaming that on the baby too!! lol
  • Still only walking for exercise waiting for my lungs to recover. Second week on antibiotics and so bored. I have been keeping within my calories mostly but during TOM week a lot of sweets have crept in. Indigestion back immediately. My body is speaking to me as my daddy would say.
    Measurements. Lost 1cm only but had gone up about 8 in total at start of TOM. Body fat down to 26.6 from 27.1 last week. Definitely the right direction. Can't wait for 30 day shred. Skin looking better after a few days of wobble due to water retention.
    I am so grateful for suggesting to put the scale away. I am so much happier.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    No change for me - I can't exercise much do to my leg. I have been released to do light cardio - no running, elliptical, or stairclimber. I can walk on the treadmill at little to no incline and the bike with little resistance. I am supposed to work my way up and no my limits. I don't want to re-injury my leg. I did do the bike last night for 50 mins then the treadmill for 30 miles - having no pain today (Big improvement). My leg seems to be healing fine - just a slow process.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    How is everyone doing in the challege? I will be honest...I have fallen off the wagon, and have stepped on the scale - it isn't a pretty sight which I already knew from the tightness of my cloths. I am back to the basics - dropped my calories and going to try to eat cleaner (not very good at it lately). It isn't easy sometimes being a single mother with a crazy schedule. Hopefully, I can see a difference soon.
  • kimmycj13
    kimmycj13 Posts: 22 Member
    I have not step on the scale at all but it is very tempting. I am revamping my workouts and eating schedule to hopefully spark more of a loss.
  • I have not used the scale but after a week off on holiday eating maintenance but junk I was already wobblier than before and three days ago I started 30ds and woke up on the second day with massive water retention in my thighs belly up too. Only bum smaller. I am giving clean eating and Jillian a week before I weigh. Any later and I will have TOM to deal with.
    Not weighIng myself has been the best thing for me, concentrating on healthy rather than skinny and learning to look at my body for cues as to how it is every day.
    Thank you Bac for creating this group it has transformed my journey. I would actually like to skip weighing altogether but my ticker needs updating, so I will try for every 30 days instead.
    Good luck to everyone on their journey.