Im NEW :) Need to lose 170 LBS!

So Iv'e tried dieting before. However I always fall of the wagon at some point I need friends to keep me in line. (Support & Motivation) I have over 170 lbs to lose & really want to stick with it this time! Thanks :)


  • utoxin
    utoxin Posts: 14
    Welcome! I'm sure you can do it. Just remember to take it one day at a time, and make small changes. Any improvement is better than none.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Get outta that couch and keep a full length mirror where you'll see yourself alot.

    We're here for ya!
  • THANKS :)
  • dorkboi
    dorkboi Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome!! You have definately come to the right place!! We're all rooting for you!!!
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    You can do this! One day at a time! GL!
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    I joined myself very recently, and have found reading through the "community" threads daily gives me inspirations, and focus. On a few mornings I have woke up and thought not today, but after a read through with my morning cuppa.

    seems to draw me back into the right frame of mind!
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I am not dieting, I have more then 100lbs to lose, have lost 60 so far (mfp I started after I started my journey). I just try to make better choices and this help me remember to portion and pay attention to what I chose. I am a christian and chose to do and say what glorifies God. would love to take this journey with you. so add me if I am the kinda person that you would like to have as a friend
  • noritae
    noritae Posts: 2
    Hi everyone out there. I am so excited to join in. This is my first day, and I would like to lose this extra person I am carrying on my back. It is very painful and its very depressing. I hope that this is going to be my home and I will stick to it. Thank you guys
  • noritae
    noritae Posts: 2
    Hi everyone out there. I am so excited to join in. This is my first day, and I would like to lose this extra person I am carrying on my back. It is very painful and its very depressing. I hope that this is going to be my home and I will stick to it. Thank you guys
  • Nikocan
    Nikocan Posts: 92
    I relate..I relate..
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    Here for support. Feel free to add me to your friends. I have to lose around 150, and cancelled bariatric surgery twice. I need all the help I can get!! :happy:
  • Hello. I just joined myself. I'm hoping to drop some pounds for this coming winter so I have some halfway decent christmas pictures to post. I didn't dare post my last christmas pics. What a wake up call. Add me if you would like and hopefully we can motivate each other. :)
  • you can do it i have 160 pounds to lose feel free to add me:happy:
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Welcome to MFP! If you are indeed ready to begin this journey, you will find MFP very helpful. You will have a great support group and being able to track everything you put in your mouth will help tremendously. I have 100+ to lose and have already lost 16lbs in a month and a half...

    If I can be of any assistance, holla at me :bigsmile:
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    This is what I do to help me stay on track this time around (and it's been working since January!)...
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    Hey babe, feel free to add me if u want. I have about 160 to lose. I'm jes stubborn enough to do it too! Lol
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    You will do it! As long as you stick to it no matter what. It will happen :)
  • Welcome!! I know if I can do it, so can you. Just imagine what you will feel like once that weight comes sliding off :)
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    Welcome to the family! :flowerforyou:

    We're all in this together. Feel free to add me for support if you'd like!
  • :flowerforyou: My goal is to lose 130 lbs. I know how you feel---it seems like such a tall mountain to climb, doesn't it? We can do it! Actually, more than "can"--I WILL do it!