MOMS-Frustration With Baby Tummy!!!

So I sadly gained 80 pounds with my son and he is now 3. (Also a C-Section). I have lost 45 pounds over 3 years....but sadly am struggling to get back to my happy 140 pounds. I'm also 39 and metabolism has slowed down. Will my tummy ever be decently attractive again or hopeless? I do 4 days of 45 minute cardio plus weight training. Seriously considering a tummy tuck but the thought of surgery terrifies me. Any suggestions also of adding the firmness back to breasts?

(Sorry men-I know TMI if you choose to read-but be thankful your body does not face pregnancy issues and love your spouse/significant other even more :-).


  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I feel you girl! I gained 80 with my first and 65 with my second, both times I got back down to 142, within 7lbs of my pre-preg of 135. Still trying to lose those last few but I believe it is possible!

    I gotta be honest, I have a lot of loose skin, and even as I go lower, my tummy seems to be the last to go (also had c sections). I think it will depend on your own skin and genetics, but give it lots of TIME, and be nice to yourself on the way down. In a nutshell, you can lose the weight for sure, but all of us will be a little different after pregnancy.

    If there are any 20 year olds with no kids reading this, please please enjoy your gorgeous belly!!!!

    P.S. LOL I think in order to comment on boobs I would have to have some in the first place....
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I gave birth to 6 kids. I have loose skin and nothing short of surgery will change that but I am getting abs again.So yes it can be done


    Heavy weight lifting is really the only thing that is working for me. Cardio made me smaller but soft
  • joyouszen
    joyouszen Posts: 2
    Thanks for your put a smile on my face and gave me some inspiration! Mom hugs from afar!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I lost it after my first by doing 30 minutes of intense calistenics and long distance running... I am having problems now getting it down after my second (i have had two csections) so I will be bumping this for other tips :)
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    nas 24, you are too funny! My husband always quoting this to me. It was funny and now that i have them its a little less funny
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Its even funnier to me now. You have to be able to laugh at yourself every once in a while.
  • gemwit
    gemwit Posts: 6
    Hi all,
    I'm also working on my second-time tummy pooch, but I have a complication: diastis recti, or vertical separation of the abdominal muscles. (I carried laundry upstairs and down two weeks after my first C. I'm lucky that's all that happened.) My second was a vbac, so less trauma to my abdomen, but I can't do any ab work. My Dr has told me not even yoga or Pilates: nothing that will stress the muscle further apart. Surgery is the only option to repair it, and even that is temporary.

    So does any one have suggestions for me? Will running alone tone my abominals as well?
  • aeroback
    aeroback Posts: 66 Member
    There with you all! Had one 7 yrs ago and my twins are going to be 2..... they did a number on my belly! Thinner than I was before getting pregnant with them but now the extra "twin skin" sucks! Lost almost 8lbs in the last 4 weeks and it's starting to go away......... slowly!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I hear you on the twin skin! Even as I lose weight, it just seems to make the "apron" floppier. :(
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I have had 6 kids. The last four were 9+ pounds. I have great ab muscles but I do have that loose skin. I can move a certain way in pictures so it is not as noticeable, but it is there.

    Here are some things that I do. I eat Virgin coconut oil. It has many good qualities so please Google it. I also apply coconut oil on my skin, I buy the cheaper super market kind to rub on my skin. I can tell that my sin looks so much prettier.

    I also dry brush my skin. Google it as well.

    I do planks and that works your core.

    Gemwit: YouTube Ab vacuums. I do these as well and this has pulled in my tummy. I had great abs, but they looked puffy...this has pulled them in. Also, maybe some sort of hip hop abs would work. I teach Zumba, it is my only workout. I incorporated a lot of hip pumping because it is like doing crunches...but you are not. I also do planks and ab vacuums. I bet you could do some sort of hip hop ab moves and ab vacuums.

    I know of nothing that can firm up breasts....Once you have kids, the consistency of those sort of change.

    Here is a picture of my abs. You can see I have great muscles but I do have loose skin and stretch marks. I could get a TT, but I really do not hate my tummy enough to do that. Getting new boobs after nursing 6 kids was a nice bonus tho!
  • Nikocan
    Nikocan Posts: 92
    Oh I relate..I had a C-section too. My son is 2 years now but my tummy is still not back to what it was. Though I've always been on the heavier side all my life, my tummy was super flat and I did not have any lower tummy but sadly after the c-section, all of this has changed. Not only do I have a tummy now (forever 3 months pregnant), I also have a lower tummy that I hate..

    All of you who have managed to shape up your abs, are there any tips for me? I am currently doing Jillian Micheals' Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. Will it help?

    Looking for guidance..

  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    I had a C- Section with my little boy who is 18 months now. Got up to 225 when I gave birth to him. I will post a pic later of my tummy now. I have done 30DS and it has made all the difference. I am starting to get definition and my tummy is getting flat. I would definitely definitely reccomend doing that workout video.
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    I just read this in a fitness magazine I got:

    Q: I've had kids, and now, no matter what I do, I have a bulge of belly fat below my belly button. Is there anything I can do about it?

    A: Probably, says Jason Stella, NASM-PES,CES, Life Time Academy program manager for Life Time Fitness in Chanhassen, MN. But you may first need to come to terms with the fact that your current body-fat percentage is higher than you think. He often witnesses midsection magic occur in women when their body fat dips below 20 percent. To hit that mark, Stella recommends upping your intake of good fats, protein and vegetables, and cutting WAY back on refined carbs.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I have had two kids. You can do it!!
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 309 Member
    There with you all! Had one 7 yrs ago and my twins are going to be 2..... they did a number on my belly! Thinner than I was before getting pregnant with them but now the extra "twin skin" sucks! Lost almost 8lbs in the last 4 weeks and it's starting to go away......... slowly!

    Twin skin, I like that term. I have 3 year old twins and I am struggling with this as well. Short of surgery, not sure it will ever fully go away. :(
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 37 Member
    Man this is at the heart of my frustrations, I am less now then when I got pregers but my old clothes don't fit yet, wth! I feel like I will never lose my belly, ever! okay I'm done, wait, ugh!
  • panzerhaus
    panzerhaus Posts: 16
    Totally Feel your pain! I had 2 c-sectons as well. I am within 5lbs of my pre - pregnancies weight but lord does it look different! I still have fat but you can tell there is still alot of loose skin and a bazillion stretch marks. I know it will never be the same as before but I am hopeful it can still be a lot better. After reading a few of the posts I definately feel there are some excercises to try!! Thanks for bringing this topic up I think it's nice to know we aren't the only ones :flowerforyou: