Got to fix this!

Hello everyone. I am new to MFP so this is my first post. I have tried exercise routines and diet plans for the past 20 years or so will only temporary results. I am at an all-time high of 320 lbs. At 47 I really want to cruise into my 50s and beyond with a leaner, stronger, healthier body. I am inviting anyone interested in new friends to friend me and provide whatever encouragement or advice you can. I will do the same for you!


  • Slynderize
    Slynderize Posts: 25
    Hiya! I know the feeling! I just hit 50 myself, so time to get way serious for me! This is a great site and from what I've seen so far great tools too. I'll add you!
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there!
    I just sent you a friend request. I need all the support I can get as well. Good luck!

    Nice to meet you!