Over 40 needs help!



  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Hmm. Clearly I don't know how to use the "quote" thingie. -- Must be because I'm closer to 50 than I am to 40 by a long shot -- brain cell count's not what it once was!

    Anyway, if you eat it, log it.
    If you move it, log it.
    All of it!
    It works!

    Feel free to add me, if you like. And welcome to the gang.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I am 46, a fitness nut, but I have had my struggles. Got back on track this Jan. MFP is awesome. Feel free to add me. I log daily...good or bad...I log it....after all I am human and have my "bad" days as well as good. I try each day to inspire others in their fitness goals... while pushing myself to new ones. In my alternate universe I am a personal trainer :)
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've been on here about 3.5 months and have seen how well it works! Still have a ways to go but, slow and steady is better! Feel free to add me.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    You can add me, I am trying once again to get control and lose some weight hoping this time it will stick, but today I am obsessing about food.
  • beinggood
    beinggood Posts: 36
    Welcome!! You are going to love this! I've been on MFP now for about 2 weeks, and it has already changed my life. Down 6 already. I'm 44ish and I totally understand how you feel. Please feel free to add me. We can all do this together!! Good bye weight! Hello new body! :)
  • DebraClaunch
    I am over 50 and today is my 120th day on MFP and I have lost 70 pounds. The thing the is most important is that everything that goes in your mouth MUST be recorded - I don't care how small you think it is. All those little this won't matter will keep you from losing weight - if you eat it - count it - seriously - and don't give up - everyday is important - keep pressing forward - you can do this - we are all in it together and we all know we are doing it because everyone keeps pressing us forward - here for you anytime - Debra
  • cc7315
    cc7315 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome! You have found a great place for support! Feel free to add me as well. Good luck
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    Please feel free to add me. I find it very helpful to have friends who are supportive and encouraging.
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Hey there, feel free to join our group "Forty Isn't Fatal". :-)
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I think making up your mind and getting started is the most difficult part. Once you see 5 or 10lbs gone you will be motivated to continue at least that's how it was for me- activity is the key. 40+ here also so add me if you like. Good luck.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I started strength training when I was 38 (never did much active before that!) and I am now 46 and in better shape than when I was 26! If I can do it, anyone can. But, don't neglect the strength training; it was crucial in my success AND reversed my osteopenia (caused by medication I must take for a chronic illness). Logging food will help too!
  • Blt231112
    Blt231112 Posts: 6
    I'm right there with you but I'm 37...we can help each other! My younger sister signed my up yesterday so this is my new beginning!
  • mdianne58
    mdianne58 Posts: 51 Member
    Like you I never had a problem maintaining my weight until I reached a certain age. It has been hard to lose because I never had to before. This site has helped me to become more knowledgeable about weight loss & living a healthier life. Feel free to add me maybe we can encourage each other along the way.
  • ready2tryagain42
    Over 40 here...actually turning 43 tomorrow! I am looking to lose about 80 pounds. Feel free to add me for motivation and support. :)
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    You can add me. Over 40 here and our story's sound the same! I had no issues with weight until I turned 35. Then when I hit 40 it got even worse.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    It's 99% diet so be sure and log each and every bite. I'll even go a bit further and say it's really about determination, those who succeed have it. I'm 45 and pretty much been between 165-170 lbs since high school. I just ran a marathon this spring. There are no cheat days with me, on MFP or in my life. You can do it!
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    SShhh..don't tell anyone but I'm over 40 too. I'd be happy to help you on your journey :-)
  • rmrpender
    rmrpender Posts: 16
    I'm over 40 as well. As soon as I hit 40, everything that used to work to keep my weight in check no longer worked and in 8 years, I put on 40 pounds. A few pounds here, a few pounds there and then one day I looked in the mirror and thought "how in the world did this happen? When did I become the middle aged pudge I promised myself to never become?" So I'm right there with you. I started MFP at the end of May and am finding it quite helpful. Good luck on your journey to a fitter, healthier you.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Welcome! I also posted a "40s thread" when I joined - I will be 44 in July.

    Like you, I was 115 ten years ago and my metabolic rate remained super high till I hit 40. When I finally had an awakening, I was 134, big yikes! Because I had my second kid just before I turned 40, the whole post-natal + age changes + sedentary lifestyle all caught up over night, or so it felt.

    I don't have problem taking off about 10 pounds. Very easy in fact - because when I found the clicks, it started a journey of mindfullness + control + rewards...and I am talking about these 2 things in particular:

    1. MFP! I half-hearted used the Food diary and before I knew it became a habit. For my first phase (I just started phase 2), it was justto get a sense of how much I ate. I had a huge appetite and ate easily 3X men portions (which was fine in my 20s and 30s). So it was very educational..and once I got used to eating a more sensible amount, I knew what it felt like to be functional but not stuffed! Now at phase 2, I am paying more attention to what my diet consists.

    2. Pilates. Since last fall, I have been going to a very professional and supportive studio. I now do pretty intensive stuff 3X a week, and just started TurboFire to up the cardio burn. The former helped me tone up in no time (seriously, far better than weights for me...I used to do weigts a lot) and the latter to get myself on a schedule (which I did not think I needed, so wrong) to remove the fat that's covering the muscles.

    I truly believe that you need to experiement and find that "click" that works for you. Maybe it is running, but it is body weight, maybe it is gym, maybe it is a programme like Turbofire..no matter what, if you find the right one, you wil enjoy and continue and add on as you progress.

    I had spent years reading and researching and frankly I did not get off my butt...looking back, I was just thinking BIG PLANS...and I was so wrong. At least for me. All those super baby steps, almost unnoticeable (like MFP tracking) has resulted ina new person, both mind and body, in about 6 months.

    Sorry for the long post. I am passionate about sharing my experience!

    Friend me if you want, happy to support and hope you can do the same.
  • ajones2469
    ajones2469 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a forty something as well trying to lose. I know I could use some support on here! I know a few people on here but that's it. If I can be of any support let me know!