Fat at my wedding

I am getting married in 7 weeks and it looks like I am going to be a fat bride. I joined back in November with the BEST of intentions to lose as much weight as possible before my July wedding. I did so good at first I lost 12 pounds and 2 inches. I haven’t lost a pound since. It's all my fault, first I lost my job, then we had to move into a house we had rented out and the tenant TRASHED the place, and last but not least my mom almost died and the hospital told us that she could never be alone again. So all of the stress I was too weak to push on and I ran back to fatty comfort food. I have been planning my wedding and that alone has got me so stressed.
So here I am 7 weeks until my wedding an I am still as big as I was back in November. I guess I am OK with the fact I failed my challenge but I still want to lose weight and I have no idea what can help me stay motivated. I see so many people succeeding but i guess my question is how do they stay motivated?


  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    It is really about just changing, not going on a diet for a specific event for me. Don't get me wrong, I have always had goals, like when I started in Jan 2011 it was a cruise I was going on in August of 2011. After that is way to be a certain weight by my birthday, then it was a certain size before my vacation this year. But the underlying theme has ALWAYS been about changing my life. Not dieting, and eventually it wasn't even so much about the # on the scale, I just want to be fit, I want to get to a certain body fat %. But seeing my body change, wearing things I never would have worn before, and doing things I never would have done before I guess it what keeps me motivate.

    You CAN do it, I did,and if I did anyone can, seriously.
  • KrissyG83
    KrissyG83 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Brandi!
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    See, that's the problem with ultra-restrictive 'diets'. You deprive yourself so much that you feel miserable or being punished and that you're ready at the drop of a hat to find excuses to binge on fast food.

    Moderation is key imo. Make healthy choices. You can still go eat your comfort foods but a) eat half a portion b) substitute the really high calorie/fat ingredients with something lighter c) exercise to compensate.

    Feel like having ice cream? Great! But pick the slow/double churned, but limit yourself. Want chips? Sure! Go eat one serving's worth, or get the rice cake chips instead.

    It doesn't have to be all boiled chicken and steamed broccoli. You can have normal foods. Just be smart about it.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I was a fat bride. It was a fabulous day anyway :flowerforyou:

    I started losing weight the day we got back from our honeymoon, never looked back ... and I'm down 35 pounds to date. In my opinion, it's not about looking good for a specific day but getting healthy for a lifetime. I can't wait until our 1 year anniversary ... I'm going to buy a small white dress and take lots of pictures.

    My husband's lighter now too ... it's been a great start to our lives together, eating healthier and getting more active.

    Best wishes !!
  • krazykando
    krazykando Posts: 38
    I was a fat bride too, but this year is our 10 year anniversary and my husband and I are renewing our vows so this time I get to be a "skinnier bride". Don't give up, just look at this as a starting point for the rest of your life and someday have a vow renewal as a Skinny Bride! :)
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    You do that above, and self-motivation kicks in.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I say: enjoy the wedding. Be the beautiful happy woman you are.

    And as for how do people do it? It's like anything else: You make a rock solid decision. I know a lot of bad stuff came your way, and I know you are beating yourself up about it, but I guarentee you did better taking care of yourself than you would have if you hadn't made the decision.

    For example, you didn't gain weight.

    And you took care of your loved ones in times of stress.

    Sounds to me like you slayed it!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I was a fat bride and I'm here to tell you its not the end of the world. My wedding was absolutely wonderful and one of the best days of my life regardless of my weight. Keep trying to eat healthy and be active and if you lose a few pounds before your beg day, hurrah. But, the important part is to practice good habits that you can continue long after the wedding.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I am getting married in 7 weeks and it looks like I am going to be a fat bride. I joined back in November with the BEST of intentions to lose as much weight as possible before my July wedding. I did so good at first I lost 12 pounds and 2 inches. I haven’t lost a pound since. It's all my fault, first I lost my job, then we had to move into a house we had rented out and the tenant TRASHED the place, and last but not least my mom almost died and the hospital told us that she could never be alone again. So all of the stress I was too weak to push on and I ran back to fatty comfort food. I have been planning my wedding and that alone has got me so stressed.
    So here I am 7 weeks until my wedding an I am still as big as I was back in November. I guess I am OK with the fact I failed my challenge but I still want to lose weight and I have no idea what can help me stay motivated. I see so many people succeeding but i guess my question is how do they stay motivated?

    You can still have progress, it may not be what you wanted it to be but I say keep on going. You can still log your food, you can still exercise, get sleep and drink lots of water. What I am saying is don't give up keep it logging and you will be fine. Set another challenge, and actually just set small goal every two weeks, then you can see how hard to push the last week. You should do fine, keep it going and don't give up.
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    Don't make yourself crazy trying to lose a bunch of weight before the wedding. That would just add even more stress. Try to get some small victories started. Building a string of small victories can give you confidence you're moving forward. Track your food daily, be honest (don't under estimate to try to allow yourself more and don't overestimate "just to be safe"), then see where your calories are going and try to make substituions that lower your calories. Find exercise you can do and enjoy and work into it slowly.

    And as a husband, we would rather fat and happy brides than skinny and miserable (or crazed). But I think starting a sustainable plan will get you some results now and more confidence and satisfaction with where you're heading. Good luck and congratulations!
  • KrissyG83
    KrissyG83 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! I am going on change my life for the right reason this time :)
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    Come on, you still have 7 weeks to go, there is noooo reason why that 7 weeks can't be full of little weight loss successes? YOU CAN DO IT!
  • jesscarows
    jesscarows Posts: 31 Member
    I was a fat bride too. But believe me, the day wasnt any less perfect because of it. When I look back at the pictures, I mostly just see the smiles on our faces.
    Now, both my hubby and I are more active and working toward losing weight and being fit.
    Congratulations and good luck!
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    All excellent ideas for you and for everyone! Enjoy your moment. Live to make the next one better. Make goals and take resposibilty for working towards them or for choosing not to. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Here is what worked for me. I started off losing weight for my wedding, but quickly discovered that with life being how it is, I needed more then that.

    I started by making small changes that I knew I could stick with. Once I adjusted to those small changes, I made a few more small changes. Those small changes add up fast, let me tell you. And I made it a point not to make any changes that I knew I wouldn't want to keep up in 6 months, a year, 10 years, etc. Find ways to make heathier choices, or at the very least, 'better bad choices.'

    Once I had settled into my ideal lifestyle, I decided I needed more. For me, long term motivation comes with constantly coming up with short term goals. I am constantly finding short term goals that I'm personally invested in. It needs to get me excited to achieve them to qualify. Then, I have something to shoot for that I know I can achieve soon enough to make it worth the effort TODAY! As I meet my goals, I make new ones. When I stop making more goals, I lose motivation.

    Maybe this might work for you? Good luck!!
  • rizzyriff
    rizzyriff Posts: 2 Member
    Gotta say I did the diet/bust my butt thing before my wedding and got down to a tiny size for me... only to gain thirty pounds back immediately afterwards. If I could do it over again, I'd have chosen a moderate weight loss/fitness path that would have worked for the long haul rather than having starved myself down for one day only to feel like a giant failure several months later...

    You got this, just get back on the (sensible) horse - slow and steady = you'll be so glad in six months when you are making progress instead of starting at square one like I did. Best of luck!
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    Don't stress about your weight for your wedding. It didn't happen for you. Doesn't mean you can't loose weight for your future.

    Your wedding day is about so much happiness and joy. It's a day to celebrate your love for one another. Don't let your weight ruin such a special time in your life.

    My husband and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary by renewing our vows on the beach, and I weighed less than I did when we married the first time. I was a fat bride, and fat wife. I didn't think it would ever change. I started MFP one year before our 10th anniversary weighing 240 @ 5'4, and was down about 60lbs by the time our renewal came up. I NEVER thought it was possible, and honestly I did very little exercise. It was all about portion control, and making healthier choices. I also gave up all sodas and only drink water now. I've failed at EVERY single diet there is. I've tried it all. If you are not ready to make a life change, then its not going to happen for you. I don't know why or how it finally clicked for me, but it did. Hopefully it'll click for you too and you can enjoy your life and not be so stressed about your weight.

    Good luck on your journey and Congratulations on your wedding! May it be as beautiful and perfect as you could ever dream it to be!
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Thanks! I am going on change my life for the right reason this time :)

    I think this sounds like a perfect starting point!

    My thing is I need to ahve small goals to work towards instead of a HUGE overarching goal... 1st goal: 5% loss, 2nd goal: 5k run (or wog in my case), 3rd goal: 10% loss, 4th goal: 1/2 marathon... I have to keep adding on to the goals because without goals I fail. I've seen it happen to myself before. So, start with the small stuff... take as many victories along the way as you can!

    Be proud of yourself
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    One very important thing to remember is that your future husband is going to love you no matter what ... whether you are a "fat" bride or a "skinny" bride. Life is about the journey not the destination and remember you are going to have him there next to you through this journey.

    As for getting skinny and keeping the motivation it's along those same lines. You have to think about it as a lifestyle change not as a diet. In my opinion diets don't work. You have to do something that you can maintain for the long term (as in the rest of your life) or you will gain the weight back. We all struggle, last week for example I got on the scale for my monday weigh in and it said I had gained 3.5 pounds, I wasn't happy with that but my scale hadn't lied to me so far so I believed it. But I told myself I needed to do better so that when I weighed in again that the scale would be going in the right direction (down) ... and this morning when I weighed in I was back down 3.2 pounds ... so I'm not yet back to where I was two weeks ago, but I'm headed in that direction and that's what matters.

    Also it sounds like you have had a lot of stressors in your life lately and you said you went back to your comfort foods. Maybe you should take some time for yourself and develop a plan for how you want to handle those unexpected stressors without going back to those comfort foods. A few suggestions, going for a walk, getting a massage, getting a pedicure, going swimming, using a punching bag ... whatever works for you. Start trading your unhealthy choices for healthier choices and eventually they will become habits. Also remember it's ok to slip and have unhealthy things once in a while, just try to do something healthier the next day.

    Just keep trying it will get easier!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    It's your big day, don't let yourself worry about being "fat" - I was a HUGE bride, didn't stop me and trust me - I had FUN! WHY??? We dressed up all goth and crazy & got married w/ some close friends (who also dressed the same) and the Justice laughed thinking it was great (we were married on Halloween).

    A "fast" diet isn't anything that will last a time, yes you might drop some weight, but it may not tsay. If you go back to your good habits now and just continue them, everything will be ok. Enjoy your special day and have fun. Congrats & good luck!