I need help and support in a serious kind of way

Why do I have so much freaking trouble with eating?!! Here lately I want to put everything sweet I can find into my mouth and I do. I've stopped eating healthy. I do still have spurts of motivation from time to time and am still going to the gym at least 3 days a week. Some days I workout more than others. You know that burnt out feeling you get..... well I think it's hit me. I feel like I'm becoming lazy. I try to talk myself out of going to the gym because I don't have any friends there. I do tell myself that I paid for it so I may as well get my money worth. I plant a garden every year in order to help with the cost of groceries but so far I've only had a few banana peppers and one bell pepper grow. I'm no longer eating several times a day. I've gone back to eating maybe lunch (which is breakfast for me because I sleep till around 11) and a huge dinner. I know I'm full but continue to stuff my mouth. I know it's bad for me but still I do it. It's like I'm trying to sabatoge myself and I don't know why. I just don't feel like I know what I'm doing any more or have any control over myself!! I just need help in a serious kind of way!!


  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    You can friend me if you like - and I HIGHLY recommend joining the Thirty Somethings group. Really great bunch of people who stay connected and check in pretty much daily. Weekly challenges, monthly goals, and a lot of fun. :flowerforyou:
  • 1finesheri1
    i know how you feel! i go through times like that too...you know what you should be doing, but just can't seem to make the change. i just had a horrible week and a half...and today was my first day back. i really didn't want to exercise today...but once i started, i did feel better. for me, it is a constant struggle. i find, if i put on my work out clothes before taking my kids to school, and then i tell myself , "i will go and exercise for at least 10 min", i find once there, i end up doing more.
    don't give up on yourself....so many of us are in the same boat, and i'm happy to help motivate you, if you'd like! we can check in to see if we are both on track! let me know.
    you can do it!!
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I feel ya.... I feel the same way right now because it is the end of the school year and a lot is going on... Just keep pushing! Thats what imma do!
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Remember this is why you want to get in shape!

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I really just wanted to see what kind of foods I am eating and how much I'm eating. I am tired of being sick constantly. I want to be able to play with my children, they are growing up fast and I have noticed I am not as active with my little one as I was with the older ones. I want to turn my fears into something positive and do this for me and not because someone else wants me to. I always thought that when people say it just clicked for them to get into beter shape... well I thought they were making it up. I now know all about that "click". It's happened to me

    You are going to the gym because it will help you reach the above goal, not because you have friends or do not have friends there! You might actually get that unhappy burned out feeling because you are not taking care of your body.

    Its **** your vegetable garden hasnt taken, but the season isnt over and you can still continue! Keep at it, it will get better. Just start again and keep going, it will become a habit again. Remember why you started in the first place
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    You can eat small amounts of sweets at times however when you get the craving to put something sweet in your mouth think of something gross/disturbing that will make you put it down and rethink eating the sweet stuff. You can use it as a visual basic to keep you from being tempted in eating it. This should help but not always. Keep it up you can do it.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Best option for you is likely to remove food from your vicinity or just make eating more difficult. I remember in my late twenties having no food in the house at all because I was too likely to just sit there and binge. Another option is to just get rid of "snacky" foods altogether. Cook only enough for your portion (portioning up raw meats instead of cooking up whole pots and then portioning cooked foods) and when you are done, ask yourself if you really want to go through all the hassle of cooking again just to eat a few more bites.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Sounds like you're going through a mental break of some sort! I am an emotional eater, and any time I get frustrated, stressed, angry or sad I want to rush to food. I have just within the last month been able to control these cravings with sheer will power and hate for the weakness that it reflects. I have recently quit smoking and drinking because I cannot STAND anything being able to control me. I am a smart young woman and I should not allow myself to be weak and succumb to substances such as food or chemicals. I want to be HEALTHY not skinny. I want to use my body and make it invincible so that I can live a longer, happier life. It was only until I realized long term goals that I was able to say *kitten* off to food. I still indulge once and a while, but get more satisfaction out of being in control of my mind and my decisions. I hope this was in some way helpful to you, and I hope that you can free your mind! <3
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    You are strong. You are stronger than food. Also, you are not alone. There are many of us on this site that suffer with this whole sabatoging thing. The gym : Find something you really like to do. Because if you go because you "paid for it"-- you will not continue. Have you tried Zumba ? or Spinning? Step class? I am not a class person really. But I like to challenge myself in other ways. If I got on the stepper for 300 calories yesterday-- I make sure that I either meet or exceed that goal. OR.. walk on the treadmill. .. if I walked a mile and it was 100 calories. .. walk the same mile, add incline, and burn more than 100 in that same distance. WHEW.. long message. FOOD: find some things you like. I am finding that if I add a dab of light coolwhip-- it makes sooo many foods into a special treat. Not so good on Peppers :).. but, you get the picture.

    Stay logged on to the site. Make sure you have good "friends" who are supportive. Reading and seeing what others are doing will be motivating. I am having a problem with the food also-- I lost 20 to gain back 10. Lets you and I get back on track :) Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I went through this same thing last month and I ate everything! For me it was depression...I didn't even know it at first but then I realized I was eating my feelings. You may want to ask yourself why you are eating before you get to your next binge. It is really hard sometimes because if you are like me your favorite foods my give you a sense of comfort. I came to a point where I had to ask myself if I liked what I saw in the mirror and the answer was no. I wasn't healthy and I feel my best when I am healthy and I am pretty sure you do too since you asked for help. The next time you consider eating something you feel you shouldn't just take a breath and ask yourself if it is worth it. Feel free to add me if you need some encouragement. :-)
  • Collinsclan22
    I've learned IF THE SWEETS AREN'T IN THE HOUSE, YOU CAN'T EAT THEM! Don't even buy them to begin with!
    If someone gives them to you - cookies, cake, etc - immediately destroy them - don't just throw them away - you might be tempted to retreive them later. Do something disgusting to them so you definitely won't eat them - put a dirty diaper in the trash on top of them, sweet the floor and add the sweepings to the trash on top of them, you get my point.

    If you keep good food on hand, you'll eat good food!
  • Collinsclan22
    Also, feel free to add me as a friend. A quote I heard recently - "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!"
  • krcorn5592
    krcorn5592 Posts: 14
    Thank you all so much for being here for me. I'm so glad that I'm not walking this path alone and have others who have been or they are going through the same thing.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm so sorry you're going through this! And I love that someone quoted what you wrote on your profile page. We fill that out for a reason and sometimes need to take a step back and remember why we came here in the first place. Re-read that paragraph, maybe even revise it if you want but definitely have something there to go back to when you need it.

    Now for my advice... There is absolutely nothing wrong with going back to square one. The thought of starting over is this big scary thing and you're doing absolutely everything in your power to avoid it... Maybe you were too strict and hard on yourself? Baby steps are the way to go. Set one goal per week and do your very best to stay with it. You could even give yourself a couple weeks or a month to stick with it if that's a better pace. The point is to start making changes, it doesn't matter how long it takes. This is a lifelong proces of learning and changing so there's no rush.

    You may also want to change your calorie goal - find out what your BMR is and set your goal there. It's a healthy goal and will still give you a calorie deficit as all of us move around in some way shape or form during the day. Even if you're sedentary, you're likely to burn a few hundred calories each day.

    Some goal ideas for you:
    track every day, eat regular meals, don't worry about going over
    track every day, try to stay within 200 calories of goal
    track every day, try to meet goal at least 3 days

    I'm glad you're staying active as that can sometimes be harder to re-start than the healthy eating.

    If you can get the bad snacks out of your house for some reason, at least take a little time and portion them out. Sitting in front of the TV with a snack bag of chips is a lot better than sitting there with a huge family sized bag that you end up eating half of.

    Find substitutes for your snacks like protein bars, snack bars, 100 calorie packs of cookies, popcorn, almonds, etc

    Think about making it more about health and fitness than getting "skinny". That skinny crap never motivated me for long and I never got that quote written above - I'm sorry but pizza and chocolate taste WAY better than I ever remember skinny feeling. I flat out don't care about being skinny but I sure do want to be healthy and fit! :)
  • joseejolie
    joseejolie Posts: 51 Member
    I'm having the same issue. Thank God for this post. I went through a break up with a man I thought I was going to marry about a month and a half ago and I've been completely out of control. It's like every time I try to reign it back in I freak out. I could really use some support and I just find that I'm having the toughest time yet getting back on track. I was doing so well and lost 30 pounds and I keep creeping back up. I'm like ODing on sweets! Help.