exercise and guilt

if i don't exercise, i feel guilty. does anyone get this?

for example - i walked my dog today (burned 168 calories) and did a little leisurely walking around london.

but i feel guilty for not going out for a run or doing a workout dvd this afternoon/evening. i will be going on a 10-12 mile walk tomorrow and i did a run yesterday.

should i feel like this? is it ok not to exercise? I am maintaining weight, not losing. why do i feel like this? :L


  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've seen quite a few people mention this before so you're not alone. It seems that many people feel they are getting lazy or will slip back into old habits, especially when the focus is no longer losing.

    It is ok to not exercise sometimes though, in fact having rest days is very beneficial, not just in recovery for your muscles but for your CNS too :) Enjoy them, it's not like you're sitting at home all day doing no exercise at all (Which is what I do sometimes!) You're still being active, taking the dog for a walk, having a walk yourself etc.. Of course, do your scheduled exercises regularly throughout the week, but a day or 2 off won't harm.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Totally I feel really bad when I don't get my walk in to the point if I wake up and see its raining it can put me in bad form knowing I might not get out!!! But I reckon there is worse things to feel bad about :laugh: