I'm new, too, and a couple of issues!



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    The only thing that has ever worked for me with sweets, is to go cold turkey.

    The only think that every works for me is moderation. Have sweets but measure my portions and have less of them. If I cut them out completely.....when I do have some I go crazy....
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    When you eat sugar...or junk foods you just crave more. You just have to figure out how much you want the weight off....more then eating junk or not!! It's pretty simple really.

    what you eat has very little to do with amount of weight lost unless you have a preexisting condition.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I'm 50 years old also.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    what you eat has very little to do with amount of weight lost unless you have a preexisting condition.

    That is not true...it has everything to do with it.
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    Oh, and I'm not a good swimmer, so it might have to be water aerobics, and only if it was an over 50 class!!
    I've lived in the south, so understand not wanting to be outside in the summer! Humidity!!!! However, don't pass on swimming just because you think you can't be seen in a swim suite. I bought a nice one-piece suit and some swim shorts I wear over it. I may not be the pool babe anymore, but I really don't care. I just want to swim laps. If you join a water aerobics class, I'm sure there will be others in the pool who've years ago hung up the old bikinis, too. Otherwise, join a gym. I've never done Zumba, but it sure looks like fun. I have a library of workout DVDs so work out on my own in my nice cool basement with no one but the dog to judge me.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm a total sweetaholic too. I found cold turkey impossible (and unrealistic) so I found moderation to be key. I'll take like half of the serving size on the package and leave the package in the kitchen. I eat my serving slowly. Most of the time it's enough to satisfy the craving, and when it's not going back for another half of a serving isn't as bad as sitting and eating the whole package like I used to (mindlessly I might add.) Also another help is keeping it in the fridge so then you have to wait for it to get to room temperature before you can eat it and then sometimes you might not want it anymore by then :smile:
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    I can understand how difficult it is to schedule classes. I have a job where my hours vary. I love being outdoors, too, but not when it's 90 degrees and humid!
    I have the same problem, stress eater and I have a terrible love affair with chocolate. Cold turkey (not like I can talk since I had an ice cream today) and lots of water help me out.

    I had a gym membership but didn't make it as often as I should have, I find that videos, treadmill, outdoors help me more. I'm too busy to try to fit into classes. I have Zumba for my wii and love it, Zumba is such a fun exercise!
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Hi, I live in the south too (Texas) and get what you are saying, freakin hot and I got enough sunburns in my teen years to make me never want to go out during the hot time of day. I usually try to go for walks in the morning or after 7pm when it has cooled off some, also as someone said, there's some good free workout videos online or on youtube if you can't get out. I also stress eat, but I don't want to make this post all about me;) good luck to ya!!
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    I can understand eating the whole package of something! Sometimes, I've been able to keep sweets and eat them in moderation, and other times I can't, so I guess I'm going to have to see. I may not be able to keep anything in the house right now. And yes, I've frozen some things before, but found I could just as easily eat them frozen!
    I'm a total sweetaholic too. I found cold turkey impossible (and unrealistic) so I found moderation to be key. I'll take like half of the serving size on the package and leave the package in the kitchen. I eat my serving slowly. Most of the time it's enough to satisfy the craving, and when it's not going back for another half of a serving isn't as bad as sitting and eating the whole package like I used to (mindlessly I might add.) Also another help is keeping it in the fridge so then you have to wait for it to get to room temperature before you can eat it and then sometimes you might not want it anymore by then :smile:
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    Yep, when it's miserable at 7am, you know you're in the south! I would love to hear how you deal with stress eating! Or, a friend of mine calls it "emotional eating." I'm worse under stress, but I can eat when I'm happy, too!

    Hi, I live in the south too (Texas) and get what you are saying, freakin hot and I got enough sunburns in my teen years to make me never want to go out during the hot time of day. I usually try to go for walks in the morning or after 7pm when it has cooled off some, also as someone said, there's some good free workout videos online or on youtube if you can't get out. I also stress eat, but I don't want to make this post all about me;) good luck to ya!!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    That is not true...it has everything to do with it.

    No it really doesn't. Unless you have a preexisting condition it's calories in vs. calories out. Type of foods makes a difference for body composition but not in amount of weight lost/gained.
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    I can relate! In my college days, I waitressed at a pizza place. I LOVE pizza, but lost the taste for it, being around it so much! Now, frosting, I don't know. I always thought the only reason for cake was the frosting! I have found that I do better if I keep up with my protein. I really feel better when I have a good protein intake.
    I work as a cake decorator, so I have to be really careful about saying 'yes' to sweets when they are offered to me. Some of my colleagues who have been in the profession for much longer suffer from diabetes, and I don't want to end up with it if I can help it. I make it a conscious thing to say "no" to stuff at work about 95% of the time (I seem to only say yes when I've been going for hours without a break to eat and there isn't one in site, but even then I try to only eat a small portion of something). I typically allow myself a treat every couple of days, though my morning cereal is a guilty pleasure (I justify it because it has a fantastic iron and protein content). I've learned that making diet changes (like forgoing sweets completely) that you can't live with for the rest of your life aren't very sustainable.
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    I think it depends on the person. There are times I can't have sweets because I know I will eat the whole thing. I've never understood the meaning of "too sweet" or "too rich." There's no such thing for me. Sometimes, I've eaten sweets until I felt sick, and I know that will happen, but I do it anyway!

    When you eat sugar...or junk foods you just crave more. You just have to figure out how much you want the weight off....more then eating junk or not!! It's pretty simple really.

    what you eat has very little to do with amount of weight lost unless you have a preexisting condition.
  • missvino
    missvino Posts: 5
    Hi :)
    Walking is just as good an all round exercise as anything else you could do - sure it takes a longer period of time to get the same calorie burn but a good 90 min brisk walk at 4mph around a lovely forest trail or the like with the dogs can burn more calories than a slightly less enjoyable and sweaty spinning session :)
    it works for me !
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Well, since you ask...:) to be honest, I have not figured this out. My sister is the opposite of me and forgets to eat when she stresses, it's a weird thing, all I know is that logging my food every day, even bad days, has helped since I have more knowledge as to what I AM eating. Before it was easy to cut my self some slack or stay in a funk for days with no accountability. I hope this helps, add me as friend & I also hope MFP can help you as it has helped me.
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    I love walking, too. It's a time to clear my head.
    Hi :)
    Walking is just as good an all round exercise as anything else you could do - sure it takes a longer period of time to get the same calorie burn but a good 90 min brisk walk at 4mph around a lovely forest trail or the like with the dogs can burn more calories than a slightly less enjoyable and sweaty spinning session :)
    it works for me !
  • Raseac11
    Raseac11 Posts: 41
    Well, with my first day of logging, it sure makes me think about what I'm eating!

    Well, since you ask...:) to be honest, I have not figured this out. My sister is the opposite of me and forgets to eat when she stresses, it's a weird thing, all I know is that logging my food every day, even bad days, has helped since I have more knowledge as to what I AM eating. Before it was easy to cut my self some slack or stay in a funk for days with no accountability. I hope this helps, add me as friend & I also hope MFP can help you as it has helped me.
  • julesw734
    julesw734 Posts: 100
    I understand about the heat of the summer.. I live in the desert of Cali and it is usually 100 degrees and more out here.. I do my exercises at home for now.. I have a zumba and a dance video that I use.. also I do my situps, crunches and yoga at home. Good luck on your journey..