Scale out the window?

I'm seriously contemplating throwing my scale away! When I first started MFP back in January I was overweight. Since then, I am down to the upper level of normal weight per BMI. I am very obsessive when it comes to weighing myself. I weight myself at least once a day, sometimes twice.

For the past two months, I've been hovering around the same weight. Between April and now, there's only a 2.6 lb difference. However I've lost about 2.5 inches around my waist and a few inches loss in hips and arms. My exercise routine includes weight training three times a week alternating with cardio workout with about 1 or 2 days of rest. Recently I increased my calorie intake because I get hungry and crabby if I stick too closely to MFP's calorie calculation.

My scale is seriously pissing me off. I know that weight shouldn't matter, but it's so hard to overcome my obsessive compulsive behavior.


  • honestly i feel the same way. I started doing cross-fit style workouts and my weight has gone up, yet i've lost inches. I asked the trainer and a few friends that train hard whether I should care and they said obviously not if I am losing inches :)

    Since I've been doing this about a month with the interval/cross-fit training, I am expecting to see the number move again (down this time) in another month's time.

    Definitely don't think about it too much - it's easy to get caught up in numbers, but I know I feel a lot better seeing the results that the crossfit training has on my body and losing inches - you should be super proud of that! Congrats and keep it up :)