Huge Challenge Ahead. Help NEEDED.

So I have been trying for a while now to get into the mindset of losing weight. I tried WW twice, and the other times I have tried to shred the pounds I have just been on my own. I have 115+ pounds to lose. And I for some reason can work out and stick to a routine but when it comes to eating, its like I have no control over it whats so ever. I go through weeks of being motivated and then suddenly I am not, then I am, then I'm not. Its this huge unhealthy circle that I have been trying to get out of and its been really hard. I have been seeing a counseler and I feel like its helped a little with my mental state, but when it comes down to it I am just in this stupid rut. I come on this website everyday and read all the success stories, thinking that maybe, MAYBE I will read someones story and something will click with me, but it never seems too. I almost get more depressed by doing so. I look at all the before and after pictures and I just think, wow it must be nice. But I know I can do this, I have to do this. I am newly engaged and a huge goal of mine, is to look back on all the photography from the engagement shoot to the wedding, and actually like the photos. But as of right now, I know I would not like them at all. I just want to love myself and be healthy and have more confidence. I would love for some advice/tips anything to help.


  • Before I had MFP, I lost a lot of weight about 5 years ago. When I was at my heaviest weight, I remember looking at myself and not knowing how I was going to manage it all. When looking at the big picture, it's tough to figure out how you will measure success. My suggestion would be to break it down - small successes will build into bigger ones.

    I would count it as a success if i passed on a treat I would normally indulge in, a success if I make it the gym, and a success if I signed up for a class, a walk, or a training session. I like putting it all on my calendar so I can see how hard I am working - in no time you will see the results.

    If you make going to a gym class 2X a week a goal and accomplish it, learn to reward with things like getting your nails done. A lot of it is visualizing that satisfied feeling you get from feeling healthier and successful and comparing it to the feeling you have when you don't have a good day. You can definitely do it - take little steps, and surround yourself by people that support so you can talk about it :)