Tips for Sicily!

bitterbrownie Posts: 369
edited December 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
i'm going away in July to Sicily with my college friends and I'm so excited!

however, i don't want to ruin my work so far and so, while i will indulge here and there i want to keep a check on myself

any tips for doing so?

as it's a college trip i won't have complete control all the time over food (such as where we eat) or what hotels we stay in but otherwise i think i should be ok....

doubt i'll be doing much exercise while i'm out there!

any ideas? :)


  • anrose
    anrose Posts: 11
    I'm actually studying abroad for 4 months in Italy in a few months, so any other tips would be appreciated here as well!

    The only thing I got is to watch portion sizes. If you can't control exactly what you eat, you can control how much you eat. You'll also be doing a lot of walking there.
  • Ifican
    Ifican Posts: 47 Member
    Common sense will dictate all. The 4 month stay is a tougher one the short trip is no biggie. Let yourself indulge and enjoy. You know what you need to do to fix anything that "breaks" while away.

    i like to keep things simple. Calorie dense is a term that works well for everything. If something is calorie dense it can be quite fattening even if its "good for you". If you keep that in mind you will make smart choices.

    white sauce is calorie dense where most red sauces (talking italy here) are not. If you are unsure share dishes and just remember to taste everything you want to taste and only eat until you are no longer hungry not full. Dont let the thought of a few extra pounds derail enjoying life. You both are on your way to living healthier happy lives. Enjoy them and make great memories along the way.
  • kpowers08
    kpowers08 Posts: 1
    So I actually traveled abroad last semester, and spent 5 weeks each in Spain, Italy, and France. I wasn't actually trying to lose weight at that point, but somehow managed to. Italy definitely, with out a doubt, had the best food - so I can see why you're worried about your diet.

    Here's a few things that I figured out:
    -Try to go food shopping for some healthy snacks when you first get there & carry some around with you. It definitely will help you save $ over the course of the trip since you end up eating out less, plus you have more control over what you eat.
    -Decide how often you will let yourself enjoy an extra treat. The desserts in Italy were amazing.. I swear, I could have eaten gelato, or a cannoli every single night. There was a delicious Gelateria across the street from where I lived, so the temptation was insane, but I tried to limit myself.
    -WALK!! I strongly believe that walking around is the best way to explore a new city, plus it's great exercise. Try to find another friend who doesn't mind walking around & stick with it. My group of friends always split up because some people just refused to walk. (plus it also saves you lots of $!)

    I can't really think of anything else right now, but hopefully I helped at least a little. Just keep in mind that you only really get the chance to experience different cultures every so often, so enjoy it! Try not to be so preoccupied with every little thing you're eating & remember to try new things. Hell, I even ate at McDonald's a few times because there were things that I've never seen before & knew I would never see again.

    Let me know if you have any questions :smile:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Just enjoy yourself!
    As said previously, walk as much as you can, keep your water up and just keep an eye on your portions.

    Don't stress over food, savoir it and explore new tastes :)
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Walk a lot, swim a lot, and have fun. Sicily has amazing food so enjoy and try not to stress about it. And please try the ricotta gelato; it's heavenly.
  • dongi
    dongi Posts: 11 Member
    portion size in Italy is actually easier than here in the USA where restaurant meals tend to all be "super sized." If you are worried, you can always ask that pasta be served as a first course (primo) which is smaller than a regular entree...also in most small establishments there is no "never-ending" bread basket...they serve a few pieces (but watch out for the olive oil dipping sauces)...actually the amount of walking that you will do will most likely compensate for any additional calories. I went to Italy about 6 years ago and actually lost a few lbs while there because of all my extra activity...go...enjoy...Italy is wonderful!!!
  • I am heading to Florence in just a few days and this has been worrying me endlessly since I am actively trying to lose weight! I actually got back from Spain about a month ago (all my study abroad is getting shoved into a semester/ summer) and that really took away some of that fear. I found out I had lost weight in Spain despite having to eat what was cooked for me (my host mom fried at least one thing every meal...if not the whole meal!). The walking helped a lot! As did the occasional "I'm going to eat out with my friends" line that would end with me grabbing salad from the local grocery because I just needed something light for once! Anyways, it was awesome to find this thread and some tips! (I think I've already mapped out all the major markets and stores in my region thanks to the school providing us a list!)
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