I hate this.

squoozyq Posts: 305
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Why can't we be able to eat what we enjoy...and be accepted for who we are regardless of our weight? At any rate, I'm having a really hard time sticking to any diet. I did 12 weeks of weight watchers and only lost 5 lbs. I go to yoga once a week and the gym twice a week on top of being the mother of 5 children, one of whom is only 6 months old. You would think that I would be too busy to eat....but I have no self control. My meals are great, but I snack on chocolate and popcorn. I cannot say no to chocolate. I ate a whole bag of Hershey's miniatures, and it felt good going in, and so very bad afterwards. I feel so depressed.
Has anyone ever done Dr. Bernstein? Is there anyone in the Kingston, ON area that wants to go to the gym or at least someone to talk to? Has anyone else got at least 50lbs to lose? HELP! I really feel desperate.....


  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    You have to get your mind right, sweety. This Journey is about becoming a healthier woman for your husband, your kids & most importantly YOU! This lifestyle change shouldn't be focused on acceptance from others. Take it one day at a time, everything will fall into place - reduce your intake, it'll be easier than denying yourself completely. There are TONS of people on here ready & willing to offer all the support & advice you'll need. Congrats on being a Mommy to 5!! You have nerves of steel woman - and have strength that trumps what most people have been thru - you've taken on the hardest job life has to offer & multiplied by 5! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Relax & enjoy the ride - its a long one. :smile:
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    My grandmother did bernstein and she lost the weight. However he puts people on 800 cals a day so as soon as you stop eating that really small amount you gain it back.
  • kbglazier
    kbglazier Posts: 39 Member
    Let me ask you something. Do you drink diet sodas?

    I was a candy bar a day person, sometimes two...I would sneak them, literally and hide the wrappers. I gave up my 3 diet Cokes a day when I decided to get healthier, and guess what? No cravings for chocolate since I started drinking at least 60 to 80 oz of water a day. Only this week have I incorporated a block or two of dark chocolate into my diet as a treat for a good work out. It is heart healthy and lower calorie. For some reason, I feel like the diet cokes added to my cravings for sweets, cakes, candy bars, ice cream...Now I just don't even NEED it. I reward myself, but I don't HAVE to have it.

    I haven't lost that much weight YET, but I know the right things to do, and I also see a huge difference in my cravings since I gave up the diet sodas. Maybe there is something to that whole artificial sweetner thing. Anyway, good luck, and don't give up. Just resolve to eat healthier each day by making small changes along the way.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Trust me, don't do this because of what you think other people think of you. And is much as people look down on overweight people....there will be just as many people who will resent you because you have improved yourself. I know it's weird but those people are out there.

    Do it for your self because it's healthy, and because it's the right thing to do.

    I've almost lost 50 lbs, .....and I've still got 50 to go.
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Let me ask you something. Do you drink diet sodas?

    I was a candy bar a day person, sometimes two...I would sneak them, literally and hide the wrappers. I gave up my 3 diet Cokes a day when I decided to get healthier, and guess what? No cravings for chocolate since I started drinking at least 60 to 80 oz of water a day. Only this week have I incorporated a block or two of dark chocolate into my diet as a treat for a good work out. It is heart healthy and lower calorie. For some reason, I feel like the diet cokes added to my cravings for sweets, cakes, candy bars, ice cream...Now I just don't even NEED it. I reward myself, but I don't HAVE to have it.

    I haven't lost that much weight YET, but I know the right things to do, and I also see a huge difference in my cravings since I gave up the diet sodas. Maybe there is something to that whole artificial sweetner thing. Anyway, good luck, and don't give up. Just resolve to eat healthier each day by making small changes along the way.

    I really think there is some truth to that...I have read some articles that propose that the artificial sweeteners don't actually satisfy the craving for sweet, so it just makes you want it more and it becomes a viscious cycle!!

    Jstar you are so right....even before I found MFP, i started my journey by paying really close attention to how I was feeling, both physically and mentally and working on internalizing the reasons I wanted a change for ME. Now even when I have bad days I can really notice the difference in how I 'm feeling and that reinforces my desire to pick myself up and carry on. Wtih 5 kids, it's hard to believe that investing in yourself isn't selfish or indulgent - you tend to put others first...but if you remember that by taking care of yourself, you will have more energy and a better frame of mind for them, it becomes a family investment. Hang in there with us and take one day at a time!
  • Let me ask you something. Do you drink diet sodas?

    I was a candy bar a day person, sometimes two...I would sneak them, literally and hide the wrappers. I gave up my 3 diet Cokes a day when I decided to get healthier, and guess what? No cravings for chocolate since I started drinking at least 60 to 80 oz of water a day. Only this week have I incorporated a block or two of dark chocolate into my diet as a treat for a good work out. It is heart healthy and lower calorie. For some reason, I feel like the diet cokes added to my cravings for sweets, cakes, candy bars, ice cream...Now I just don't even NEED it. I reward myself, but I don't HAVE to have it.

    I haven't lost that much weight YET, but I know the right things to do, and I also see a huge difference in my cravings since I gave up the diet sodas. Maybe there is something to that whole artificial sweetner thing. Anyway, good luck, and don't give up. Just resolve to eat healthier each day by making small changes along the way.

    Diet sodas always made me crave sugar - the fake stuff just made me want it that much more so if I want soda, I drink a glass of real soda and then I'm done. I don't do it frequently (maybe a glass a week - or 2 if its TOM) but knowing I can have what I want, just to moderate my amount, makes a HUGE difference.

    Eat what you like - just measure your amounts. I have 3 kids myself and it's difficult to handle a household, run children around and then do all of the other stuff I need to do on top of it and still work out. I have begun to look forward to my workouts (most of the time) because it's a time where I feel like I'm doing something good for myself and I always feel better after I'm done.

    If you absolutely love chocolate cake - cut yourself a small piece and have it - just log it. Log everything that goes into your mouth so you can see where you are. You may be surprised that, despite how it seems, you're eating more than you think or less than you need. I was shocked when I started logging stuff.

    Now I try to log things before I eat them but if I don't, I log them after. If I'm not home I write it down on a piece of paper and log it when I get home.

    Don't get discouraged. This isn't a diet - it can't be because a diet is a special plan for a specified time to help you lose weight. It's not a change of life. It doesn't change the way you see food. MFP has helped me so so so so much.

    We have some GREAT encouragers here! Keep your chin up and it will be okay. You will overeat your calories some days (everybody does). Don't beat yourself up. Just either spend a few minutes running around in a circle with the little ones or go for a walk pushing the stroller or lay on your back and lift the baby up and down over your chest and get some exercise. You can adjust your exercise to you. That's the added blessing. Each day is a new blessing - God's mercies are new EVERY morning. Be encouraged and keep your chin up!!!!

    You Can Do It!!:flowerforyou:
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Trust me, don't do this because of what you think other people think of you. And is much as people look down on overweight people....there will be just as many people who will resent you because you have improved yourself. I know it's weird but those people are out there.

    Do it for your self because it's healthy, and because it's the right thing to do.

    I've almost lost 50 lbs, .....and I've still got 50 to go.

    People will try to tear you down and make you feel like something is wrong with you because your dedicated but hang in there sis, you can do this!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    First, you're here. Congrats.

    Second, who give's a crap if someone accepts you. If they don't take you for who you are then (pardon my language) F them. You don't need people in your life that will judge you for your size.

    That being said, getting healthy for you and your loved ones is important. Nope, you can't eat all that you want all the time and expect it to be okay, it wont be. You CAN live without chocolate, you just have to try. Have a little here and there, but don't snack on it all day :noway: Replace it with something else, something healthy. It will SUCK at first, but it will turn out great.

    Please please please feel free to hit me up if you want to talk about it but you have to change your thinking on why you're here and what you expect to come from it.

    Good luck to you :drinker:
  • Here's something that has helped me take control of my crazy snacking... http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/free-abs-diet-workout-and-meal-plan
    It's three weeks of meals and snacks, all planned out for you. After being totally anal following the thing to a "T" for a week or 2, I've now started to adapt it to my life & family.

    My biggest issue was just like you, very good main meals, but terrible choices for snacks, especially in the afternoon before dinner! Having something to "dictate" to you what to eat took the pressure off for me. Then, I started logging on here just this week, and I'll keep this going while continuing to use many of the suggestions from the Women's Health meal plans. It's just a start, and once you conquer your cravings (and you WILL, HONEST!!!) you'll have new habits to get you through!

    Good Luck, and have a bath... sounds like you need to pamper yourself a little!:wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • You are being too hard on yourself, you can do it! I am the same way at times though, I just think bad food tastes better! But while I am eating a lot of bad food I just think to myself, "Is it worth it?" It makes me feel good but it doesn't make me look good. Also, everything is fine in moderation, instead of eating a whole bag of hershey minatures just eat 5 and remember that you can eat 5 every day this week if you want. I think that is a better reward than just eating them all at once. And there are also a lot of alternatives to bad food, a lot of healthy recipes on here that are subsititutions for the bad stuff. I hope this helps a little! Just remember, you could look like a super model one day, how cool would that be?! And be healthier than one!:tongue::wink: :smile:

  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Wow, you guys are the best. I take everything that you are saying to heart, and I will remember it each day that I struggle with this. Congrats to everyone who has been doing this, getting healthy for themselves. It's hard with 5 kids to do anything for just me, and to feel like I deserve it...
  • kobrie17
    kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
    Let me ask you something. Do you drink diet sodas?

    I was a candy bar a day person, sometimes two...I would sneak them, literally and hide the wrappers. I gave up my 3 diet Cokes a day when I decided to get healthier, and guess what? No cravings for chocolate since I started drinking at least 60 to 80 oz of water a day.
    I haven't lost that much weight YET, but I know the right things to do, and I also see a huge difference in my cravings since I gave up the diet sodas. Maybe there is something to that whole artificial sweetner thing.

    i completely agree... im not sure where i heard it so you can research it if you want, but artifical sweetner makes your body think its getting sugar and then when it realizes it hasnt it craves it more! it also makes you bloat and changes your brain chemistry making you feel depressed.

    when you cut it out completely you will feel so much thinner, even if you havent lost much weight....like when your period is over kinda-feeling.

    also cutting out foods with lots of refined sugar will stop the cravings. the more sugar you have the more you crave it. so try to eat ALL 100% WHOLE WHEAT PRODUCTS ( pasta, rice, bread, EVERYTHING lol)

    and no juice (except pom)

    eating all whole wheat (not multigrain!) keeps me fuller so much longer, and it usually tastes better (if you had told me this i wouldnt believe you but its true!)

    but soda + juice can be hard to give up! try this...
    make green tea (about a full pot)
    add a small bottle of pom or acai juice
    try flavored seltzer ( no sugar substitute!) idk where you are but it you live in new england by any chance, Polar has some great flavors!
    i've also found that schwepps seltzer doesnt have that weird seltzer after-taste and its satisfying like soda

    that really cuts back on the cravings, but sometimes you just need chocolate. and i CANNOT stop at one piece either. here are some ideas;
    hot chocolate
    chocolate fruit dip and fruit
    chocolate pudding

    good luck and dont worry about the small losses for the big effort..im so right there with you!...if it takes time, that means it wont come back. and you have a family that loves you. the last issue of glamour had a photo shoot with so-called plus size but actually normal -healthy size models (8-12) and it really made me feel confident even though my body is not perfect. check it outt!

    good luck hope this helped!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I don't drink any soda, never have......I drink a ton of water, all of my life. My weaknesses are carbs and chocolate. Really, I beleive it is a total lack of self control and emotional eating. I dont' smoke, I don't drink......I eat. I can't say NO.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Trust me, don't do this because of what you think other people think of you. And is much as people look down on overweight people....there will be just as many people who will resent you because you have improved yourself. I know it's weird but those people are out there.

    Do it for your self because it's healthy, and because it's the right thing to do.

    I've almost lost 50 lbs, .....and I've still got 50 to go.

    I know what you mean. I have people like that at work. I work at a high school but it is the adults who really act like children. One co-worker went off on me because she said I was "in competition with her" since I've lost my weight. I mean, really. So, all she did was motivate me. I have 20 pounds to go. Great job on the 50! You're doing great!:flowerforyou:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I came here about 1.5yrs ago and lost 27 pounds but the weight is creeping back on
    I'm trying to do everything I can to keep it off, but I've been finding eating right and staying on track to be very difficult
    I just picked up a book by Dr Judith Beck which deals with the psychology of getting rid of the weight...trying to change your internal dialogue and stay positive etc

    It's not easy..good luck to you!
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I don't drink any soda, never have......I drink a ton of water, all of my life. My weaknesses are carbs and chocolate. Really, I beleive it is a total lack of self control and emotional eating. I dont' smoke, I don't drink......I eat. I can't say NO.
    You're right. It IS a total lack of self control. You know it. I know it. I have the same problem only I smoke, too. Well, sort of. I've just started Chantix (AGAIN) and have quit. The only way it seems I can stay smoke free is if I'm on Chantix. I'd rather be on the meds than on the cigs...

    Anyway, I too have very little will power. Especially when I'm bored. I always start off with a bang and end with a fizzle. I have ALOT going on in my life right now. You have 5 KIDS!!!! OMG! How are you still sane?! You're a great mom and a wonderful person. You need to stop being so hard on yourself. STOP. TAKE A DEEP BREATH. MEDITATE. Think of all the reasons why you want to suceed to a healthier life. Not what other people think about you, not the skinny clothes. Not the envy you'll make other people feel. Meditate and think about the long, wonderfully fullfilled life you have now and ahead of you. The time to spend with your children and their children. Then, give it to GOD. I have very little will power but without God, I'd have no chance. Trust me. Ask Him to become a part of your journey to a healthy lifestyle. It isn't a magic trick. He will ask you to take responsibility and own this journey but HE will help you if you let Him.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I came here about 1.5yrs ago and lost 27 pounds but the weight is creeping back on
    I'm trying to do everything I can to keep it off, but I've been finding eating right and staying on track to be very difficult
    I just picked up a book by Dr Judith Beck which deals with the psychology of getting rid of the weight...trying to change your internal dialogue and stay positive etc

    It's not easy..good luck to you!

    What is the title of the book?
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