advise for a newbie

so, i am5 days into my journey towards better health. the first couple days i felt so good...not as full, bloated or heavy... i know that seems funny to say being that i am so large but its true. today i am experiencing light headedness, feeling a bit 'cloudy' for lack of a better word, i have had a hovering headache for about 14 hours and just a general feeling of ick... someone told me that i was going through a phase of withdrawals from old eating habits and that my body is going through a definite this true? and if so, how long can i expect this icky feeling?


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I recommend checking out Eat More to Weigh Less--feeling awful like this is possibly your body trying to tell you that what you are doing isn't the healthiest way to lose weight.

    ETA: Go to groups and search Eat More Weigh Less
  • Ifican
    Ifican Posts: 47 Member
    lots of ways to accomplish the same thing. If you are taking in enough fluids and you are not starving yourself if you were a caffeine or sugar junky and you all of a sudden stopped, sure that could be the culprit. Any weight loss program or process should never be about starving yourself. They should all be about better food choices and getting active. Believe it or not, what does every single weight loss, fad, program, gadget or scheme or book have in common. They all say in one way or another to get active. Why because thats the key to all of there success. Dont quite anything cold turkey, start moving around some to get used to it then more as time and body permits. Then make smarter good choices. If tracking calories is what you need great, just dont let it control you life. start small, make small changes and before you know it you will be in a much better place.
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    I felt exactly the same in the early days. I blamed it on sugar/caffeine withdrawal. I'm no expert but it cleared after a few days and never came back so I assume thats all it was.

    Of course you could just be getting sick, a coincidence that has nothing to do with lifestyle change???

    Either way, I hope you feel better soon.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    It's worth keeping in touch with your doctor as you lose weight. Make sure you're not diabetic, for instance. Make sure you are still getting all the necessary nutrients. You should be urinating regularly and it should be pale in color if you're drinking enough fluids.

    I'm assuming you're not trying anything wacky to lose weight fast, like diuretics/diet pills/thyroid pills/laxatives/overheating yourself.
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    thank you all for your comments. they are all worth looking into. i do have an appointment with my doctor on friday so we will see what happens with that.

    i do know that i have cut out enriched foods like white breads, white rice, cereals that are enriched etc. and my diet before was full of enriched foods.

    i am not eating all my allowed calories but i do get close. i do not feel hungry or deprived but will pay attention to that as well. i just know that i want this 'ugh' feeling to go away.

    :) thank you again mfp family